This thread is about me.

anonamouse said:
brand of drunk in Mayberry, some say he was the mayor.

He then went from soused to soup and put his chubby cheeked progeny on a chicken noodle label
i don't know you guys yet, or even my way about the place - spend way too much time hanging on the GB and get caught in chit-chat and fun there when i know i should be here discovering more.

i feel a bit fish-out-of-water here: so many names, so many poems, so many different styles it makes my head swim. i don't know most the terminology, and even though i have read masses of poetry up till now there are names i've heard of but never yet read.. i feel i'm running up an ever increasing slope

the more i read, the less i'm finding time to write

and i don't even know how to submit a poem, just how to post it as a thread :eek:

hello. please bear with me :)

my favourite colours fall within the amethyst/lilac/lavender range, but most soft natural shades i find easy on the eye.

i love icicles
Tathagata said:
He then went from soused to soup and put his chubby cheeked progeny on a chicken noodle label

Otis is the god of elevators and after dinner mints. I have a friend who got the best job he ever had by leaving mints and a $5 bill in an Otis elevator as an offering on his way to the interview. He is quite evangelistic about Otis.

Otis will also help you find a parking spot, but you must tell him a dirty joke as an offering. Not just a dirty joke. A REALLY filthy, disgusting joke, the worst one you can think of.

It works. I can testify.

sophieloves said:
i don't know you guys yet, or even my way about the place - spend way too much time hanging on the GB and get caught in chit-chat and fun there when i know i should be here discovering more.

i feel a bit fish-out-of-water here: so many names, so many poems, so many different styles it makes my head swim. i don't know most the terminology, and even though i have read masses of poetry up till now there are names i've heard of but never yet read.. i feel i'm running up an ever increasing slope

the more i read, the less i'm finding time to write

and i don't even know how to submit a poem, just how to post it as a thread :eek:

hello. please bear with me :)

my favourite colours fall within the amethyst/lilac/lavender range, but most soft natural shades i find easy on the eye.

i love icicles

I think most here have felt as you do. I did. I go to the GB and I feel like a fish out of water because I know so few there. The best thing for me was to read and write as much poetry as possible, and not just here, especially for reading poems. And most here are willing to help, in their own ways. :rose:

Here's how you submit a poem:

1. From the main page, go to the stories index page here.

2. Click on your login at the top of the screen. You'll be on your control panel. From there click on submissions (2nd heading on your left), then click on submit. Then click on submit poem.

4. You must agree to Lit's terms (by clicking the box), type in your poem's title, and choose a category. Don't get too stressed over whether to call your poem erotic or non-erotic (if you're not sure how to classify it): many poems overlap categories and people realize that, I think.

5. Paste your poem in the space provided. Some people here may use the upload. It never works for me, so I stick with copy and paste.

6. Select if you want your readers to vote and/or add public comments. (The default is yes to votes and no to comments.)

7. If you have instructions for the editors (like spacing or adding italics to certain text, whatever), place it in the space provided for notes. *If you leave notes in the body of the poem, they will very likely leave the notes there when your poem is posted.*

8. Click on preview. If you need to edit, do that then preview again. Repeat if necessary. When you feel your poem is ready click submit and you're done.

That's just for regular poems. There are other instructions for illustrated or audio poems. And if you submit and realize you've made a mistake, you can always submit ediited copy to have it corrected.

Good luck. If there's anything else I can do to help let me know.


Something about me?

My father once came home (via train) from NYC with three hairs wrapped in tissue. He told me he met a woman on the train who worked for NEMS and who gave him these hairs. He claimed they were from the head of Ringo Starr. I slept with them under my pillow until my mother threw them away. Too bad she didn't throw them in the back yard. Maybe I could have climbed a stalk to Liverpool.
Last edited:
Angeline said:
My father once came home (via train) from NYC with three hairs wrapped in tissue. He told me he met a woman on the train who worked for NEMS and who gave him these hairs. He claimed they were from the head of Ringo Starr. I slept with them under my pillow until my mother threw them away. Too bad she didn't throw them in the back yard. Maybe I could have climbed a stalk to Liverpool.

Ooh you lucky girl! How fun to have had (possibly) Ringo Starr's hair under your pillow. Great story, Angeline.
just the General Board :) sometimes it's a lot better than others. but it's nearly always lively. trouble is, it eats time up like i don't know what.

anyway, i'm out of here now - nite all :)
Probably where I went first then someone was very snotty to me out of the blue and I told them to stuff it and left!
Tzara said:

Nosferatu is one of my favorite movies. I like old scary movies, probably because they're not scary.


Wait, wait. I just noticed this. Are you kidding? Nosferatu is fucking terrifying!

Like that scene where the mob is looking for Knock and he's climbing like a bloated spider all over the rooftops and then he's out in the fields and there's this incredible shot of a scarecrow in the distance, in silhouette, and this angry mob comes on it and they just start tearing it to shreds and waving it around, what's left of it, first brutalizing it in their frustration and then carrying it with them as they surge off in another direction and then you see Knock's crazy face rising like a moon from behind a huge rock, watching them, and grinning... It's like a live-action Bosch painting, that mob scene.

Ever seen Lugosi in The Raven? He promises to fix Boris Karloff's face so he can be normal but instead mutilates him further and then when it's time to unveil he puts him in a room walled with curtained mirrors, and watches Karloff go insane as he draws curtain after curtain, so Karloff is confronted by his own horrible face everywhere he looks, and just watches him from a little window in the ceiling and laughs and laughs... man. Ridiculously scary.

I'd rather watch a mindfuck than a machete beheading any day of the week. The former is way scarier.

Thanks to Angeline i have just made my first submission 'written while falling asleep'. i wonder if it will be accepted. just have to wait and see :)
Look forward to seeing that ... I compose whilst falling asleep and completely forget the next day
UnderYourSpell said:
Look forward to seeing that ... I compose whilst falling asleep and completely forget the next day
:D if i hadn't been typing it, it would have been forgotten - in fact, would never have got created considering the circumstances of its birthing, lol

i meant to say 'thankyou' :rose:

and is there some limit or accepted form of how many you can submit per day/week/month?
sophieloves said:
Thanks to Angeline i have just made my first submission 'written while falling asleep'. i wonder if it will be accepted. just have to wait and see :)

Oh congrats! It should post tomorrow: poems usually are turned around overnight (though illustrated and audio poems take forever anymore, but yours should move quickly).

I can relate to writing while falling asleep. Last night I fell asleep and dreamed I was reading a poem. :)
Angeline said:
Oh congrats! It should post tomorrow: poems usually are turned around overnight (though illustrated and audio poems take forever anymore, but yours should move quickly).

I can relate to writing while falling asleep. Last night I fell asleep and dreamed I was reading a poem. :)

oh, right... well i'm not expecting anything so i wouldn't be too disappointed if it doesn't get accepted. it's early days yet, very :D

and i saw, LOL... champagne's poem and the lines about an elephant's oral endowments? something like that - what can i say? you dream oddly, which is great! :D
sophieloves said:
oh, right... well i'm not expecting anything so i wouldn't be too disappointed if it doesn't get accepted. it's early days yet, very :D

and i saw, LOL... champagne's poem and the lines about an elephant's oral endowments? something like that - what can i say? you dream oddly, which is great! :D

She fleshed it out, sick little pup that she is. But I did awaken this morning with that rhyme on my lips. :D
Weird, cause I don't see it yet. It must say "approved" on your control panel, right?

Ah well. There's only three new poems up that I see so far today. There must be more coming. I'll wait a while to do the reviews.


sophieloves said:
it's been approved!
Angeline said:
Weird, cause I don't see it yet. It must say "approved" on your control panel, right?

Ah well. There's only three new poems up that I see so far today. There must be more coming. I'll wait a while to do the reviews.

yes, that's right - it was showing as blue 'pending' , now as black 'approved'. so that's where you guys do your reviewing from? i did wonder :)
sophieloves said:
yes, that's right - it was showing as blue 'pending' , now as black 'approved'. so that's where you guys do your reviewing from? i did wonder :)

No, I just knew it would do that from submitting my own poems. :)

I read the New Poems list (usually from the bottom up) and write the bits of review as I find poems that I like, then I pull it all together and put it here.
Angeline said:
She fleshed it out, sick little pup that she is. But I did awaken this morning with that rhyme on my lips. :D

Darling you need to be careful what you say, and what you have on your lips... :rose:
The_Fool said:
Darling you need to be careful what you say, and what you have on your lips... :rose:

Woopsie. <Licks lips. Fluffs hair.> :devil:

Did I mention our new project to you? Hooked on sonnets? <runs before he tackles me...>
sophieloves said:
yes, that's right - it was showing as blue 'pending' , now as black 'approved'. so that's where you guys do your reviewing from? i did wonder :)

And let me add my approval of a rather delightful poem. I've explained, in a little more detail in the comments under your poem, why I took an instant liking to your submission.
underyourspell :kiss: lol, thanks. the enthusiasm is making me grin

lorencino? my very first comment on my very first submission :rose: your kindness makes me :eek: