To everyone who I've pissed off

The entire unabridged rules of Aussie Rules:

1) Wear a singlet. Sleeves are not allowed in any way shape or form. If we allow sleeves, we could go to pads and helmets next.
2) Get a mullet. Preferably of the Pat Sharp variety, but a Kevin Keegan will suffice if you prefer.
3) ....Missing pages....

I once took an American to see a game of rugby and he nearly fainted. I then took him home and showed him the Aussie Rules vs Gaelic football cross code match. Very entertaining.

The Earl
Re: Aussie ?Rules

oggbashan said:
Hadn't heard of that rule. I knew that death was the only excuse accepted for not continuing to play (and that only excused the corpse).


Sissies! He could still be the ghoul keeper, couldn't he?
That's shocking Svenska. Absolutely appalling. Like it :D.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
That's appalling. Well done.

A dyslexic man walks into a bra.

Beat that.

The Earl

Easy, my friend.

Did you hear about the kidnapping yesterday?

His mother woke him up.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Cracker quality.

The Earl
Mildly amusing, but I get the feeling I'm missing something.

The Earl
Give it a miss

Originally posted by TheEarl Mildly amusing, but I get the feeling I'm missing something.

Dear Earl,
Don't feel bad. I don't get it at all, because I've never read any Harry Potter books. I take pride in that. Gread pride.
See, the guy with the injured hand is Sirius Black, an animagus. He can transform himself into a big, black dog.

Hence the paw-joke.
I pologize in advance

But this whole thread reminds me of a song by Suicidal Tendencies entitled, "You can't bring me down."

"And if I offend you? Well maybe you need to be offended.
"Here's my apology, and one more thing...F@ck You.
"You can't bring me down."

Oh, and btw, you've never bothered me personally, so keep on doing what you do.

Re: I pologize in advance

princejonny said:

...F@ck You.
Now I'm offended. Use the word, the whole word and be proud of it.

FUCK THIS, and FUCK THAT. FUCK THEM, and FUCK YOU. Do you want to FUCK ME, cos I want to FUCK YOU. They are FUCKing crazy, and so are you. You are a FUCK head.
Excuse the FUCK out of me, if I have omitted any. Feel free to add your favorites.

Thank you. I now have that out of my fucking system. And, I wasn't really offended. I have been reading this thread, looking for a way to get into it. I wanted to FUCKing participate. Everybody is saying they are offended, so that was what I chose.

Actually, I could say I am offended you Brits and other Euros are bad mouthing our American football players. I bet they still have all of their FUCKing teeth.
OK, now I think I have it out of my FUCKing system. If not, I'll FUCKing let you know.

Edited because I FUCKing missed something. So, FUCK me!:D
Last edited:
Re: Re: I pologize in advance

DVS said:
Now I'm offended. Use the word, the whole word and be proud of it.

FUCK THIS, and FUCK THAT. FUCK THEM, and FUCK YOU. Do you want to FUCK ME, cos I want to FUCK YOU. They are FUCKing crazy, and so are you. You are a FUCK head.
Excuse the FUCK out of me, if I have omitted any. Feel free to add your favorites.

Thank you. I now have that out of my fucking system. And, I wasn't really offended. I have been reading this thread, looking for a way to get into it. I wanted to FUCKing participate. Everybody is saying they are offended, so that was what I chose.

Actually, I could say I am offended you Brits and other Euros are bad mouthing our American football players. I bet they still have all of their FUCKing teeth.
OK, now I think I have it out of my FUCKing system. If not, I'll FUCKing let you know.

Edited because I FUCKing missed something. So, FUCK me!:D


well you two seem to be pretty smart...

what does "UFFDA !!!" mean?

Someone suggested it might mean Un-Fucking....
but didn't know the rest.
reohoko said:

well you two seem to be pretty smart...

what does "UFFDA !!!" mean?

Someone suggested it might mean Un-Fucking....
but didn't know the rest.
Personally, I have never heard of UFFDA, but not knowing about something has never stopped me from talking about it before, so...

Curious, though, how can you "un" fuck? You can begin to fuck/start fucking, fuck, finish fucking, stop fucking/quit fucking etc., but to un-fuck is a new one on me. Maybe it is an "un" word.

UN would seem to me to mean the reverse of an action such as to do or undo, tie or untie. But again, to unfuck? That is unreal to me.:eek:

Are you sure that post wasn't to see how unsmart I am?
No, I am really confused...

in a feedback someone said that and I haven't a clue what it means. I love short cut words..


but I have no idea what UFFDA is
oh well, it's ok.
you sure on the UFFDA or was it maybe a typo on the feedback writer's part? Still though, if it's correct, I've never heard of it.

But, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've just never been up on the shortened-abbreviated sort of words.

Personally, I like to use the whole word and relish it for all its glory. Not that there wouldn't be a time for a shortened version, I've never been one to like a quickie, either.

It's sort of the same thing, if you like using words.
But then, my above post is OIMO. YMMV, and all that.

HEY!!! you lost me someplace... come find me when you get a chance. :)

I need more coffee... actually, nevermind, I am going back to bed.