This thread is about me.

Tzara said:
I cry at movies. If there's anything vaguely sad or uplifting up there on the big screen, however phonily acted or artificially staged, I tear up. The nose gets so congested I can't breathe and my eyes sting. Then I'm stuck trying to discreetly dry my eyes with butter-stained popcorn fingers and the salt that gets rubbed into the corners of my eyes just makes things worse. I think it's osmosis or something.

And don't even mention the big-time tear-jerkers. I mean, I bawled when Spock died, fer Gawd's sake, so I practically go into cardiac arrest at It's a Wonderful Life or To Kill a Mockingbird. They are not allowed in my house. Liable to induce life-threatening levels of histamine.

It's so good to hear about another person who does this. I cried during The Jerk, fer chrissake.

Once, bravely, I went ahead and sat through all of the Jose Ferrer version of Cyrano de Bergerac. At home, by myself, in a relatively soundproof room. The next day, I looked like I'd been doing heroin for a week.


What number and what sort of participation constitutes "group" sex
Spock died? How long after Ange got her slutty little hands on him :devil:


I am going to go weep myself to sleep, oh no wait, it is only 4:00 I am going to go do those things

I love that you cry during movies. Come down to Austin, we can go to the Alamo and you can cry into your Corona and blame the tears on the hot sauce....

Tzara said:
I cry at movies. If there's anything vaguely sad or uplifting up there on the big screen, however phonily acted or artificially staged, I tear up. The nose gets so congested I can't breathe and my eyes sting. Then I'm stuck trying to discreetly dry my eyes with butter-stained popcorn fingers and the salt that gets rubbed into the corners of my eyes just makes things worse. I think it's osmosis or something.

And don't even mention the big-time tear-jerkers. I mean, I bawled when Spock died, fer Gawd's sake, so I practically go into cardiac arrest at It's a Wonderful Life or To Kill a Mockingbird. They are not allowed in my house. Liable to induce life-threatening levels of histamine.

As for group sex? Only if my multiple personalities count.

PS to Tath: I have a CD of Glass's soundtrack for Dracula, though I haven't seen the movie version that uses it. Way scarier, though, was the Giorgio Moroder pop music version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. I still have nightmares from that one.
unpredictablebijou said:
It's so good to hear about another person who does this. I cried during The Jerk, fer chrissake.

Once, bravely, I went ahead and sat through all of the Jose Ferrer version of Cyrano de Bergerac. At home, by myself, in a relatively soundproof room. The next day, I looked like I'd been doing heroin for a week.


What number and what sort of participation constitutes "group" sex

I cry at movies all the time. My favorite to sob over is To Kill a Mockingbird. Boo hoo. Just the thought of Atticus and the children and the injustice. And Boo Radley. Boo hoo Boo.

BTW, the Mooseferatu is too much. He's all over Maine on Halloween.
annaswirls said:
Spock died? How long after Ange got her slutty little hands on him :devil:


I am going to go weep myself to sleep, oh no wait, it is only 4:00 I am going to go do those things

I love that you cry during movies. Come down to Austin, we can go to the Alamo and you can cry into your Corona and blame the tears on the hot sauce....

Actually I never laid a finger on that frigid Vulcan. I was all about Dr. McCoy. And James T. And Chekov. Not Sulu though. Or Scotty.
Angeline said:
Actually I never laid a finger on that frigid Vulcan. I was all about Dr. McCoy. And James T. And Chekov. Not Sulu though. Or Scotty.

oh so you killed Spock through rejection? Evil evil evil.

How about Data? Blow his circuits?

Come on, you gotta submit the story :)
Angeline said:
BTW, the Mooseferatu is too much.
Oh, yeah. It's like Bullwinkle filmed by F. W. Murnau. Completely excellent av, BJ.

Nosferatu is one of my favorite movies. I like old scary movies, probably because they're not scary. I managed to make it through Alien because I had scanned the comic book first (so I knew all the "jump out of the darkness" thingies).

My wife and I went to see John Carpenter's The Fog at, I think, the old UA Cinemas in Seattle when it came out. We went with a couple we know. My wife is not particularly freaked out by scary movies, nor is Jim, the husband in the couple we went with. His wife, Sue, though is jumpy, as am I. So why the hell did she and I sit next to each other? God only knows. Bad move, anyway.

She would shriek. I would shriek. That would make her shriek again. And...

The worst part was the laughter from our respective spouses. Dickwads.

So we're sensitive. Like, get over it.

Just sayin', I am so much not watching Saw, I, II, III, or IV.
Angeline said:
BTW, the Mooseferatu is too much. He's all over Maine on Halloween.

You mean I didn't invent him? I caught some sort of East coast subcultural zeitgeist and just channelled him? Cool!

I'm a dreadful movie crier too. We watched "Cast Away" the other night and I got all stupid and drippy when Wilson was washed away. I plan on crying all the way through HP 7 if they ever get that far.
unpredictablebijou said:
You mean I didn't invent him? I caught some sort of East coast subcultural zeitgeist and just channelled him? Cool!


Well technically you did indeed invent him. But we do have lots of moose and they're pretty active this time of year. There are these signs everywhere. Like in my neighborhood. Yikes!


Your av and my imagination supplied the rest. I'm locking all the doors and windows on Halloween, just in case we're right.
Angeline said:
Well technically you did indeed invent him. But we do have lots of moose and they're pretty active this time of year. There are these signs everywhere. Like in my neighborhood. Yikes!


Your av and my imagination supplied the rest. I'm locking all the doors and windows on Halloween, just in case we're right.

Moosetradamus predicts you'll be alright. But watch out for the Cosa Moostra. I hear they run everything up there.

Wish I lived in a place with moose. I mean, not that I'd get all that close to them or anything. I've heard they're not necessarily as friendly as Bullwinkle.

Go, Whatsamatta U!

unpredictablebijou said:
Moosetradamus predicts you'll be alright. But watch out for the Cosa Moostra. I hear they run everything up there.

Wish I lived in a place with moose. I mean, not that I'd get all that close to them or anything. I've heard they're not necessarily as friendly as Bullwinkle.

Go, Whatsamatta U!


Thank heavens for Moostradamas. I think I'll be fine, too, primarily because I live on the second floor and I don't think moose are keen to climb the stairs, even though the view from the deck is spectacular.

I haven't seen any moose yet this season. Wild turkeys, hawks, eagles, red foxes yes, but no moose. Not that I'd mind meeting this guy:

a confession thread?

I am pretty sure I am bipolar, but my doctor disagrees. I love him but sometimes want to ring his neck.

And, I am afraid of zombies. A totally irrational fear, but I have it nonetheless. and am afraid of being trapped in an elevator so I often take multiple flights o f stairs especially if the elevator is not an Otis, or if it is a really old old one.

Oh yeah...I sometimes have prophetic dreams and years ago, I dreamed the exact final scores of 3 NFL games. Exact. My dad bet on the second and third one and won 2 thousand dollars. I never dreamed a football score again. I think because I used it for evil.

BJ-- I found your Robert Montgomery fascination intriguing. I had you pegged more for a Robert Goulet type ;)

normal jean said:
a confession thread?

I am pretty sure I am bipolar, but my doctor disagrees. I love him but sometimes want to ring his neck.

And, I am afraid of zombies. A totally irrational fear, but I have it nonetheless. and am afraid of being trapped in an elevator so I often take multiple flights o f stairs especially if the elevator is not an Otis, or if it is a really old old one.

Oh yeah...I sometimes have prophetic dreams and years ago, I dreamed the exact final scores of 3 NFL games. Exact. My dad bet on the second and third one and won 2 thousand dollars. I never dreamed a football score again. I think because I used it for evil.

BJ-- I found your Robert Montgomery fascination intriguing. I had you pegged more for a Robert Goulet type ;)


I'm skeered of clowns. They creep me out.

Angeline said:
I'm skeered of clowns. They creep me out.


I watched this documentary movie last night on BET tv...."Rize" about 2 groups of street dancers in south LA. The 2 groups were the Klumpers and the Clowns.
They have chosen to dance rather than join street gangs in an attempt to give their life some meaning and to try to escape the violence.

It was amazing, first to hear the interviews with the members of each group,and then to watch the final dance competition between the 2groups, as well as the aftermath.

Sad, inspiring, and yes...scary at times....I highly recommend it.
tungtied2u said:
I watched this documentary movie last night on BET tv...."Rize" about 2 groups of street dancers in south LA. The 2 groups were the Klumpers and the Clowns.
They have chosen to dance rather than join street gangs in an attempt to give their life some meaning and to try to escape the violence.

It was amazing, first to hear the interviews with the members of each group,and then to watch the final dance competition between the 2groups, as well as the aftermath.

Sad, inspiring, and yes...scary at times....I highly recommend it.

No clowns. Well maybe, but they always make me think of John Wayne Gacy. I feel like they're plotting mayhem under those fake happy faces.

Yes. I have an active imagination. Good for poetry. For life, not always so good. :cool:
Your the second person I have found who is scared of clowns I have never found them funny though and always got bored stiff when taken to the circus. Everyone else would be in stitches and I would wonder what all the hilarity was about. Perhaps I had a sense of humour bypass at an early age because I never get what I call embarrasing humour including a lot of the early British comedy shows. Steptoe and son used to make me criiiiiinge and I can't stand Only Fools and Horses.
tungtied2u said:
I watched this documentary movie last night on BET tv...."Rize" about 2 groups of street dancers in south LA. The 2 groups were the Klumpers and the Clowns.
They have chosen to dance rather than join street gangs in an attempt to give their life some meaning and to try to escape the violence.

It was amazing, first to hear the interviews with the members of each group,and then to watch the final dance competition between the 2groups, as well as the aftermath.

Sad, inspiring, and yes...scary at times....I highly recommend it.

I saw that too, but a long while back.

yeah, it was pretty creepy
normal jean said:
and am afraid of being trapped in an elevator so I often take multiple flights o f stairs especially if the elevator is not an Otis, or if it is a really old old one.
My fear of elevators is documented by a shrink. I've got crazy-papers and everything.

What's an Otis?
Liar said:
What's an Otis?
Brand of elevators (lifts).

I'm scared of heights. To the point that watching certain movie sequences, like the climactic fight sequence in the godawful but fun James Bond movie A View to a Kill (a scene staged atop the Golden Gate bridge) makes me sick.

Quite physically sick. You don't want the details.

But it's weird what bothers me and what doesn't. Standing next to a floor-to-ceiling window in a 40-floor building, I'm so freaked I might pass out. Paint the window black up to a little above my waist and I'll likely be fine.

I'd say that would qualify as an unreasoning fear.

But then, flying, however small the plane and bouncy the ride, doesn't faze me at all. Other than I get pissed off when I slosh coffee on my lap.

The brain. It's an odd organ.
I adore heights the higher the better .. I get quite orgasmic especially in a plane at take off! But I have to sit by a window or I get claustrophobia and flying at night affects me like that too. I find enclosed spaces very claustrophobic too but I will go underground in caves and such just to prove I can do it. At one time I couldn't go on the underground .. the walls used to close in on me and I still couldn't go on it alone. Next year when we go to Las Vegas I want to go on that glass bridge over the Grand Canyon.
annaswirls said:
Spock died? How long after Ange got her slutty little hands on him :devil:


I am going to go weep myself to sleep, oh no wait, it is only 4:00 I am going to go do those things

I love that you cry during movies. Come down to Austin, we can go to the Alamo and you can cry into your Corona and blame the tears on the hot sauce....
That was Dr. Spock that died.
The other Spock was reassembled though nerdology.
Like L. Ron Hubbard
Like Bill Gates

all notable dead people,
like the Beatles.
They are all dead now, except nobody bothered to tell Ringo
Liar said:
My fear of elevators is documented by a shrink. I've got crazy-papers and everything.

What's an Otis?
brand of drunk in Mayberry, some say he was the mayor.