"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Sara Crewe said:
How can anyone expect me to behave
in clothes secured with bows that smile
at everyone who stares at them. I know

they are flirting behind my back, inviting
fingers to give them a tug while they spread
rumours of a body knotted in convention

ready to be untied. It scares me
to be two strings away from standing
naked in front of you. It scares me

because if you worked them free
I don’t know if I would simply pull
principles up around me and pretend

the stain on my skin was embarrassment
or would I watch the wet heat shrink away
the circle of clothes around my feet, embrace

the silence with an enigmatic smile
that would turn you ‘round like a carousel.
Your eyes hooked on me no matter where

your body moved. Would you feel
dizzy when you came around or wonder
who was standing and who was spinning

or if either of us was ready to get off.

*raising hand* Um, Sara... I'm ready to get off!
Friday, March 10

Sorry this is so hard to read, but my throat is killing me. I suppose I could YELL, but ouch! That hurts! Mercifully, there are no new poems today, so I don’t have to talk much.

But I do have a bit of news: I am unable to do the Friday reviews for awhile. Duckiesmut has generously offered to pick them up. She will leave Wednesdays to Tzara and start doing Fridays next week. A heartfelt thanks to Miss Smut.

Now for some hot tea mixed with lemon juice and crushed codeine tablets.
I liked reading this one a lot. :)

clutching_calliope said:
He was blessed with an ability
to say it all wrong
at the worst possible time. It was a genuine

gift, like someone had slit the sandbags
of his moral barriers and his ineptitude
came spilling over

the drylands in a rush to flatten
every scruffy shrub
with a metal-toed

boot. He’d pull faces into putty
O’s while his remained impassive, if not
a little surprised.


he’d ask and look about, palms
shiny up, shoulders raised.

You all were thinking it.

I liked having him to blame
for me thinking it.
:rose: rybka, for noticing my illustrated po. always appreciate the readers. thank you Sir.
Been reading the new poems for today. I have to say
Welcome to all the new poets.
Also I have to say ...

Wow ... we have a lotta great poems out nowadays.
Where the heck ya'll been hiding? Love all the new illustrated
poetry and all the new thoughts ...

Mmmmm fresh blood ~~ Grrrr


Tathagata said:
Thanks to neo and all who participated in this
It was hard but it was fun.
It's good to see we can still get together and write and inspire each other.
Some very good poetry came out of this for me and for many others I saw
Namaste' to all

ditto, and then some. :rose:
Last edited:
annaswirls said:

I hope that you get the critique you are looking for-- it is easy to misread helpful suggestions for criticism, so if you feel someone is being to harsh, just write them a little note, people here are good and decent. Well, you know, they are at least friendly, known to be indecent.


I hope you feel comfortable expressing your opinions as well, but respect your choice to be silent. Just remember your voice is welcome. Can you put a link to your work up?

Thanks and welcome!


Oh...sorry, forgot the link part...ok, hold on-

Waiting for You

With Your Words

Flame Tail
neonurotic said:

Again, much thanks ya'll. You're fabulous!


Thanks neon for the challenge. While it might make me throw out reasonable and lousy poetry impulsively, it at least lends a little consistency with the writing.

Thank YOU Neo for putting this together for us. I might join back in, it was good discipline!


I think my favorite part was getting to scroll through all of the participants poems! Much faster than New Poems, everything being right there. Wonderful, I am impressed!!!



neonurotic said:
Thank you Poets for pulling together and making this one of the most successful challenges I've seen here. I enjoyed all of your poems, and yes, I read them all. You all did some good stuff here. Hopefully, you'll return and start again when you feel creativity lagging and need a "boot camp" to get you into shape.

In the order of the last poem of attempt number one:

Tathagata First and thirtieth

sandspike First and thirtieth

TheRainMan First and thirtieth

neonurotic First and thirtieth

SelenaKittyn First and thirtieth

Tzara First and thirtieth

Angeline First and thirtieth

clutching_calliope First and thirtieth

champagne1982 First and thirtieth

Liar First and thirtieth

annaswirls First and thirtieth

wildsweetone First and thirtieth

Man Ray First and thirtieth

Again, much thanks ya'll. You're fabulous!

ps - I'm wondering if flyguy's attempts will hit 30 before his poems do ;)

thirty one????
thirty one????
thirty one????
you people are the maschocistic maniacs of poetry

Jane! Get me off this crazy thing!

and I do know the world needs more poetry, just not from me, not today....
A few questions:

I wrote poems over the weekend, but didn't post them. Does that mean I have to restart?

also, since so many folks hit 30, does that mean the project is over? (I started late, after all...)

Ah well, in a way it doesn't matter. I've been inspired to write more, and that's always a good thing!

Thanks for that!


I think I learned more reading so many poems every day, than I did writing them... it's been quite a ride... thank you all, you are very, very talented poets... :cathappy:
Neo- there is a good chance Lauren will hit 30-years-old before I get 30 poems in a row! But I see that Sabina is going down with me. :D
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