Tooting own horn also.

Re: Re: A novel idea.

KillerMuffin said:

You're trying to pick up women.

Well, I won't be reading. I hate the whole ulterior motive thing. It leaves me feeling slimey.

It is a gag posting. Where is your sense of humor?
Whispersecret said:
Star is a regular on feedback, My number 2 fan behind my editor. Can't wait until she is legal.

So I do get feedback on my stories CB. I was just wondering why authors like yourself don't read and comment on them. Seems there are a lot of egos at work here, not just my own.

I have always discouraged underage readers from coming to Literotica. I'm sure they don't heed me, but I still have to tell them. It's the teacher in me.

What does an (assuming you mean inflated) ego have to do with reading other people's stories and commenting on them? They're not mutually exclusive.

I read stories. I read stories written by people I am "friends" with here. I read stories that interest me when I have the time to goof around. I read stories that are in "competition" with mine, like in last year's holiday story contest. I also read stories that are associated with mine. For example, in the recent Talisman chain story, I read the other author's work.

Of all the stories I read, I try to vote, but sometimes I just forget. Or I backclick before I get to the voting box. I rarely send feedback. Here's why.

A story has to be exceptionally good in some way in order for me to be moved enough to write the author. My time is valuable, and I'm not going to waste it dashing off a note to someone about a mediocre story. If you go by the law of averages, only a small percentage of stories is going to WOW me.

I generallydon't send negative feedback, again, because of the valuable time element. Say I take the time to list some areas where the writer could improve. There's a good chance that the writer doesn't give a shit about improving. Sorry. Not going to go to that trouble on the CHANCE the writer might appreciate my pointing out their weaknesses.

So, looking back at my reasons for giving and not giving feedback, reading and not reading stories, I guess you could say that my ego comes into play, only because I believe my time is more important than validating a stranger's sense of writerhood.

And who's CB?

Star claims to be in her 20's. I really can't tell anyone's age by their e-mail, although she writes as if she may be in her teens. I was making a joke about her age. CB is "condescending bitch".
Svenskaflicka said:
I always see it like, I don't owe anyone anything. If some dumb schmuck wants to take me out and buy me an expensive dinner even though I've told him upfront that I ain't gonna heat on my Sweetheart, then it's his money that's going down the drain... ;) :devil:

Is that your real picture Sven? You are a babe!!! I thought from your posts you were a guy. I don't have enough posts to qualify for an avatar- and when I do you can bet I won't be putting my own face here.
It wasn't very funny when you couple that with the whole insulting tone of your opening paragraph. That made me not like you right off the bat.
KillerMuffin said:
It wasn't very funny when you couple that with the whole insulting tone of your opening paragraph. That made me not like you right off the bat.

Story of my life.

I am still waiting for the world to catch up.
NaughtyMike said:

Is that your real picture Sven? You are a babe!!! I thought from your posts you were a guy. I don't have enough posts to qualify for an avatar- and when I do you can bet I won't be putting my own face here.

Thank you, Mike! :eek:
And now tht you know that I'm not a man, could you call me something else but that man's name Sven, pretty, pretty pretty please?:)
KillerMuffin said:
You may not have noticed, but it's not following you.

It actually is following me, but it lags from 10 to 20 years behind.

I find it so fucking funny when interviewers ask or accuse someone as having and "agenda" or an "ulterior motive". Of course they do. Anyone with a fucking IQ higher than 80 has one, unless they are a complete waste of human flesh. I bet Killermuffin even has one too.

Why do people object so much, when someone thinks? Killermuffin acts like a prude with a stick up her ass, if someone dares to write a story or use this web site for some motive, other than what she thinks it should be.

Lighten up. KM, take the stick out of your ass and have some fun.

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Svenskaflicka said:

Thank you, Mike! :eek:
And now tht you know that I'm not a man, could you call me something else but that man's name Sven, pretty, pretty pretty please?:)

You bet. How about Goddess "S"

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NaughtyMike said:

It actually is following me, but it lags from 10 to 20 years behind.

I find it so fucking funny when interviewers ask or accuse someone as having and "agenda" or an "ulterior motive". Of course they do. Anyone with a fucking IQ higher than 80 has one, unless they are a complete waste of human flesh. I bet Killermiffin even has one too.

Why do people object so much, when someone thinks? Killermuffin acts like a prude with a stick up her ass, if someone dares to write a story or use this web site for some motive, other than what she thinks it should be.

Lighten up. KM, take the stick out of your ass and have some fun.


uh oh
always count to 10 before you lash out at someone. This person knows who I'm talking to.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,STAND BACK!

(sorry, I couldn't resist-hehe)
wildsweetone said:

What??? Did I say something wrong??? Damn it! My evil twin was at it again. Imagine being so stuck on yourself, you can not read someone else's first person story... then going around pretending your god's gift to erotic writing. Do I have 100 post yet? Damn. This is tuff. I hate to get all my remaining posts at KM expense. Will someone else please say something stupid?

I wouldn’t normally chip in but…

If you are seeking to alienate yourself from everybody you are doing a great job.

It may be that you are a very nice person but that does not come across in your posts. I would suggest that many people reading them could very easily picture you as are self-opinionated, insensitive chauvinistic idiot who is deluded enough to think that the world is following him.

If the world is really following you, I want to get off.

And as for “When a true genius etc.,” it says it all!

Was that stupid enough for you?
NaughtyMike said:
What??? Did I say something wrong??? Damn it! My evil twin was at it again. Imagine being so stuck on yourself, you can not read someone else's first person story... then going around pretending your god's gift to erotic writing. Do I have 100 post yet? Damn. This is tuff. I hate to get all my remaining posts at KM expense. Will someone else please say something stupid?

your evil twin? hell dear, your evil twin has nothing on you rofl

I find it so fucking funny when interviewers ask or accuse someone as having and "agenda" or an "ulterior motive". Of course they do. Anyone with a fucking IQ higher than 80 has one, unless they are a complete waste of human flesh. I bet Killermuffin even has one too.

you know, there are different ways of getting your agenda across, but I think yours is a fairly 'in-your-face' kinda way.

i don't believe it's your stories that's the problem, it's your attitude. sure have fun, be open, be honest... but having a little respect for others around here wont actually cost you anything eh... maybe you'd even be able to reap rewards from it. ...maybe.

In honour of your appearance on this thread a new Avatar has been awarded to you. :(

Please, pick it up, here, and wear it in good health. You have earned it. :D
Octavian said:

I wouldn’t normally chip in but…

If you are seeking to alienate yourself from everybody you are doing a great job.

It may be that you are a very nice person but that does not come across in your posts. I would suggest that many people reading them could very easily picture you as are self-opinionated, insensitive chauvinistic idiot who is deluded enough to think that the world is following him.

If the world is really following you, I want to get off.

And as for “When a true genius etc.,” it says it all!

Was that stupid enough for you?

Yes, that was stupid enough. When I say the whole world is following me, that is of course an exaggeration or hyperbole. It is also a metaphor. Those are known as literary techniques. You should try one sometime.

I want to thank you for your response. I do have an ulterior motive. To get 100 posts so I can achieve avatar status. I e-mailed Laura and asked if she could waive that for me, so I wouldn’t have to go around with a bunch of bullshit posts, but she never responded. Even a “No” that would be against my religious beliefs would have been fine. But no response-talking o alienation! I guess to her customer relations is munching on a killer muffin.

Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it odd, that the person who thinks they know the most about writing is turned off by a first person story???

My main technique is to fuse into a story obscure information and parallels. In my most recent piece, “A Seedy Halloween” I use Ian Fleming. I start out with the obvious Bond name “pussy galore” worked into the piece. I follow that with: I could hear the icy Cold Finger of death point at me and say, “I don’t expect you to talk. No Mr. Bound I expect you to die.”

Cold Finger in incorrectly capitalized to give you a hint, cold finger=Gold Finger- followed by a line from the movie. In this scene I am gagged and bound to a chair being prepared for a human sacrifice, hence the word play Bond/Bound.

For the ultimate Ian Fleming fan, I placed at the end of this story a recipe for Pumpkin Seeds- how odd is that? I am sure it cost me some vote points by those who just read and yank. The book, “Chitty-Chitty, Bang-Bang” written by Ian Fleming has on the back cover a fudge recipe. Of course some people will never read it, because the word “I” is used in it.

The title is also a pun. The story starts out as I, the “hero” of the story is home from boot camp with my bride to be, carving pumpkins with my family when a food fight breaks out, Terry, my future wife, gets creamed to the point she is pulling pumpkin seeds out of her bra. (This was really easy to write about. The scene actually occurred. I did not change the names of my wife and/or her sisters.) At the end of the scene, I told her she was “initiated” into my family.

Her name Terry worked out great, from the Latin Terra, for earth. Terry now takes me, and her sisters to the mountains at Halloween time. As it turns out, they are taking me to a Witch’s Shabbat. I take the ceremony from an old book passed down from generations, but add a twist where I get to have sex with any of the women present as the newly crowned Lord of Mischief. (The sex part doesn’t happen like this, especially at a fall rite, more apt for the spring,- I took a license.)

N-Mike looses his virginity by planting his seed into Terra.- Hence the pun title. My editor actually thought it up. I was going to use “Harvest Home” based on the Thomas Tryon novel which inspired me.

I also mention that the pick up trucks all have the sacred number 43 on them for all the NASCAR fans (the year was 1973/74 era.)

N-Mike, then wants to replant his seed in Terra, but she refuses and tells him he must choose another woman. He does the High Priestess next, to the dismay of the coven.

Later near the end of the evening, he is enticed by Terra’s sisters and has a group scene with them. He is introduced to pussy eating at this time, and has trouble adapting to it. Debbie, the slut sister of Terra, gives him instructions while she sits on his face. This is a running joke for N-Mike fans, as his ability evolves through his life, until he can tongue out dead ancient alphabets at will. He uses the Hebrew alphabet on a Jewish girl, and a runes on a Norse type etc. However, at this setting, he is not into it at all.

The coven then gags and bounds N-Mike as previously stated for human sacrifice.

The quote from Jonathan Swift is at the forefront of a Pulitzer Prize novel, “A Confederacy of Dunces”. It was the first humorous novel to win the award. The author of the book had killed himself, because he couldn’t get it published. I use humor in all my stories; the quote is to key in that fact for anyone who has read this book and sees my post. It wasn’t meant to apply to myself. The aforementioned book is mentioned in my incest story, “Mike Returns Home”.

My hard core fans love this style of writing: humorous, erotic, and challenging. Something they can beat off to, laugh at, and think about with over half the stories being mostly true and nearly all of the names unchanged.

I can see the dunces have formed a confederacy against me. How many posts do I have left until a 100? Damn it! I need to start making shorter posts.
Quasimodem said:

In honour of your appearance on this thread a new Avatar has been awarded to you. :(

Please, pick it up, here, and wear it in good health. You have earned it. :D

Ah... a man eating pussy. I like it, but thanks, I got my own one picked out...
NaughtyMike said:
Imagine being so stuck on yourself, you can not read someone else's first person story...

This is still an illogical statement. It's also quite telling, considering it's coming from a person who toots their own horn, writes stores all about himself, and appears to consider himself some Swiftian genius.

What does being full of yourself have to do with reading other people's stories? Please explain that to me! I asked that before, and you never answered.

Let's say I am the nicest person on earth who writes crappy stories and knows it. Does that mean I will therefore read everyone else's stories? NO.

Let's say I am an average person who writes average stories and knows it. Same question. Same answer.

Maybe we're just not interested. Non-interest has nothing to do with ego, nor does it pass any type of critical judgement on the story. Hell, I don't want to read Hemmingway because I'm not interested. It doesn't mean I think I'm BETTER than he was.


Also, I still don't understand why you are your own main character. Many, if not most, writers use personal experience as fodder for their stories, but few feature themselves as the stars of their own stories.
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Whispersecret said:
This is still an illogical statement. It's also quite telling, considering it's coming from a person who toots their own horn, writes stores all about himself, and appears to consider himself some Swiftian genius.

What does being full of yourself have to do with reading other people's stories? Please explain that to me! I asked that before, and you never answered.

Let's say I am the nicest person on earth who writes crappy stories and knows it. Does that mean I will therefore read everyone else's stories? NO.

Let's say I am an average person who writes average stories and knows it. Same question. Same answer.

Maybe we're just not interested. Non-interest has nothing to do with ego, nor does it pass any type of critical judgement on the story. Hell, I don't want to read Hemmingway because I'm not interested. It doesn't mean I think I'm BETTER than he was.


Also, I still don't understand why you are your own main character. Many, if not most, writers use personal experience as fodder for their stories, but few feature themselves as the stars of their own stories.

I never claimed I wasn't an ego maniac, nor do I care if you no talent fucks ever read my stories. My point is, why is that someone who hates first person stories, thinks they are the god's gift to erotic literature? I don't think Killermuffin could understand them anyway, she had trouble understanding my profile. She believes the world revolves around her, and anyone who doesn't believe that, she has no need of. Very self centered. So if someone even dares to write an iota about themselves, she is turned off by it.

If you read the above response, you would know I stated I do not apply the Swift quote to myself. You should write about things you know. So why should I write about someone else's sex life? I write from my experiences, so yes, I role play myself- so to speak. Is that a crime?

How many more things do I need? Jesus Fucking Christ- I am going to have the whole fucking world hating me by the time I get an avatar!
No, Mike, I'm not turned off by people who write about themselves or who are interested in getting their writing read.

You, on the other hand, aren't a person, you're an asshole. Your ego is both unfounded and laughable. Your stories, quaint in their amateurish attempts at first person, are nice porno, but beyond that have no value.

You're good for a desultory jerk if one is bored and doesn't want to take the effort to search for anything better. You're what's known as a mid-list author.

My favorite little Mike-ism is the entire "E" thing. That makes me laugh, thanks for the joke. You don't have an "E" so that means that they only stories that get the "E" are lesbo-incest stories. Otherwise you would have one.

You're not cream of the crop, you're run-of-the-mill. You haven't done anything that thousands of others haven't done a hundred times over. You're stories are exaggerated cliches.

You think you've got something special, Mike, but you're riding a cliche. One thing an author can never afford to do if he hopes to get anywhere is to take his own fan mail as gospel truth. I'm sure that you've got your dedicated fans. I'm sure you can parade them on the leash in your spiffy plaid sport coat on the floors of Westminster. You will find that even the most washed out second person jerk-off writer can do the exact same thing.

I never said that I'm turned off by first-person. I'm turned off by badly-written first person. If there is no secondary character development in a story that has important secondary characters, then the story is not a well-written firs-person. You've never accomplished that particular little trick. Your character development sits comfortably around Mike and no one else. You be sure and let me know if you ever manage to figure out how to develop a non-I character in first person. I'm always on the look-out for good writing.
No fair, KillerMuffin

You shouldn't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person like old Mikey.

KillerMuffin said:
No, Mike, I'm not turned off by people who write about themselves or who are interested in getting their writing read.

You, on the other hand, aren't a person, you're an asshole. Your ego is both unfounded and laughable. Your stories, quaint in their amateurish attempts at first person, are nice porno, but beyond that have no value.

You're good for a desultory jerk if one is bored and doesn't want to take the effort to search for anything better. You're what's known as a mid-list author.

My favorite little Mike-ism is the entire "E" thing. That makes me laugh, thanks for the joke. You don't have an "E" so that means that they only stories that get the "E" are lesbo-incest stories. Otherwise you would have one.

You're not cream of the crop, you're run-of-the-mill. You haven't done anything that thousands of others haven't done a hundred times over. You're stories are exaggerated cliches.

You think you've got something special, Mike, but you're riding a cliche. One thing an author can never afford to do if he hopes to get anywhere is to take his own fan mail as gospel truth. I'm sure that you've got your dedicated fans. I'm sure you can parade them on the leash in your spiffy plaid sport coat on the floors of Westminster. You will find that even the most washed out second person jerk-off writer can do the exact same thing.

I never said that I'm turned off by first-person. I'm turned off by badly-written first person. If there is no secondary character development in a story that has important secondary characters, then the story is not a well-written firs-person. You've never accomplished that particular little trick. Your character development sits comfortably around Mike and no one else. You be sure and let me know if you ever manage to figure out how to develop a non-I character in first person. I'm always on the look-out for good writing.

And now opinions from people who actually read my stories....


One of the most entertaining stories I have read on this site. Great job!


Mike...I loved your story!!! I thought I was the only one to think of smart ass
things to say while sucking a dick (in your case eating pussy) either way great
story. :)


I really love your sense of humor...thanks for the laughs. I look forward to
the next story



I absolutely loved your humorous angle. In fact, I am still sitting here
giggling loke a drunken schoolboy:)

Thank you for your reply and youhave my respect as a writer... perhaps you
should turn your skill towards more $$$ and a big following.

Good luck to you in whatever you do.



Not a good porno story...too interesting, too entertaining, too unexpected.
Probably the first (in a long time, at least) that I have encountered in this
'genre' that showed some style, content and talent....what's up with that?

[must have beeen reading KM stories-NM]


hey man I am one stingy bastard but I gave Mike Returns Home a 5 (my first 5 eh)


God what a stupid wimp husband... he got what he deserved

[okay-too much character developement in that one- this guy thought the story was real or what?-NM]

I just had to write to you and let you know I LOVE your stories, especially
the Whroing Nights series. So funny! To me, the best porno stories are the
funny ones, and yours are some of the funniest I've ever read.
I don't live all that far from Baltimore, though of course I've never had
occasion to explore any of the fine neighborhoods/establishments you
described. But I felt a special kind of pleasure whenever you occasionally
dropped the name of some landmark I am familiar landmark.
Keep up the good work, and are you planning on more Whoring Nights stories?
Write me back and tell me all about Naughty Mike, he seems very interesting.
xoxoxo and thanxx a bunch,
La Pantera Bonita (that's where your high school Spanish will come in

[I put this one to work as my editor- my grammar and spelling was in fucking need as usual-NM]


It's hard to masterbate when laughing !
Great job.


I really enjoyed your story. Humpty Dumpty! I was stationed at AFSOUTH in 1974 &
1975 and remember her and all the stories at parties for senior NCOs. I was an
E-5 Army grunt at AFSOUTH. Visited Bella Napoli with my wife & kid two summers
ago. The Navy base is closed and all the \"Campfire Girls\" are gone - only the
wall and the ghosts of memories remain along the street.

I visit The Circus and say hi to Suzi and the girls on weekday afternoons
whenever I\'m on The Block in Charm City. If you see a Bob Villa look-alike say
hi - I\'ll buy you a drink.


The left tit is larger than the right tit because years ago the women worked
and carried the babies in their left arm
and breast fed while working. Ref: Readers Digest, Janes left breast. About
20 years ago.
[He didn't like my reasoning that men are right handed-NM]


yeah!! keep those stories coming! they are very believable, and well told. i
don\'t know how you can eat all that strange pussy, tho. hope you live through
it, to tell about it.


Great Story, do you have more!!!!
Would luv tohear from ya, I\'m very horny from your story


Mikey fucker, Well Done, as I stare through my beer filled eyes at the computer
[This one doesn't count-it was sent by Dave, a secondary character.]


I remember Big Cindy. This was just a
story, right? Why not tell the story of
the guy you took there that couldn\'t
get laid with a $100 bill tied aound
his neck.

[This one don't count either. Sent by Tom. I never could get him laid. I worked him later into a gangbang- 3 for Tammy.]

You could apply that washed out stuff to yourself KM, or anyone who you don't see eye to eye. They made the similar comments about Poe. (Not that I'm a Poe- but opinions are like assholes.)

See was that too hard KM?? All I asked for was an honest opinion, but you had to go through all that dumb nonsense about first person stories when my really my question was-- why wasn't people commenting on my posting after 40 some read it-not commenting on my stories. Then you chime in with your first person nonsense which had nothing to do with the question.

While KM your writing is smooth, a sure "A" in any literature class- I wish I could write as descriptive, but your stories do not make me think, laugh, or get hard. It has no function. It is filler material. Your statement on judging stories reminds me of a scene in "Dead poets Society" where Robin Williams has his class rip out the section on how to judge poetry. Writing is meant to be enjoyed, not judged. You set up your own artificial scale and if someone else happens to like a piece you deem "bad" by YOUR scale, then they are wrong for daring to like a story they enjoy, and it is automatically second class in spite of how it makes people respond. You can not judge literature or poetry on a scale of one to five... yes your stuff is well written, but I can't dance to it so it gets a 3.

I do have a secondary character in Dave. Tammy was a secondary character in 2 episodes. Terry was build up in Terry Takes on the Navy, so there was no need to do it again in A Seedy Halloween. Nancy had a good build up also.

The "E" thing is a running joke. Yes it makes be look "bitter", but I like it. It reminds me of the Dr. Hook song "Rolling Stone" who refused to put them on the cover for the longest time. Truth is I can't get hard reading an "E" story, and even most "H" stories. I think a lot of chicks look for romance type stories, as these seem to get the hype. English Bob is one of my favorite authors- quick and to the point.

Of course my question is why would someone who hates egos (other than her own) even bother to read a piece, let alone respond with a title, "Blowing their own horn"...unless they just plan on acting as a cunt.

Done before? I am fucking my Mom in a wheel barrow position across the floor, and she has me stop all of a sudden. I am hit with a rush of fear and guilt....MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!...only to find out she stopped the fuck fest because she she found a lost earring. C'mon KM where has that been done once before, let alone a hundred times...quote me the story. The "On The Block" series are basically true stories, they are impossible for me to copy from a "100 times over."

My main character is overly chauvenistic, but not outwardy so. His thoughts are bad, but his words contradict his thoughts to make him look like a nice guy-most of the time. I had a closet Andrew Dice Clay in mind for the role. I figured guys would love the character, and women would hate him because he epitomizes their worse fears. Hence, I never expected an "E" rating no matter how well the story was written, although many of the above approvals are from women who actually like this guy- go figure.

An asshole?? I have been called worse by better and deservedly so. I prefer "fucking asshole" as my chemotherapy nurse calls me when I grab her ass. 39 posts to go! Will we survive?
"Can't we all just get along?"-King of LA
Wow, you sure pay attention to people around you. Maybe you should pop your ego so you can see better. I haven't mentioned your stories in connection with first person--you did that all on your own right before you took a dig at my views on first person.

I believe that first person is difficult to write well because secondary character development separate from the main character is difficult and most people don't care to develop the knack for it. Apply that to your own writing if you will.

I don't actually care if people get hot and horny to my stories. Porno is not my forte and ever porno story I've ever written pretty much sucks. I prefer erotica. You may make people cum to your smut--(big deal, so do I)--but can you make them cry? Didn't think so.

Whoring your fans to prove that your dick is bigger than mine is such an attractive trait. Maybe you should back your ego up with your writing instead. That's okay, go ahead and betray your loyal followers by cutting and pasting their private email into a public forum to put them up on display as trophies in some ridiculous ego war. You should check the forum guidelines at the bottom of the page. They say very explicitly that it's against the rules to post PMs and emails in the forums. I know you didn't know because you don't respect other people enough to pay attention to anything but promoting your dubious sex life.

To answer your question: because I saw someone's name that I usually read here. I like drama and you've got drama queen written all over you.

My question: Why did you show your ass to a bunch of strangers and expect them to kiss it?

You spammed the forum with stuff that rightfully belongs in the Storyfeedback Forum. Probably because Svenskaflicka, who is just as inconsiderate, did it. Most people ignore her disrespect for all and sundry because she's one of those nice, harmless souls. You, on the otherhand, are an asshole. You broke forum protocol--you'd know that if you bothered to pay attention to what's going on around you--and you can't understand why people react negatively? Spam goes in the feedback forum. Writing discussion goes in the author forum.
I never claimed I wasn't an ego maniac, nor do I care if you no talent fucks ever read my stories.

What a pity that you have resorted to name-calling.

So, your original question - why people were viewing the thread and not commenting - isn't of any consequence any longer, is that right?

Perhaps that's because you have been getting plenty of positive feedback from your "small loyal cult." (I feel that I've now seen it all, word for word.) You should perhaps be satisfied with that. .

Criticism is a different story. That is something one needs to ask for, sometimes even beg for. Like I said before, if it's criticism from other writers that you would like (since you posted this in the Author's Hangout), put the first 500 words of any story up on my critique thread. Then, feel free to have at MY 500 words, to be found here. Or hit mine first. Either way.

My point is, why is that someone who hates first person stories, thinks they are the god's gift to erotic literature? I don't think Killermuffin could understand them anyway, she had trouble understanding my profile. She believes the world revolves around her, and anyone who doesn't believe that, she has no need of. Very self centered. So if someone even dares to write an iota about themselves, she is turned off by it.

Where did KM say she hates first person stories? I happen to know for a fact that it's second person stories that she hates.

Actually, it's me that's turned off by people who write about themselves. Remember I said this: Tooting your own horn is slightly off-putting, so you're starting off on the wrong foot with me.

I have a pet peeve about reading stories that revolve around the author. I always anticipate a giant ME ME ME fest. I'm just not into that.

You should write about things you know.

No, actually that's only absolutely true if you're writing non-fiction. In fiction, that rule is often misinterpreted. Yes, write what you know. But if you don't know, write it anyway if you need that for your story. Fiction is MADE UP. I just watched The Count of Monte Cristo, and you can bet that Alexandre Dumas didn't serve time in a French prison.

So why should I write about someone else's sex life? I write from my experiences, so yes, I role play myself- so to speak. Is that a crime?

No. Not at all. I'll consider the subject dropped.

How many more things do I need? Jesus Fucking Christ- I am going to have the whole fucking world hating me by the time I get an avatar! [/QUOTE]

What things are you talking about? Posts?

And just what is so important about an avatar? LOL Ever since that stupid dress-up doll madness went on, I've had the damned things turned off.
KillerMuffin said:
Wow, you sure pay attention to people around you. Maybe you should pop your ego so you can see better. I haven't mentioned your stories in connection with first person--you did that all on your own right before you took a dig at my views on first person.

I believe that first person is difficult to write well because secondary character development separate from the main character is difficult and most people don't care to develop the knack for it. Apply that to your own writing if you will.

I don't actually care if people get hot and horny to my stories. Porno is not my forte and ever porno story I've ever written pretty much sucks. I prefer erotica. You may make people cum to your smut--(big deal, so do I)--but can you make them cry? Didn't think so.

Whoring your fans to prove that your dick is bigger than mine is such an attractive trait. Maybe you should back your ego up with your writing instead. That's okay, go ahead and betray your loyal followers by cutting and pasting their private email into a public forum to put them up on display as trophies in some ridiculous ego war. You should check the forum guidelines at the bottom of the page. They say very explicitly that it's against the rules to post PMs and emails in the forums. I know you didn't know because you don't respect other people enough to pay attention to anything but promoting your dubious sex life.

To answer your question: because I saw someone's name that I usually read here. I like drama and you've got drama queen written all over you.

My question: Why did you show your ass to a bunch of strangers and expect them to kiss it?

You spammed the forum with stuff that rightfully belongs in the Storyfeedback Forum. Probably because Svenskaflicka, who is just as inconsiderate, did it. Most people ignore her disrespect for all and sundry because she's one of those nice, harmless souls. You, on the otherhand, are an asshole. You broke forum protocol--you'd know that if you bothered to pay attention to what's going on around you--and you can't understand why people react negatively? Spam goes in the feedback forum. Writing discussion goes in the author forum.

I never mentioned your first person fetish in connect to my stories. I simply said it was odd someone doesn't like them and speculated as to the cause.

Secondary charter developement in a short story is not so much developed as it is stated. And that is through the eyes of the story teller, who sometimes gets the character wrong.

I don't write stories to make people cry. I write them to make them laugh. Why would a normal thinking person want to read a story that makes them cry?

You usually read my writings? Thank you. Drama- that is plot developement, you got the asshole part down correct (character), so now it is all about secondary character? As far as sex scenes go, I do have trouble writing them. How many different ways can you descibe 2 people having sex, and how do you keep that going for more than a few line? I generally write a story, come back and add the sex details for guys who like to whack it. Except for in Terry takes on the Navy, and 3 for Tammy (with great secondary character developement- since I used 2 first persons) which was to be pure whacking material. I am not writing for a Pulitzer, or to demonstrate my ability to describe something ad nauseum. I write to entertain. I have a published book going into its second printing. Why would I write serious stuff here?

I don't expect anyone to kiss my ass. My question was why was it 40 people read my post and no one responded? These are the same two faced people who cry for feedback, but give none. That was the point I was making. Of course KM chimes in SHE doesn't ask for feedback and goes on some dumb first person triad about egos etc.

As an anarchist I don't worry about stupid rules. I bet you were the class snitch. I never included anyone's e-mail address in the posts, so no one knows who sent them, or for that matter-even if I made them up. The moderator for the Storyfeedback area has stupid rules that you must comment on 2 stories, before placing your story up for discussion etc. etc. The stories listed there sucked, so rather than say something bad, I opted to be polite and not say anything at all. I prefer to write in author's hangout. For a forum which prides itself on free speech, it seems to have a lot of stupid cunt rules.

I understand why people react negatively. I am an expert at creating negative response. I have been banned from writing letters to the editor in TWO newspapers because of the vast numbers of letters I get in response. I know how to push buttons on people to get negative responses. I am the guy who wrote a letter, published in the Bible belt at the height of the Monica affair, "Bill Clinton is a Better Man than Jesus."

I don't ignore Svenskaflicka-she's a babe. Wait Wait... I see a story line... Naughty Mike and Svenskaflicka....I could call it "My Friend Flicka"

Yes- I do write some bad puns, but it is all in good fun.