THIS is PLAgiarism

Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
she lives around 45 minutes away from want I should go bust her up?

hehehe...jk, but she does live close to me, I think it is horrible that people do this sort of thing.

nah, Sabina, I abhor violence unless its the kinky, just for fun kind. I think she might be getting the message now, and just think, I could have been writing, instead of this, but hey, i needed something to focus on, like my spelling. i just realized I misspelled plagiarism in the thread title :confused:
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
she lives around 45 minutes away from want I should go bust her up?

hehehe...jk, but she does live close to me, I think it is horrible that people do this sort of thing.
You're my damsel in shining armor!
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
she lives around 45 minutes away from want I should go bust her up?

hehehe...jk, but she does live close to me, I think it is horrible that people do this sort of thing.
I was going to offer the same, no joking though. :D

kidding, kidding!
neonurotic said:
I was going to offer the same, no joking though. :D

kidding, kidding!

ohhhh we could do a tag team thing!!
no, wait...we are talking about beating someone up. :devil:
Finally, I have a reply from mistymommie.

Here it is. I have copied and pasted it below in quote.

I have never claimed it was my own...I always said it was the mood I was in, but I will take it down

My reply below:

You should never post someone's work without giving the authors name whether you got it off an erotic site or some very well known author. They deserve the credit, not you. Apparently, people thought it was your work and you enjoyed the compliments that were given. You never once said it wasn't your work when people said their "Wows!" Let's hope this is a lessoned learned since we both know the site removed the real poets work. The site administrator sent emails saying they have removed them, not you.

Good luck on AFF. Be smart and don't lie about who you truly are. You won't get anywhere in life.

Over and out.

Pow! :catgrin:
saldne said:
Finally, I have a reply from mistymommie.

Here it is. I have copied and pasted it below in quote.

My reply below:

Pow! :catgrin:

Yayyy!! THree thousand cheers for Saldne!! and a great big hug from me :heart:

thank you for helping out :kiss:

well, Dammit, She really did!!

I just peeked at her pages and all the stolen poems are GONE!!! This just tickles me shitless :D

kinda makes up for whats been going on here.


Maria2394 said:
well, Dammit, She really did!!

I just peeked at her pages and all the stolen poems are GONE!!! This just tickles me shitless :D

kinda makes up for whats been going on here.



Yuppers! No more poetry is there. I know she received plenty of loving emails and I say that with much sarcasm. :)
saldne said:
Yuppers! No more poetry is there. I know she received plenty of loving emails and I say that with much sarcasm. :)


I think I love you!!! :heart: not many people would have joined me on this little crusade, youre a good person, Sal

:heart: and hugs

see? the pen IS mightier than the sword


Maria2394 said:
see? the pen IS mightier than the sword
Yeah, when you jab it in just right. :D

Congrats on the victory, y'all.
Liar said:
Yeah, when you jab it in just right. :D

Congrats on the victory, y'all.

LIAR!!!! I Love your troll, is she a good troll? or a bad troll ;)

Maria2394 said:

I think I love you!!! :heart: not many people would have joined me on this little crusade, youre a good person, Sal

:heart: and hugs

see? the pen IS mightier than the sword



I think I love you! - The Partridge Family. I'm singing it now. :devil: :D
From Mistymommie
Actually I have sat here the last 2 days removing them myself and have not heard one word from the site administrators, but thats ok. It's done and I apologize.

She lies, okay. But damn, that is so sincere. I feel bad for yelling at her. :(

and I lie too :D
saldne said:
She lies, okay. But damn, that is so sincere. I feel bad for yelling at her. :(

and I lie too :D

Seems sincere, despite the poor grammar.

hmmm, when I was all upset, I read through her blog trying to determine what makes someone steal someone elses work, or perhaps to see for myself if she was really that dumb. She knows what she did, she doesnt care and everyone here who took an interest knows she took them down because of a concerted GROUP effort against her.

I wish they had deleted her entire blog, tell ya the truth :cool:

but they are down, I made a couple of new friends, very talented people in my opinion and we all did a GOOD thing and lately not a lot of good has been tossed this way, so I will take even the smallest victories. It just amazes me, all the responses to "HER" work--

ohh, I try, <blush> oh, thank you<humble grin>

Saldne, you saw it, she hates she got caught, hehe <grin, giggle blush>

a new poem thief??

yes, thanks to Vampiredust, we have been alerted. I am bumping this thread up to show you guys what we went through to get mine and flyguys and some other Lit poets work pulled from adult friend finder..its not so easy...

Bluerains? she has stolen your poem, Net... unless your real name is Heather Larsen and we know youwouldnt steal liars poems, so heh, you need to get on that site and check out if she has any more of yours, unless you dont mind...

good luck, let me know if I can do anything to help


Last edited:
oh hell!!

she has LIars Things learned rom gravity....another friggin Misty Mommie :(

its so sad that people are so pathetic they steal onether person's soul and hard work, it sucks.

I emailed Myspace. and notified them, but it took emails from several pissed off people to get ours off AFF a while back., we have to bond together and help one another out, I hate lazy-assed thieves...its sad, truly sad

its great, Chris, that you have such a good eye!!


Maria2394 said:
oh hell!!

she has LIars Things learned rom gravity....another friggin Misty Mommie :(

its so sad that people are so pathetic they steal onether person's soul and hard work, it sucks.

I emailed Myspace. and notified them, but it took emails from several pissed off people to get ours off AFF a while back., we have to bond together and help one another out, I hate lazy-assed thieves...its sad, truly sad

its great, Chris, that you have such a good eye!!




Way to go girl! What's the e-mail address you use? BTW, the most recent poem she's posted on that site is one of Art's from 2004, Rain Closet.

hey Leon:)

I just went through and emailed every person who commeneted on the poem she stole from Bluerains. I told them she stole several poems.

Do you have a myspace account? I was only able to email their customer service, but I threatened them with Lit's lawyers, lol

she also has Things learned from gravity by LIar and I am reading the rest now, dont recognoize them all, but VD says she has some of Laurens too.

hell, at least she has great taste, the byatch...
Maria2394 said:
hey Leon:)

I just went through and emailed every person who commeneted on the poem she stole from Bluerains. I told them she stole several poems.

Do you have a myspace account? I was only able to email their customer service, but I threatened them with Lit's lawyers, lol

she also has Things learned from gravity by LIar and I am reading the rest now, dont recognoize them all, but VD says she has some of Laurens too.

hell, at least she has great taste, the byatch...


Hell, I was afraid you were going to say something like that. Don't have a MySpace acct. I wanted to leave a comment for all her friends to see on each piece that was stolen along with a link to the poem at Lit's site. Found I needed to register with MySpace.

She's also got Art's poem A Solitaire Rose. But mostly she seems to be hitting fairly new poems.

Thank you Maria and Leon for your action


She has several of Lauren's:

Sea Breeze
all those people I emailed and told them? I already got 6 responses. From other poets who are disgusted with her actions. Three of them DID ask for links and 2 of them want to come to Lit to be inspired by people who write like blue and lauren and MM :D

so maybe we will get some new blood!!! muawahahahaha :devil:

I hope it works, and thanks Chris, for giving me something to chew on, I have been so bored lately


I tried to post a comment on her blog, but she has it set so that she must approve all comments before they are posted, I guess so she can weed out anyone trying to expose her.

she failed, didnt she