To keep the review thread clean...

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My Erotic Tale said:
New Poems Reviews
For Sunday October 2nd 2005

Steamy Night by RedHairedandFriendly

Waiting for a moment, holding on to bliss.
One presses on the other, a soft and gentle kiss.

this poem is laced with erotic words and the flow was easily felt, as RF said earlier; it seems there are quite a few erotic writes today. This one caught my eye more for personal preference in reading than anything else but I believe you will find it a treat as well.

Thank you for the mention in the reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Red :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
I make love to strangers
by Bedtime Story
This is this writers first submission into poetry. Also ... My Pick for today ~!!! This poet takes us on a lil trip. Wanna know where? Ya have to read this one, and I just bet, you might be surprised. Welcome to the poetry boards BedTimeStory and Great first submission here !!! :devil:


For those of you who are regulars here - this isn't my first submission. I normally write under "trendyredhead" but due to some unfortunate circumstances involving my church finding out about my little hobby and excommunicating me, my stories have moved to "Bedtime Storyteller." Thought I'd throw in a little poem to go with them - hence, "I Make Love to Strangers." The rest of my poems remain under "trendyredhead."

:kiss: red/b.s.
Crazyday is postponing my reviews.

They will be up when I get home tonight. If someone would like to jump in this Monday, please feel free.

Otherwise, they'll be around after the crazyday ends. :)
flyguy69 said:
Anna missed two: Clarity and Cyanotic are both compelling exercises of language. Even if you don't understand the message, the word choices and phrases are delightful.

thanks Fly, for this and the comments-- they are really just about stripping it down for love and Harry Houdini's wife--metaphor for having to wait while someone you love gets out of a jam on their own.

and the canopy is not the tree kind :) but the green awning kind, I really should change it!

and to anon- thanks! I am glad you found them to be interesting although devoid of meaning... same old same old yeah it's just me what can I say :cool: just jenny from the block I don't bite you can feel free to talk to me as a person anytime, my box is open :) and I would love to hear more about what your comments mean. I know it is asking for your time...and that is selfish.

off to the races!

annaswirls said:
thanks Fly, for this and the comments-- they are really just about stripping it down for love and Harry Houdini's wife--metaphor for having to wait while someone you love gets out of a jam on their own.

and the canopy is not the tree kind :) but the green awning kind, I really should change it!

and to anon- thanks! I am glad you found them to be interesting although devoid of meaning... same old same old yeah it's just me what can I say :cool: just jenny from the block I don't bite you can feel free to talk to me as a person anytime, my box is open :) and I would love to hear more about what your comments mean. I know it is asking for your time...and that is selfish.

off to the races!

Don't change canopy, it works for trees, it works for awnings, hell it works for stealth fighters,
WickedEve said:
Thank you for mentioning Bushman's poem! I only check the poems every few days, and I would have totally missed that one. It is quirky and a nice change. Also want to second the poem by Dustystar. If you only get to read one, then make that the one. :)

damn I totally missed it! Really really my apologies, it was the last one in line today, but a great read.Thank you!
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anonamouse said:
Oh, wow
I forgot who I am
twelveoone here
this leaps beyond reason, I don't think many will understand, THAT is the point of mystery, you don't understand it, you watch it unfold, and it takes you from the inside.
I guess a three-way rec on this.

I honest to god do not see this poem as being mysterious at all. Some of my poems are so representative that they do lose the audience-- but they are what I write, so I write them. This one I thought was pretty straightforward? I must be outta my mind.

Thank you and you-- for believing there is something in there worth looking for,

Hello, people. I'm going to be away most of the day, so my recommendations will only appear very late tonight, or even only tomorrow morning, unless one or several of you jump in. If you have some free time and an impatient soul, please do. Thank you. :D:rose:
hi Chris,
have you tried re-submitting the poem with a notation in the 'note' area of the submission form stating it's to correct an existing title typo?

ty ribbie...

for the nice mention...although tis not as unusual as one would think...its about the ink world of souls like 1201 and those who love to get into the mind of poets and wring out the unsung message..or perhaps spin it a bit... ;)
My Erotic Tale said:
"New Poem Reviews"
Sunday 9, 2005


Denial by RedHairedandFreindly

a tad bit of wit and an excellent flowing poem <my opinion> I like this type of poetry, some do not, hince the difference of us all. A good topic and a very nice delivery.

~Thank you for your comments on my poems~ :rose: Red

Thank you for mentioning my poem "No More Tears" in the reviews section!


Art & sGp

Many, many thanks for your kind praise on the New Poems Review. What can I say? :eek: The muse snuck up behind me and smacked me upside the head with her 2x4, and the words just flowed. Some in my workbook may never see the light of day {the muse keeps sticking out her tongue and refuses to help}.

Let me see what fun mischief I can get into; smiles all done, perhaps a fisherman's lake or a take on the ramblings of Minister Pat {Robertson, that is <chuckles n grins>}.
I’m recommending It’s an odd wind by wildsweetone because she’s worked on it and it turned out well, a nice little window onto her world.

thanks for the mention tess.

ps - there are no bantams around here.
pps - there is also no guy with a stiletto sticking out of his chest lying behind the back of the cafe. *giggling*

sorry, ignore me. i'm in a whacko mood.
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Just wanted to give a humble thank you to Lauren Hynde for the review yesterday.
Also thank you to all others who read/voted/commented on any of my poems. It is very much appreciated.
My Erotic Tale said:
New Poems Reviews
Saturday 15, 2005


Kindred Spirit by RedHairedandFriendly

I enjoyed the feel of this poem, it was touching and the rythm was excellent.

You're the light in my darkness,
the shadow in my day.
You're the hand that holds me close,
in many loving ways.


Thank you so very much for your compliments, and your mention. Also thank you to LeBroz and RhymeFairy for your kind comments. They are all very much enjoyed and appreciated.

Red :rose:
Originally Posted by duckiesmut
Two more you should peek at before sneaking off to your respective Saturdays:

Scenic Route
by jthserra


Closing Plum
by Dustystar

Seconded recommendation on both accounts. Easily the two best posted today. Thank you for the promptness, Duckie!

I suppose if you like "What am I saying poetry," you'll find favor in these poems but if you read ALL the poems you'll find they are not the best posted poems of the day. That may be your opinion but clearly not all like this type poetry. But thank you for expressing your likes and pick for the day. We all have different tastes and the poems vast versatility quinches us all with what we like. MOSTLY~
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