To keep the review thread clean...

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Tristesse said:
That's a GIRL in Tath's AV?


P.S. - Yours is very tasty WE. :D
Oh, that's the "before butt" taken this past winter. As soon as I finished all my assercises, I'll take an after butt pic.
WickedEve said:
At least, I said you were pretty!


that's akin to
"you sure got a purdy mouth
now squeeeeeeeeeeel piggy"

and what's wrong with your ass?
It looks fine to me
it's down right.........purdy
Tathagata said:

that's akin to
"you sure got a purdy mouth
now squeeeeeeeeeeel piggy"

and what's wrong with your ass?
It looks fine to me
it's down right.........purdy
Hey... wait a minute. Are you calling my ass purdy? Purdy=piggy. So you're saying... Gimme a minute to work this out in my head.
WickedEve said:
Hey... wait a minute. Are you calling my ass purdy? Purdy=piggy. So you're saying... Gimme a minute to work this out in my head.


you have a lovely ass
Tathagata said:
you missed it
it was a huge white penis
Huge can be good. White is fine but not necessary. How about shape? I'm currently involved with an oval penis. The shaft is rather flattened out like a cobra's hood. It's excitingly scary.
WickedEve said:
Huge can be good. White is fine but not necessary. How about shape? I'm currently involved with an oval penis. The shaft is rather flattened out like a cobra's hood. It's excitingly scary.

I wish you weren't so shy we could really have a nice chat

I in no way resemble a cobra...
I have been called scary...but my penis hasn't
Tathagata said:
I wish you weren't so shy we could really have a nice chat

I in no way resemble a cobra...
I have been called scary...but my penis hasn't
Am I too shy? Want to see my pussy? No, a picture wouldn't do it justice. I'll just write a poem about it. I'll use metaphors like bud, petal, flower--naughty words like that.

Eve's in the Garden with a snake. Go figure.
WickedEve said:
Am I too shy? Want to see my pussy? No, a picture wouldn't do it justice. I'll just write a poem about it. I'll use metaphors like bud, petal, flower--naughty words like that.

Eve's in the Garden with a snake. Go figure.

Try to sneak a suckling pig into the poem
Lauren Hynde said:
And guess what the snake says...

The answer is in my sig line
And he says this after Eve asks, "What's a nice coil like you doing in a tree like this?"
Tathagata said:
better than a friendly aunt
I think you should write a poem about a friendly aunt and her suckling pig with the oval... tail. And they lived happily ever after in a garden with purdy, wet flowers.

Theres something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear...


I can feel it
Comin in the air tonight...
Hold on!!

and she looked at the bottle named Drink Me

and the word was made flesh

and Blessed art thou a monk swimming...
What is this thaaaaang about your ass Eve

it is PERFECT in the before pic

now youre doing exercises it's gonna get all scrawny and gnarly

if t'aint broke (etc)
Re: What is this thaaaaang about your ass Eve

it is PERFECT in the before pic

now youre doing exercises it's gonna get all scrawny and gnarly

if t'aint broke (etc)
My lover thinks it out of shape (He wants it mouth watering) I suppose it jiggled too much when he slapped it. He says he likes my "wide" ass because he wants some ass to grab when he's blip, blip, blipping, but who knows about some men.
I may trade him in on one of those Vikings, JC. One of the semi-clean, flower toting Vikings. I bet they ain't picky 'bout no meaty ass on a wench. :D
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