Tombstone at High Noon

*brings out the measuring tape*

*orders extra boards*

Ok, let the carnage begin.
Hmmmm...tough choice here.

On the one side, we have Ms. Joad, whom I understand makes a mean lasagne, bakes excellent cookies, and turns a tidy phrase.

But on the other side, Ms. Hatfield, is laid up recovering from surgery, has painkilling drugs, and drives a sporty mini.... ( all of which make a quick getaway easier if my offering sucks..)

:rolleyes: OK...I'm verse for the Hatfields....if you'll have me ma'am...:rose:
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'kay Doll. I don't know why I'm such an easy mark for you. But I want to be the wildcard. Never know when the need for form and function will seduce me. Or when I want to mix the two.

Face it. It's not just the sonnets. We really like each other. :D

Hmmmm...tough choice here.

On the one side, we have Ms. Joad, whom I understand makes a mean lasagne, bakes excellent cookies, and turns a tidy phrase.

But on the other side, Ms. Hatfield, is laid up recovering from surgery, has painkilling drugs, and drives a sporty mini.... ( all of which make a quick getaway easier if my offering sucks..)

:rolleyes: OK...I'm verse for the Hatfields....if you'll have me ma'am...:rose:
Of course! Blood is thicker than scotch (shhh.. don't tell the Joads about the moonshine I've been lacing their's with. They'll be blind soon enough, I reckon, then it's just a matter of lying to them about what the topic will be.)

I'll keep the engine warm :D.
Hmmmm...tough choice here.

On the one side, we have Ms. Joad, whom I understand makes a mean lasagne, bakes excellent cookies, and turns a tidy phrase.

But on the other side, Ms. Hatfield, is laid up recovering from surgery, has painkilling drugs, and drives a sporty mini.... ( all of which make a quick getaway easier if my offering sucks..)

:rolleyes: OK...I'm verse for the Hatfields....if you'll have me ma'am...:rose:

It's ok. I'd choose painkillers over cookies, too. :p

Alright, here's what I have:

The Joads:
Form Poet: Angeline
Wild Card: Fool

The Hatfields:
Form Poet: Champagne
Free Verse Poet: tungtied2u

We also have DA and Sara who have not picked sides. How bout I assign DeepAsleep as the Free Verse gunslinger for the Joads and Sara can be the Hatfields' Wild Card?

As soon as I get a confirmation that that's alright with everyone, I'll assign the particulars of the challenge. We'll calculate an appropriate high noon from that point.

mua ha ha.

Alright, here's what I have:

The Joads:
Form Poet: Angeline
Wild Card: Fool

The Hatfields:
Form Poet: Champagne
Free Verse Poet: tungtied2u

We also have DA and Sara who have not picked sides. How bout I assign DeepAsleep as the Free Verse gunslinger for the Joads and Sara can be the Hatfields' Wild Card?

As soon as I get a confirmation that that's alright with everyone, I'll assign the particulars of the challenge. We'll calculate an appropriate high noon from that point.

mua ha ha.

Such a feud has never before been seen... I got plenny of shot to go 'round the Hatfield clan... and moonshine, I got lots of moonshine.
Hand that jug over here. It's friday night.

Did I notice Liar volunteering to be the undertaker?

We'uns just need a box builder here ... the family plot ain't much more than a Hatfield gene stew, so somethin' to keep the bones in one pile, that's all. Liar is gonna make a killin' buryin' Joads though.
Hand that jug over here. It's friday night.

Did I notice Liar volunteering to be the undertaker?


Hey if you can get just one one poet, eagleyez will write free verse for the Joads (<refrains from singing "My Man">). Then you'd have two-four person teams. Liar wants to write, right? Just offering, if not ee will do something else constructive like make my dinner. :D
Such a feud has never before been seen... I got plenny of shot to go 'round the Hatfield clan... and moonshine, I got lots of moonshine.

Pffft! I know the Fool. He has single-malt scotch. That should oil our muses. And I'm not going into detail about what we have up here in the great white north but it's green and it makes me giggle when I write sonnets.
Hey if you can get just one one poet, eagleyez will write free verse for the Joads (<refrains from singing "My Man">). Then you'd have two-four person teams. Liar wants to write, right? Just offering, if not ee will do something else constructive like make my dinner. :D

Four-person teams? that would be beyond my wildest dreams. And of course the original OK Corral shootout was basically teams of four.

Liar, darlin', you wanna play? You can still build the boxes - just get em done ahead of time...


Is it Nyquil? Be careful with that - it makes for a really strange hangover.
not that I'd know.

I'll just stick to the single malt, thanks.

Four-person teams? that would be beyond my wildest dreams. And of course the original OK Corral shootout was basically teams of four.

Liar, darlin', you wanna play? You can still build the boxes - just get em done ahead of time...


Is it Nyquil? Be careful with that - it makes for a really strange hangover.
not that I'd know.

I'll just stick to the single malt, thanks.


Yes, that's it. Powdered Nyquil. It's important to inhale it so the sinuses get uh confused. :)
Yes, that's it. Powdered Nyquil. It's important to inhale it so the sinuses get uh confused. :)

You northerners are way, way more debauched than I suspected. I admire anyone who can surprise me like that.

I have been secretly recruiting others on the various boards to come by and vote, when it's time.

mua ha ha.

You northerners are way, way more debauched than I suspected. I admire anyone who can surprise me like that.

I have been secretly recruiting others on the various boards to come by and vote, when it's time.

mua ha ha.


We're two old (middle aged!) hippies; one from San Francisco, one from New York City. We discovered that in spite of growing up 3,000 miles apart, our cultural references are pretty much the same. And that--as we approach four years together--has proven to be a beautiful thing.

You wanna do the poll thing for voting?
We're two old (middle aged!) hippies; one from San Francisco, one from New York City. We discovered that in spite of growing up 3,000 miles apart, our cultural references are pretty much the same. And that--as we approach four years together--has proven to be a beautiful thing.

You wanna do the poll thing for voting?

It seems like the best choice. So I guess we'd create a new thread that had the poll thingy at the top and all the poems posted in it? (guess who gets to help me with that...)

Okay, I'll believe that those wacky folks on "the coasts" as we say out here could be into powdered Nyquil. Never know what they're gettin' up to out there.

Here is specifically how it will work now. Just as soon as I have the teams confirmed, I will give a time shortly after that at which the details of the assignment will be posted. That's so everyone can find out what the challenge is at the same time.

From that point, y'all will have about 36 hours till my calculation of High Noon, (it's always noon somewhere) to compose and post your pieces. I suppose the actual poll thread might be best put up sometime before the deadline so that whenever folks have their stuff done (making room for our Champy's little mind game of posting early, for example).

I'll be in and out over the next 24 hours. I still need to hear from DA, Liar and Sara that they're aware of the final arrangements.

Here's what we have now, pending confirmation:

Angeline - Form
Fool - Wild Card
DeepAsleep - Free Verse (?)
and possibly eagleyez

Champagne - Form
TT2u - Free Verse
Sara - Wild Card
and possibly Liar


It seems like the best choice. So I guess we'd create a new thread that had the poll thingy at the top and all the poems posted in it? (guess who gets to help me with that...)

Okay, I'll believe that those wacky folks on "the coasts" as we say out here could be into powdered Nyquil. Never know what they're gettin' up to out there.

Here is specifically how it will work now. Just as soon as I have the teams confirmed, I will give a time shortly after that at which the details of the assignment will be posted. That's so everyone can find out what the challenge is at the same time.

From that point, y'all will have about 36 hours till my calculation of High Noon, (it's always noon somewhere) to compose and post your pieces. I suppose the actual poll thread might be best put up sometime before the deadline so that whenever folks have their stuff done (making room for our Champy's little mind game of posting early, for example).

I'll be in and out over the next 24 hours. I still need to hear from DA, Liar and Sara that they're aware of the final arrangements.

Here's what we have now, pending confirmation:

Angeline - Form
Fool - Wild Card
DeepAsleep - Free Verse (?)
and possibly eagleyez

Champagne - Form
TT2u - Free Verse
Sara - Wild Card
and possibly Liar



I am at your service. Except that I will need to gripe and complain if I am required to write anything form-ish.

Just occurred to me that I should go back and read the particulars regarding this bit of insanity. I have no idea what I have agreed to do.
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I am at your service. Except that I will need to gripe and complain if I am required to write anything form-ish.

Just occurred to me that I should go back and read the particulars regarding this bit of insanity. I have no idea what I have agreed to do.

I love people who volunteer before they know exactly what's happening. Been known to do that myself... snerk.

You can write form or not - you're a Wild Card, baby.

the assignment will not be a form. It will be either a topic, a specific word or set of words, a title, or something along those lines.

and yes I already know what it is. mua ha etc.

It seems like the best choice. So I guess we'd create a new thread that had the poll thingy at the top and all the poems posted in it? (guess who gets to help me with that...)

Okay, I'll believe that those wacky folks on "the coasts" as we say out here could be into powdered Nyquil. Never know what they're gettin' up to out there.

Here is specifically how it will work now. Just as soon as I have the teams confirmed, I will give a time shortly after that at which the details of the assignment will be posted. That's so everyone can find out what the challenge is at the same time.

From that point, y'all will have about 36 hours till my calculation of High Noon, (it's always noon somewhere) to compose and post your pieces. I suppose the actual poll thread might be best put up sometime before the deadline so that whenever folks have their stuff done (making room for our Champy's little mind game of posting early, for example).

I'll be in and out over the next 24 hours. I still need to hear from DA, Liar and Sara that they're aware of the final arrangements.

Here's what we have now, pending confirmation:

Angeline - Form
Fool - Wild Card
DeepAsleep - Free Verse (?)
and possibly eagleyez

Champagne - Form
TT2u - Free Verse
Sara - Wild Card
and possibly Liar



Polls are great. Say we end up with four poems each. You could vote poem against poem and get a team total or just overall vote: Joad poems vs Hatfield poems. Up to you. And each poll has multiple choice categories like:

A. Hatfields
B. Joads
C. Just here for the porn

Well, you get the idea. :D

And polls can be public (voters names are shown) or anonymous. Just let me know how you want to do it.
Polls are great. Say we end up with four poems each. You could vote poem against poem and get a team total or just overall vote: Joad poems vs Hatfield poems. Up to you. And each poll has multiple choice categories like:

A. Hatfields
B. Joads
C. Just here for the porn

Well, you get the idea. :D

And polls can be public (voters names are shown) or anonymous. Just let me know how you want to do it.

One thing for sure, that folks should know now: y'all will be being voted on as a group. It's just Joads versus Hatfields. Not the individual pieces. So do yer darndest to support yer clan.

golly, this is fun.

I love people who volunteer before they know exactly what's happening. Been known to do that myself... snerk.

You can write form or not - you're a Wild Card, baby.

the assignment will not be a form. It will be either a topic, a specific word or set of words, a title, or something along those lines.

and yes I already know what it is. mua ha etc.


I figured it was your idea so it had to be alright and if it wasn't I could drink until it seemed like it was.
Alright, cowpokes.

I'm off for the evening. Some of us have to keep up on our drinking and troublemaking activities. I have life goals, you know.

I'd love to see this all finalized, one way or another, before tomorrow afternoon. We still need to hear whether DA and Liar are actually in for real. Otherwise we'll go with teams of three, one way er t' other.

Hitch up yer gitalongs, hombres, and get ready.

I am at your service. Except that I will need to gripe and complain if I am required to write anything form-ish.
Please write a terzanelle, Ms. Crewe. That form
Like only makes me, hesitant, conform,
That groupie little fan club that I have
Loves you. We meet here nightly on the Ave.

And we sing Oh Sara, Oh Sara Crewe!
We so love you, consequentually blue,
But yet you're foreign. Canadian too.
Love we those loonies. They're worth more. It's true.
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Please write a terzanelle, Ms. Crewe. That form
Like only makes me, hesitant, conform.
This groupie little fan club that I have
Loves you. We meet here nightly on the Ave.

And we sing Oh Sara, Oh Sara Crewe!
We so love you, consequentually blue,
But you are foreign. Canadian too.
Love some thus loonies. They're worth more. It's true.
Do n't be messin' wit da wilde carde's head... she's only got to poemie whatever strikes her fancy not to let forms and such build dread. Now, get your terzanelli tucked back inside your pantsies and then come back and write a poem with the hot Hatfield's ... Pay no attention to the Joads behind the curtain.