Tombstone at High Noon

One thing for sure, that folks should know now: y'all will be being voted on as a group. It's just Joads versus Hatfields. Not the individual pieces. So do yer darndest to support yer clan.

golly, this is fun.


So. clarification please Ms. bj. Am the poems gwine to be anonymous afore the votin or afternerds ? My recollection is in past days, you don't know fer sher whose written what 'til after the votin. Keeps it on the up n up....and lord knows ya gotta keep a close eye on them Joads..... they got's kin folk from coast to coast. Theys bin known to stuff a box or two....ballot an otherwise.

That bein said...who's gonna step up an be a Hatfield to four square this shootout...Liar ? Tzara? c'mon now...let's go Joad goadin...:D
Please write a terzanelle, Ms. Crewe. That form
Like only makes me, hesitant, conform,
That groupie little fan club that I have
Loves you. We meet here nightly on the Ave.

And we sing Oh Sara, Oh Sara Crewe!
We so love you, consequentually blue,
But yet you're foreign. Canadian too.
Love we those loonies. They're worth more. It's true.

You love me! You really love me! <add earnest and misty-eyed look for effect>
Do we have "I'm on Sara's Crewe" t-shirts yet?

Tzara dude, I' m thinking Champers has her laser sights right between yer eyes. Better be careful.
So. clarification please Ms. bj. Am the poems gwine to be anonymous afore the votin or afternerds ? My recollection is in past days, you don't know fer sher whose written what 'til after the votin. Keeps it on the up n up....and lord knows ya gotta keep a close eye on them Joads..... they got's kin folk from coast to coast. Theys bin known to stuff a box or two....ballot an otherwise.

That bein said...who's gonna step up an be a Hatfield to four square this shootout...Liar ? Tzara? c'mon now...let's go Joad goadin...:D

ok I snuck back here between dinner and the bar to see if there was some rumblin'.

That there is a fine question, and ah'm open to suggestions about them technical thangs. poems bein' anonymous and posted by team would be a durn good idea. My only problem is that if they're sent to my via PM all I could do is copy and paste and that might not keep folks' formattin' and sechlike. Perhaps LeBroz, with his technical knowhow, would be willing to get all the poultry sent to his own self, and then just put them up in two groups?

Ah heard them Hatfields is just as bad as the Joads where box-stuffin is concerned... mebbe worse.

Do n't be messin' wit da wilde carde's head... she's only got to poemie whatever strikes her fancy not to let forms and such build dread. Now, get your terzanelli tucked back inside your pantsies and then come back and write a poem with the hot Hatfield's ... Pay no attention to the Joads behind the curtain.
Sorry. I had terzanelli in creme sauce for dinner tonight, with a nice Gewürztraminer.

What is this about poems?
ok I snuck back here between dinner and the bar to see if there was some rumblin'.

That there is a fine question, and ah'm open to suggestions about them technical thangs. poems bein' anonymous and posted by team would be a durn good idea. My only problem is that if they're sent to my via PM all I could do is copy and paste and that might not keep folks' formattin' and sechlike. Perhaps LeBroz, with his technical knowhow, would be willing to get all the poultry sent to his own self, and then just put them up in two groups?

Ah heard them Hatfields is just as bad as the Joads where box-stuffin is concerned... mebbe worse.

[innocence]Why! I'd never stuff no ballot box. My Great Great Granddaddy is so still livin' an' votin' fer Hatfeilds ... <aside to tt2u>y'all be shore to get them id bundles out from under the porch afore the lectshun. Yep, Beauregard will pass for Granny, just tie his ears up under that kercheif...
You love me! You really love me! <add earnest and misty-eyed look for effect>
Yes, Sally, I love you.

After all, I have options on your residuals.
Do we have "I'm on Sara's Crewe" t-shirts yet?
Why, no, we don't. Not quite. I think they read I'm on Sara Crewe! A suble difference, but what you will likely think an important one. :)
That bein said...who's gonna step up an be a Hatfield to four square this shootout...Liar ? Tzara? c'mon now...let's go Joad goadin...:D
I think there is a full complement of competitor gunslingers here, Doctor. I am mere companion, and as such likely to just comungle up things. Frankly, I am jest trying to hit on Ms. Sarah Jane, she being in my rough (though emphatically enthusiastic) agishlessness.

You guys go write poems. I just wanna watch. :)
ok I snuck back here between dinner and the bar to see if there was some rumblin'.

That there is a fine question, and ah'm open to suggestions about them technical thangs. poems bein' anonymous and posted by team would be a durn good idea. My only problem is that if they're sent to my via PM all I could do is copy and paste and that might not keep folks' formattin' and sechlike. Perhaps LeBroz, with his technical knowhow, would be willing to get all the poultry sent to his own self, and then just put them up in two groups?

Ah heard them Hatfields is just as bad as the Joads where box-stuffin is concerned... mebbe worse.


Ohhhhhhhhh. I feel a major anxiety attack comin on. Jess woke in the middle of OK corral an there's Ma Joad and her kinfolk on one side an Ma Hatfield with her kinfolk on the other an ahm supposed to say fire...

Ok, I can do that if you think it'll help and set your mind at ease. How the hell do you do these things — getting folk to volunteer before the full depth of what they're agreeing to sets in? I assume you'll be setting up a new voting thread for this where you'll want the pieces posted.

Just one request — please, no more hirsute faces for the avatars — they creep me out. *shudder*

[innocence]Why! I'd never stuff no ballot box. My Great Great Granddaddy is so still livin' an' votin' fer Hatfields ... <aside to tt2u>y'all be shore to get them id bundles out from under the porch afore the lectshun. Yep, Beauregard will pass for Granny, just tie his ears up under that kercheif...

How dare she 'cuse us of lowerin' ournselves to them Joads level, Sissy Champs ? You ever seen a more righteous lookin pair of lyrics slingers than me an our cuzzin Billy Bob ?
(We carry special tools of our trade under these overcoats).
How dare she 'cuse us of lowerin' ournselves to them Joads level, Sissy Champs ? You ever seen a more righteous lookin pair of lyrics slingers than me an our cuzzin Billy Bob ?
(We carry special tools of our trade under these overcoats).

<Hands you yer pertaters and runs away> :kiss:
Alright, Podners,

I just now made it to work. It's rather exciting on the roads today. We're going to get at least a couple more inches of snow over the afternoon.

Since I haven't seen a firm confirmation from DeepAsleep or Liar, here's how it's gonna be.

The Hatfields:
Champagne - Form
tt2u - Free Verse
Sara - Wild Card

The Joads:
Angeline - Form
eagleyez - Free Verse
Fool - Wild Card

If the families manage to find fourth members between now and the deadline, they may include those poems too but only if BOTH families find extra people.

I will announce the details of the challenge at exactly 5 pm CST today. Here's a hint: got a boy scout manual?

The families will have until High Noon Pacific Standard Time on Monday (1 pm Mountain, 2 pm Central and so on) to submit their pieces TO LEBROZ, who will find a way to put them into the poll thread in some anonymous fashion. Okay with you, LeBroz? I don't want to risk messing up special formatting with my rather bashy approach to mechanics like that.

My own action on the board may be dicey over the next 24 hours or so - we're getting another major dump of snow (thank the gods it's just snow this time and not that icy snot we had earlier this week) so I'll be closing the shop early tonight and heading for dial-up land until tomorrow afternoon.

Form poets may write in any established form. Free verse poets, well duh. Wild Card poets may choose either form or free verse.

If I have left questions unanswered, y'all just git on in here and ask 'em.

good luck. I see the fussin' and feudin' has already gotten serious. Excellent, excellent. Hope everybody's gettin' itchy trigger fingers...

...and by the way, LeBroz, especially for you, I will lay off the moustache champions.

Anyone who actually misses the moustache champions may get their gleeful fill here. I love those guys. Especially Eduardo.

It was just a strange phase I was going through. I'm all about meat now.

Alright, Podners,

I just now made it to work. It's rather exciting on the roads today. We're going to get at least a couple more inches of snow over the afternoon.

Since I haven't seen a firm confirmation from DeepAsleep or Liar, here's how it's gonna be.

The Hatfields:
Champagne - Form
tt2u - Free Verse
Sara - Wild Card

The Joads:
Angeline - Form
eagleyez - Free Verse
Fool - Wild Card

If the families manage to find fourth members between now and the deadline, they may include those poems too but only if BOTH families find extra people.

I will announce the details of the challenge at exactly 5 pm CST today. Here's a hint: got a boy scout manual?

The families will have until High Noon Pacific Standard Time on Monday (1 pm Mountain, 2 pm Central and so on) to submit their pieces TO LEBROZ, who will find a way to put them into the poll thread in some anonymous fashion. Okay with you, LeBroz? I don't want to risk messing up special formatting with my rather bashy approach to mechanics like that.

My own action on the board may be dicey over the next 24 hours or so - we're getting another major dump of snow (thank the gods it's just snow this time and not that icy snot we had earlier this week) so I'll be closing the shop early tonight and heading for dial-up land until tomorrow afternoon.

Form poets may write in any established form. Free verse poets, well duh. Wild Card poets may choose either form or free verse.

If I have left questions unanswered, y'all just git on in here and ask 'em.

good luck. I see the fussin' and feudin' has already gotten serious. Excellent, excellent. Hope everybody's gettin' itchy trigger fingers...


I'll have my good eye turned this way at 5....;)
The families will have until High Noon Pacific Standard Time on Monday (1 pm Mountain, 2 pm Central and so on) to submit their pieces TO LEBROZ, who will find a way to put them into the poll thread in some anonymous fashion. Okay with you, LeBroz? I don't want to risk messing up special formatting with my rather bashy approach to mechanics like that.

I won't be going anywhere soon, not with 2' of snow getting set to start any time now. It'd be best {easiest} for poems to be written in the PM text box {is there any other way, he asks facetiously}.

I'll post the submissions to the poll thread at one time when I've received all of them. Don't want Ma Joad or Ma Hatfield gunnin fer me.

Good luck all.

Here it is.

Alright, hands near yer holsters and don't nobody twitch.

The requirements are:

1. The title of the poem must contain the word Knot

The body of the poem must contain ALL of the following words:


variant forms of the words (“longer, tying”) etc. are permitted.

3. Your work will be judged as a family grouping. The specific question for judgment on the poll will be:

About which group of poems would you be more inclined to say:

Those made me really consider the concept of knots/binding/ties etc., or
I find myself thinking a lot about knots/binding/ties because of those poems.

Now, that's not so hard. Is it?

good luck, cowpokes. Keep the sun at yer back.

Alright, hands near yer holsters and don't nobody twitch.

The requirements are:

1. The title of the poem must contain the word Knot

The body of the poem must contain ALL of the following words:


variant forms of the words (“longer, tying”) etc. are permitted.

3. Your work will be judged as a family grouping. The specific question for judgment on the poll will be:

About which group of poems would you be more inclined to say:

Those made me really consider the concept of knots/binding/ties etc., or
I find myself thinking a lot about knots/binding/ties because of those poems.

Now, that's not so hard. Is it?

good luck, cowpokes. Keep the sun at yer back.


Fortunately, I have much experience with knots as mammy used to keep me tied to the table leg all day when I was a youngun to keep me fro mischief...
Fortunately, I have much experience with knots as mammy used to keep me tied to the table leg all day when I was a youngun to keep me fro mischief...
Yup. 'N you shoulda seen the knot Pappy tied on that porkchop ta get Beau to play wif ya.
I gotta skate- almost literally - home now before it freezes up any further. See y'all tomorrow.

I know you'll make me proud.

That may explain why his appendages was always so greased up and tasty...:eek:

And you want me to rent in the same building?????

Only if you promise me you're not wearing porkchops. I can't live next door unless you're kosher. :p

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And you want me to rent in the same building?????

Only if you promise me you're not wearing porkchops. I can't live next door unless you're kosher. :p


Certain ceremonies may need to be performed, but I'm game (or is that gamey ?) if you are...:D
Do we have "I'm on Sara's Crewe" t-shirts yet?
Yes! All we need is to hear from you. I think ms upbj may not have had direct confirmation from all three of our potential Hatfield relations and I'm concerned our wild card is gonna be wild indeed.
Yes! All we need is to hear from you. I think ms upbj may not have had direct confirmation from all three of our potential Hatfield relations and I'm concerned our wild card is gonna be wild indeed.

We may have to send out the search party. You know how Miss Sara gets on Saturday nights....:D