Thrown to the wolves

Desert Amazon said:
I always asked them, "With a straight face?"
I am so stealing this line!

If, uh, well, if i ever do any online chatting again, that is, which is pretty fucking doubtful, quite frankly. I figure i've done my share of talking to clueless imbiciles and now it's someone else's turn to babysit 'em for awhile.
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i just have to share....

a response I sent to a Dom. He jumped right in with the "Master" stuff. He repeatedly sent erotic correspondance in spite of the fact that I had told him that sort of thing didn't interest me, ad anauseaum.

Here was my final response to him:

Subject: RE: I am naive, but ...

I may be naive, but I believe BDSM extends well beyond the cock and cunt. I believe it begins well before the cock and cunt. I believe that a solid foundation for a D/s relationship or any relationship is to work from the top down....the mind, the heart and then, the body.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who captures my mind and heart has the slut of his dreams. I will submit completely to that One.

I am not interested in on line lustful activities. I am not interested in having a playmate. I am only interested in knowing someone and exploring the potential for a 24/7 future built on trust, devotion, mutual respect and then, the Orgasm.

If all I need is someone to play with my body and make me cum, that is easy to find. I have found that. I need someone who is able to stimulate more than my clit.

These are my thoughts. I anxiously await the opportunity to hear yours....on the matter.
MissT, that was a brilliant post!

I hope you will share his reply (edited, naturally) if and when you get one.

I can almost hear some men scratching their heads in puzzlement ... mind? heart? whaaaaa??????
Well, he responded that I intrigued and excited him.

Stated that he was no longer considering anyone else !

A few nights later, he e mailed me as he saw me on line late. His message said,

"At this time of night,
you should be only worshipping my cock."

That was the end of it.
I reminded him that he didn't "own " me and that just because I show as online, it doesn't mean I am even home.

Wished him well and good bye.

I think your response in its truthfullness, intellect and depth may just be the most beautiful text I have viewed in a very long time.

Thank you , Shadowsdream.

I am considering saving it for wolves as they pop up in my e mail box!

That was a good reply MissT

I wish you well with your contiuing search.
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It certainly does have copy and paste merit!


The text in itself shows your value to a Dominant that is also searching for a reality that encompasses the full spectrum of D/s in My opinion.
If it helps, it's the same for this man.

I've had ads at various times at alt, bondage, bianca's and most eveywhere since '95 or so. In fact, I've pretty much only only dated women I met online since that time.

In that time, I've been stalked, lied to, scammed for abortion cash (I had a vasectomy eons ago, so that one's actually a treat)....and been out with more than a few gals with scales definitely not legal for trade.

Women tend to lie about marital status, age, height and weight.

Lit is the only place where the general comprehension level is above average.

I treasure this place for its' amazing range of articulate, sprited, intelligent, open-minded women, even though it's the only place where I've never met someone in person.

Oy..the stories I could tell.

Still smiling;
Re: i just have to share....

MissTaken said:
a response I sent to a Dom. He jumped right in with the "Master" stuff. He repeatedly sent erotic correspondance in spite of the fact that I had told him that sort of thing didn't interest me, ad anauseaum.

Here was my final response to him:

Subject: RE: I am naive, but ...

I may be naive, but I believe BDSM extends well beyond the cock and cunt. I believe it begins well before the cock and cunt. I believe that a solid foundation for a D/s relationship or any relationship is to work from the top down....the mind, the heart and then, the body.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who captures my mind and heart has the slut of his dreams. I will submit completely to that One.

I am not interested in on line lustful activities. I am not interested in having a playmate. I am only interested in knowing someone and exploring the potential for a 24/7 future built on trust, devotion, mutual respect and then, the Orgasm.

If all I need is someone to play with my body and make me cum, that is easy to find. I have found that. I need someone who is able to stimulate more than my clit.

These are my thoughts. I anxiously await the opportunity to hear yours....on the matter.

Miss T, please give the rest of us permission to use this.

I'd much rather spend my time answering those who actually took the time to consider what i said instead of the "wolves".

cymbidia said:
I am so stealing this line!

That line was a great one to steal BUTT, I gotta go for the brass ring on what I stole from MissT.

I may be naive, but I believe BDSM extends well beyond the
cock and cunt. I believe it begins well before the cock and cunt. I
believe that a solid foundation for a D/s relationship or any
relationship is to work from the top down....the mind, the heart
and then, the body.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who captures my mind and heart
has the slut of his dreams. I will submit completely to that One.

I am not interested in on line lustful activities. I am not
interested in having a playmate. I am only interested in knowing
someone and exploring the potential for a 24/7 future built on
trust, devotion, mutual respect and then, the Orgasm.

If all I need is someone to play with my body and make me cum,
that is easy to find. I have found that. I need someone who is
able to stimulate more than my clit.

These are my thoughts. I anxiously await the opportunity to
hear yours....on the matter.
Edited to read...

I may be naive, but I believe BDSM extends well beyond the
cock and cunt. I believe it begins well before the cock and cunt. I
believe that a solid foundation for a D/s relationship or any
relationship is to work from the top down....the mind, the heart
and then, the body.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who captures my mind and heart
has the Master of her dreams. I will Dominate that one completely.

I am not interested in on line lustful activities. I am not
interested in having a playmate. I am only interested in knowing
someone and exploring the potential for a 24/7 future built on
trust, devotion, mutual respect and then, the Orgasm.

If all I need is someone to play with my body and make me cum,
that is easy to find. I have found that. I need someone who is
able to stimulate more than my cock.

These are my thoughts. I anxiously await the opportunity to
hear yours....on the matter.

Artful, If you hadn't edited that post I was going to ask to watch somebody stimulate your clit. :p

MG, when the time is right, you will meet him. I learned alot about my D/s needs from some of the toads I encountered during my own search. If nothing else, they teach you exactly what you don't want or need from a Dom. Good luck.
Dearest Des

Desdemona said:
Artful, If you hadn't edited that post I was going to ask to watch somebody stimulate your clit. :p

I now have coffee colored spit-take oozing from the *TOP* of my monitor to the *BOTTOM*,...and though it may seem to be a BDSM related subject...
just WAIT till I talk to PZ!!!
Desdemona said:

MG, when the time is right, you will meet him. I learned alot about my D/s needs from some of the toads I encountered during my own search. If nothing else, they teach you exactly what you don't want or need from a Dom. Good luck.

Thanks for the encouragement Desdemona.

I think i've finally gone through most of the toads and now have a couple of possibilities. Now i feel like i'm lost with no clue which road is the right onw. Too much of a good thing really isn't what i expected to be thinking right now.

I'm going to TN for the weekend, i'm taking a complete computer break, i'm going to try and clear my brain completely and hopefully when i get back Sunday i'll have some sort of direction.

I think MissTaken has hit upon one tool that can easily be adopted to aid you in your search,... wit!

Couple that with a FUN mentality, and a healthy dose of patience,...the journey is not THAT bad,...REALLY! :rose:
Thanks artful, i saved Miss T's response. I haven't had the need to use it this past week. I've been actually overwhelmed by the promising contacts i've had and the others have been receiving a polite, good luck i hope you find what you're looking for note.

I thought the throwing myself into the midst of this was the hard part. I was soooo wrong.
Re: Dearest Des

artful said:

I now have coffee colored spit-take oozing from the *TOP* of my monitor to the *BOTTOM*,...and though it may seem to be a BDSM related subject...
just WAIT till I talk to PZ!!!

Obviously, my work here is done. ~snickering~

MG... have a great weekend. I'm glad you have some promising contacts.

I am so very glad that things are looking up!

Have a wonderful weekend!

I hope you enjoy, mg.

And certainly feel free to cut and paste that response.

I did!

Unfortunately, I had to become aggressive and "tell off" four Doms last week. Cutting and pasting is certainly a better use of my time.

Oh , Lance and artful?
Yes, there are many submissive "players" out there too. I am not suggesting that there are no wolverines!
