Tooting own horn also.

Whispersecret said:
I never claimed I wasn't an ego maniac, nor do I care if you no talent fucks ever read my stories.

What a pity that you have resorted to name-calling.

So, your original question - why people were viewing the thread and not commenting - isn't of any consequence any longer, is that right?

Perhaps that's because you have been getting plenty of positive feedback from your "small loyal cult." (I feel that I've now seen it all, word for word.) You should perhaps be satisfied with that. .

Criticism is a different story. That is something one needs to ask for, sometimes even beg for. Like I said before, if it's criticism from other writers that you would like (since you posted this in the Author's Hangout), put the first 500 words of any story up on my critique thread. Then, feel free to have at MY 500 words, to be found here. Or hit mine first. Either way.

My point is, why is that someone who hates first person stories, thinks they are the god's gift to erotic literature? I don't think Killermuffin could understand them anyway, she had trouble understanding my profile. She believes the world revolves around her, and anyone who doesn't believe that, she has no need of. Very self centered. So if someone even dares to write an iota about themselves, she is turned off by it.

Where did KM say she hates first person stories? I happen to know for a fact that it's second person stories that she hates.

Actually, it's me that's turned off by people who write about themselves. Remember I said this: Tooting your own horn is slightly off-putting, so you're starting off on the wrong foot with me.

I have a pet peeve about reading stories that revolve around the author. I always anticipate a giant ME ME ME fest. I'm just not into that.

You should write about things you know.

No, actually that's only absolutely true if you're writing non-fiction. In fiction, that rule is often misinterpreted. Yes, write what you know. But if you don't know, write it anyway if you need that for your story. Fiction is MADE UP. I just watched The Count of Monte Cristo, and you can bet that Alexandre Dumas didn't serve time in a French prison.

So why should I write about someone else's sex life? I write from my experiences, so yes, I role play myself- so to speak. Is that a crime?

No. Not at all. I'll consider the subject dropped.

How many more things do I need? Jesus Fucking Christ- I am going to have the whole fucking world hating me by the time I get an avatar!

What things are you talking about? Posts?

And just what is so important about an avatar? LOL Ever since that stupid dress-up doll madness went on, I've had the damned things turned off.

Jesus Christ Whispersecret, that was such a polite response to such an asshole commentary, you almost make me feel fucking bad. Hand me my puffs...

The "no talent" part I keyed off of your commentary...No talent writers, does not stir the emotional response as the trite phrase no talent fucks. Words are important. I originally had "stupid cunts" in there, but thought that was too harsh- so I used your response for inspiration.

I too hate second person stories...what is it with that? Although I did accidently see one that wasn't too bad, I made it through half a page.

There is nothing imporatant about an avatar, that is why I make a big deal over it. You do seem to understand by your LOL comment.

I am sure Dumas knew about French prisons. One does not have to be an inmate to write about them intelligently. Of course we are talking about sex here, something I used to do before my dog died.... but I don't write about that.... too sad.

I and me are words used in every first person story. Very few first person stories center around something besides the author. The idea of the story is to get one person's view on a situation and compare it to what is really going on. .. or at least in my writings. Hence while she did not mention first person stories per se, KM descibed the majority of them. I admit, I took the liberty to link them all... so shoot me.

Maybe I should write as the Book of Daniel, some lines in first person, others in third person.....that would drive KM crazy.

37 posts to go!!!!
Are you ever not an idiot?

There's three choices and every single piece of writing falls into one of those categories, numbnuts. Everyone writes in them. You can't lump all first person stories together and you can't lump all third person stories together. There are literally billions up billions of first person stories. I wasn't the least bit concerned about your choice in POV. Of course, if you actually read what other people write when it's not screaming kudos about you, then you wouldn't have this problem.

I wasn't attacking your POV, I was attacking your ulterior motive. I wouldn't date a guy that expects sex because he sprung for dinner. Likewise, I don't like to read stories from a guy who expects sex just because he wrote some smut.

The motive most people have when they write stories here is to share some erotic fantasy for other people to get off to. That's a motive. And ulterior motive is something that's hidden and not necessarily a good thing. You don't want a woman to read your stories and get off. You want a woman to write to you and tell you how she got off. You do that, I won't read it.

Anyway, arguing with you is like talking to a man who stuck a stick into his ear to rupture his eardrums. You do your thing, I'll continue to laugh at you, I'll do my thing, and you'll continue to pretend you're better than I am.
Re: 40 reads

NaughtyMike said:
Okay, 40 people have read this with no comments. I bet these are the same people bitching about lack of feedback.

After reading your first post, I figured you really were not after a critique, you were after affirmation. You do pretty well without any of our help.

Telling your stories in first person was the right choice for you. Your personality comes through very well.
NaughtyMike said:

I and me are words used in every first person story. Very few first person stories center around something besides the author. The idea of the story is to get one person's view on a situation and compare it to what is really going on. .. or at least in my writings. Hence while she did not mention first person stories per se, KM descibed the majority of them. I admit, I took the liberty to link them all... so shoot me.

No, you're wrong. First person stories are NOT about the author, unless the story is, like yours, semi-auto-biographical.

I wrote a story here in first person Renaissance of De Medici as part of a chain story. Believe me, Erica is not me. She was a courtesan, highly attuned to her five senses, with a voracious sexual appetite. She was also quite able to separate sex from love, which I can't do.

Sure parts of myself appear in my stories and characters, but that's not the same as making myself the MC.

First person viewpoint is a DEVICE. Authors use it as a tool to draw the reader more deeply into a character's life and mind. There is no more effective way to help the reader vicariously experience the story than through the eyes of the main character. The "I" "me" stuff is like psychological lube - it just makes it that much easier for the reader to slip into character.

There are drawbacks to first person POV (point of view), as KM mentioned. While it's easy to develop the main character (MC), development of secondary characters is more challenging, because you can only see development if the MC sees it.

When you said my post was polite, did you really mean it, or were you being sarcastic? Because I actually meant it with a bit of snideness.

Now, I had some comments about this other post of yours to KM:
I don't write stories to make people cry. I write them to make them laugh. Why would a normal thinking person want to read a story that makes them cry?

This is a ridiculous argument, both of you. Both emotional reactions are desirable to writers. I'd say making a reader cry is much harder to do, but that doesn't mean it's more valuable. I count myself lucky if I can accomplish BOTH in any of my stories, but it depends on the story.

As far as sex scenes go, I do have trouble writing them. How many different ways can you descibe 2 people having sex, and how do you keep that going for more than a few line? I generally write a story, come back and add the sex details for guys who like to whack [to] it.

Well, I guess writing sex is like having sex - it takes effort and skill to make it last long enough to be gratifying. There are a lot of threads here that offer advice on how to describe the sex.

I write to entertain. I have a published book going into its second printing. Why would I write serious stuff here?

What type of book is this? I am intensely curious.

I don't expect anyone to kiss my ass. My question was why was it 40 people read my post and no one responded? These are the same two faced people who cry for feedback, but give none. That was the point I was making. Of course KM chimes in SHE doesn't ask for feedback and goes on some dumb first person triad about egos etc.

Okay. I FINALLY understand. You meant your post ("Okay, 40 people have read this with no comments. I bet these are the same people bitching about lack of feedback.") as a slap to the beggars on the story feedback board who want feedback and never give it. You forgot to include the very important phrase "but who give none." Because you neglected to include that at the very beginning of this thread, your post came across as a slap to EVERYONE who wasn't responding to your call for feedback. As a published writer, I would expect you to make your point with a little more clarity. Tsk tsk.

The moderator for the Storyfeedback area has stupid rules that you must comment on 2 stories, before placing your story up for discussion etc. etc.
The Two Story Rule is not a stupid one. And you of all people should recognize that. You, who scorn those who want feedback but don't give it. The Two Story Rule exists to force people to work before being rewarded. (I can't believe I have to explain this.) If it didn't exist, the few people who gave feedback but didn't get any in return would walk off in disgust and the thread would be filled with people who want something for nothing.

The stories listed there sucked, so rather than say something bad, I opted to be polite and not say anything at all.

Jeez. You're missing the whole point! The Story Discussion Board isn't about saying NICE STUFF. The purpose is to get constructive feedback. The people who participate say the nice stuff so that the more critical comments don't hit quite so hard. The whole IDEA is to get an idea of where you can IMPROVE, places your story was WEAK, MISTAKES that need to be fixed, etc. Get it? It's a DISCUSSION board, not a COMPLIMENT board.

I prefer to write in author's hangout. For a forum which prides itself on free speech, it seems to have a lot of stupid cunt rules.

God, I don't have the energy or the time to go into how you've misinterpreted the concept of free speech.

I understand why people react negatively. I am an expert at creating negative response. I have been banned from writing letters to the editor in TWO newspapers because of the vast numbers of letters I get in response. I know how to push buttons on people to get negative responses. I am the guy who wrote a letter, published in the Bible belt at the height of the Monica affair, "Bill Clinton is a Better Man than Jesus."

I begin to get a clearer picture of you. Perhaps you are vague on purpose, so that people will misunderstand you and get all riled up. You feed on controversy. You get a kick out of getting a rise out of people. That seems to be a very unfulfilling and negative way to go through life. I can see why humor in your stories is so important. It has to balance this side of you.

I don't ignore Svenskaflicka-she's a babe. Wait Wait... I see a story line... Naughty Mike and Svenskaflicka....I could call it "My Friend Flicka"

Yes- I do write some bad puns, but it is all in good fun.

That's not a pun.
KillerMuffin said:
Are you ever not an idiot?

There's three choices and every single piece of writing falls into one of those categories, numbnuts. Everyone writes in them. You can't lump all first person stories together and you can't lump all third person stories together. There are literally billions up billions of first person stories. I wasn't the least bit concerned about your choice in POV. Of course, if you actually read what other people write when it's not screaming kudos about you, then you wouldn't have this problem.

I wasn't attacking your POV, I was attacking your ulterior motive. I wouldn't date a guy that expects sex because he sprung for dinner. Likewise, I don't like to read stories from a guy who expects sex just because he wrote some smut.

The motive most people have when they write stories here is to share some erotic fantasy for other people to get off to. That's a motive. And ulterior motive is something that's hidden and not necessarily a good thing. You don't want a woman to read your stories and get off. You want a woman to write to you and tell you how she got off. You do that, I won't read it.

Anyway, arguing with you is like talking to a man who stuck a stick into his ear to rupture his eardrums. You do your thing, I'll continue to laugh at you, I'll do my thing, and you'll continue to pretend you're better than I am.

I am confused about how I get to have sex with women over the internet from writing stories. Perhaps you know something about how to send pussy over the airwaves, I do not. This is a real world KM. People don't run out and have sex with strangers. You this fantasy shit so much, you are starting to believe it.

If a woman wishes to write me and inform me she got off to the story, I consider that feedback, not an invitation for sex. I live in a remote part of the US, in a wooded area down a dirt road. I don't get many visitors and my travel is hampered.

If I knew how I could get a sexual gratification from someone by simply writing a dirty story, which has low female appeal, I would sure like to know.
Whispersecret said:
No, you're wrong. First person stories are NOT about the author, unless the story is, like yours, semi-auto-biographical.

I wrote a story here in first person Renaissance of De Medici as part of a chain story. Believe me, Erica is not me. She was a courtesan, highly attuned to her five senses, with a voracious sexual appetite. She was also quite able to separate sex from love, which I can't do.

Sure parts of myself appear in my stories and characters, but that's not the same as making myself the MC.

First person viewpoint is a DEVICE. Authors use it as a tool to draw the reader more deeply into a character's life and mind. There is no more effective way to help the reader vicariously experience the story than through the eyes of the main character. The "I" "me" stuff is like psychological lube - it just makes it that much easier for the reader to slip into character.

There are drawbacks to first person POV (point of view), as KM mentioned. While it's easy to develop the main character (MC), development of secondary characters is more challenging, because you can only see development if the MC sees it.

When you said my post was polite, did you really mean it, or were you being sarcastic? Because I actually meant it with a bit of snideness.

Now, I had some comments about this other post of yours to KM:
I don't write stories to make people cry. I write them to make them laugh. Why would a normal thinking person want to read a story that makes them cry?

This is a ridiculous argument, both of you. Both emotional reactions are desirable to writers. I'd say making a reader cry is much harder to do, but that doesn't mean it's more valuable. I count myself lucky if I can accomplish BOTH in any of my stories, but it depends on the story.

As far as sex scenes go, I do have trouble writing them. How many different ways can you descibe 2 people having sex, and how do you keep that going for more than a few line? I generally write a story, come back and add the sex details for guys who like to whack [to] it.

Well, I guess writing sex is like having sex - it takes effort and skill to make it last long enough to be gratifying. There are a lot of threads here that offer advice on how to describe the sex.

I write to entertain. I have a published book going into its second printing. Why would I write serious stuff here?

What type of book is this? I am intensely curious.

I don't expect anyone to kiss my ass. My question was why was it 40 people read my post and no one responded? These are the same two faced people who cry for feedback, but give none. That was the point I was making. Of course KM chimes in SHE doesn't ask for feedback and goes on some dumb first person triad about egos etc.

Okay. I FINALLY understand. You meant your post ("Okay, 40 people have read this with no comments. I bet these are the same people bitching about lack of feedback.") as a slap to the beggars on the story feedback board who want feedback and never give it. You forgot to include the very important phrase "but who give none." Because you neglected to include that at the very beginning of this thread, your post came across as a slap to EVERYONE who wasn't responding to your call for feedback. As a published writer, I would expect you to make your point with a little more clarity. Tsk tsk.

The moderator for the Storyfeedback area has stupid rules that you must comment on 2 stories, before placing your story up for discussion etc. etc.
The Two Story Rule is not a stupid one. And you of all people should recognize that. You, who scorn those who want feedback but don't give it. The Two Story Rule exists to force people to work before being rewarded. (I can't believe I have to explain this.) If it didn't exist, the few people who gave feedback but didn't get any in return would walk off in disgust and the thread would be filled with people who want something for nothing.

The stories listed there sucked, so rather than say something bad, I opted to be polite and not say anything at all.

Jeez. You're missing the whole point! The Story Discussion Board isn't about saying NICE STUFF. The purpose is to get constructive feedback. The people who participate say the nice stuff so that the more critical comments don't hit quite so hard. The whole IDEA is to get an idea of where you can IMPROVE, places your story was WEAK, MISTAKES that need to be fixed, etc. Get it? It's a DISCUSSION board, not a COMPLIMENT board.

I prefer to write in author's hangout. For a forum which prides itself on free speech, it seems to have a lot of stupid cunt rules.

God, I don't have the energy or the time to go into how you've misinterpreted the concept of free speech.

I understand why people react negatively. I am an expert at creating negative response. I have been banned from writing letters to the editor in TWO newspapers because of the vast numbers of letters I get in response. I know how to push buttons on people to get negative responses. I am the guy who wrote a letter, published in the Bible belt at the height of the Monica affair, "Bill Clinton is a Better Man than Jesus."

I begin to get a clearer picture of you. Perhaps you are vague on purpose, so that people will misunderstand you and get all riled up. You feed on controversy. You get a kick out of getting a rise out of people. That seems to be a very unfulfilling and negative way to go through life. I can see why humor in your stories is so important. It has to balance this side of you.

I don't ignore Svenskaflicka-she's a babe. Wait Wait... I see a story line... Naughty Mike and Svenskaflicka....I could call it "My Friend Flicka"

Yes- I do write some bad puns, but it is all in good fun.

That's not a pun.

First off I am not the same character as in my story- surprise surprise. I am not nearly as vulgar as my character. Nor could I share a wife/girlfriend with a group of friends as N-Mike does. Nor could I rape a girl when she says no. N-Mike is a bit fucked up in his thinking, although he generally means well, he is self centered in a Dice man way.

Your post was polite considering what it was in response to.

I do not cry over a fictional print story no matter well it is written. Nor do i know any male who does or would want to. But if a muppet dies in the video media, I am all tears. I had to take a week off when ET died- and they even brought the muppet back to life in the next scene. What's more- it wasn't fucking real!!I would shed more tears watching a chick flick then my girlfriend would. I had to stop watching them with her.

It is a non-fictional book. I occasionaly drop a clue in my writings. Although I am not interested in publishing my real name, my top two trusted fans know about it. I did send a copy to Sean Hannity, the fuck never responded to me, even after I was a guest on his old radio show in Atlanta. (Not just a call-in guy
either- a guest debating a state rep.)

Sorry about the ambiguity. I wasn't asking for feedback on my stories, I have enough thank you. The point of the post was initially to give an overall view of my writings/ story line to anyone who was interested in that style of literature- not to pick up women.....(I am still trying to figure that one out.)

Yes, yes, I am aware of why the 2 story rule exists. But hey- it's all about ME. Besides, I had second thoughts on the matter, I really didn't want an open discussion line about my own story. Especially with people who prefer the "Story of O" over "Debbie Does Dallas" I couldn't see the point. I am not going to change my style of writing. And I really didn't want to "toot my own horn" in that kind of format...I know that is hard to swallow. I know it was tacky of me to publish my e-mail, but KM forced my hand in the matter. I do not consider an e-mail private... and anyone who does consider them private, don't live in the real world.

If there are rules to free speech, then it is not free speech. If I can not yell "movie" in a crowded fire house, it is not free speech.

I do enjoy to get a rise out of people, however that is not the number one motivator. I will disagree with people, even when I know I am wrong just to get them to think outside the box, open a discussion etc.

Sure its a pun, based on the old TV show "My Friend Flicka" about a boy and his horse. I can see it now... Flicka is a drug speed whore who sells herself for black beauties (slang for speed and another famous horse name from the 50's.) N-Mike being the kind guy that he is, supplies Flicka with the drugs in return for sex, so she no longer has to prostitute herself out. i.e she is not a prostitue if she is just fucking him for drugs... great self centered, well meaning stuff. Mike meets Flicka at a place called "The Goose Bar" (Goose Bar ranch in the TV series). Flicka's favorite sexual position is the "Silver Saddle" (name of an episode from the TV series). I made up a bunch of names for sexual positions in my incest story while doing Mom. I am willing to bet there is someone out there who thinks "Walk like an Egyptian" is a sexual position. Or we could make the postion the "golden saddle" and make it a fetish story, although I don't think anyone is going to get the "silver saddle" to begin with. One of the actress's name in that series was Anita... endless possiblities here. I could tag it after my Anita Biggerstaff episode and loosely realate it to her somehow.

Anyway- that is how I put together a story. I have had several requests to continue on in the series. My editor wants me to write more about Tammy. I had planned on doing 3 based on the names of the Tammy movies. (Tammy in real life hated those movies.) But I have trouble with Tammy tell me True. I really wanted the Gidget goes to Rome, ie. Tammy Goes to Rome, Rome Ga. that is, a well known lesbian community. I would have her work for a lesbian at a temp. agency (which she actually did) and she would do odd jobs which would eventually involve sex. She would do them for one reason or another, love for N-Mike, black mail etc. I am debating on the view point, ie. first person from Tammy's point of view, although I don't know how well I did as a first person woman in 3 for Tammy. My editor liked it, but she likes everything I write. Or I can opt for person number 3.

My second request was from fan #2. who wants me to develope Slow-Joe stories, even though I killed him off. The guy really died-what can I say.The problem with Joe, is that his life was mixed up with mafia and crime dealings with the relatives of famous people. I wouldn't want to leave out those details if I wrote the story, nor do i really want to publish them. He was a more of a real life N-Mike than I was/am. His ex-girlfriends would fuck me to piss him off. Then I would tell Joe whata losuy fuck his ex-girlfriend was, and ask him why he never taught them anything. I would always claim I got head from the ones that didn't give head... that's a guy thing.

Third fan hated the character Anita, (so did fan 2) but liked my flashback with KC. They want to see more of her, although I spent my best stories about her already. Sure there was some public toe sucking and another blow job going down rt. 30, but it is stuff even i have written before. Anita was not likable. I had a rape scene where the woman did not enjoy it, -she did not cry out for more or become a nympho. Those scenerios are too unreal for me. Instead the woman placed herself somewhere else (in her mind)during this time and imagined N-Mike as her boyfriend to endure. I can't see glorifing rape. I paid the price at the polls. N-Mike pretty much shrugged it off in the story- that is not me-sorry.

I have started on a project at the moment-it will be some time for completion. While N-Mike appears briefly in the beginning for an intro- IT WILL BE A THIRD PERSON TALE. I will place it in the celeb. catagory. Since I am using known people, character developement will be minor. My biggest fear is that our editors might not have the balls to publish it and want to put it in some extreme cyberworld. I lost 2 poems that way. One on necrophilia incest, and another advocating children to kill parent while they sleep to make a better world. (Inspired by Stalin). I can not write the names of the people involved in this gangbang of 15. Some asshole will steal my idea. This one will be filled with double meanings and puns-of course. Once completed, I will wait a month to submit- it is one of those stories where you think of something later on to add- normally I just wait a few days or a week to submit.

Right now I got a genealogy project for my cousin, which takes up the bulk of my spare time. From my writings, you might have figured out that is a hobby of mine. N-Mike is from Lancaster, Pa. in his stories. Actually I am not from that area, although I have lived there about 10 years. AFTER I moved out from that area, my sister requested I help her with the family tree- and I found out I had a mess of Mennonite ancestors from Lancaster Co. Pa. So I made my main character a Mennonite, to pay honor to my humble ancestors. N-Mike drives an all black Seville, the only color approved for autos by Mennonites, because it is not flashy.....I love his thinking.

Okay, so I drove the same automobile... but I am not Spock!

No, it's not a pun, and damned if I can't think of a pun right now so I can explain the difference. Weird Harold, help me! What is a pun? The best explanation I have is that it's a play on words, where you make use of the multiple meanings of a word.

What you did, Mike, was take the title of a story and transfer it to your ideas for an erotic story. That's just, um, taking a title. It's not even a parody, I don't think. But I can't be sure, because I don't know the actual story of "My Friend Flicka," except that it was about a horse and a boy.

And I sorta thought your book had to be non-fiction. I enjoy being right.

I can see why Laurel banished your poems.

"When climbing rocks, the woman always wore her mountain earring."

The low price of the land made me suspicious. I didn't want to get stuck with a useless con tract.

The crafty cement salesman managed to scam several residents of the Greek island. I can’t believe that his concrete scheme worked.
Whispersecret said:
No, it's not a pun, and damned if I can't think of a pun right now so I can explain the difference. Weird Harold, help me! What is a pun? The best explanation I have is that it's a play on words, where you make use of the multiple meanings of a word.

What you did, Mike, was take the title of a story and transfer it to your ideas for an erotic story. That's just, um, taking a title. It's not even a parody, I don't think. But I can't be sure, because I don't know the actual story of "My Friend Flicka," except that it was about a horse and a boy.

And I sorta thought your book had to be non-fiction. I enjoy being right.

I can see why Laurel banished your poems.

Okay, so it is technically not a pun in your dictionary. Of course you have not read the poems to have a valid opinion. It seems you're the one who has no idea what free speech is about.

Webster Pun-"the humerous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications..." So I took the title from a TV series and applied it in a different way to a porno story making Flicka a speed whore instead of a speedy horse... oh wait! horse- slang for heroin...she takes a black beauty laced with heroin.....

No it's not a parody.

I have been thinking about third vs. first person. In the real world, third person does not exist, so a story can not be as believable in the 3rd person. Let me clarify this assinine statement. There are 2 types of 3rd person. One is with the omni everything point of view which knows the inner feelings and thoughts of all the characters. However in the real world, no such person exists who can tell a factual story that way. How can I say what someone else thinks, unless I am that person or that person tells me. The other 3rd person is what a minor character, or fly on the wall might see. They don't know the thoughts of any character, which would be useless to my story, since the thought process of my character is the heart of the story. The only story one could consider real, would be a first person style, with the thoughts of one person known, and him guessing about everything else. Somebody just had to be there to witness- so why not have him tell the story.

When I wrote my first series, my main goal was to document a vanishing piece of Americana- the red light/ strip joint disctricts. With the close of the Combat zone in Boston, Baltimore was the last hold out with seedy booths and backrooms. I wanted to document how that action took place, how wide spread it was, but to do so in a personal fashion, giving names and places with real stories and problems. This could not be accomplished very well in a third person style.

When it comes to whacking material, a first person story has it all over a third person story. I like first person points of view from the female point of view, especially if it involves some kind of tease/strip/group sex. Got one like that?

If you have one character you can identify with, who is believable, you really don't need to develope all kinds of other characters. My main character is somewhat of an asshole, but I want him to be- that makes him believable to my fan base... real places, real land marks, real people with only a few "perfect" bodies, perfect endings, and perfect climaxes.

getting closer to 100, I can just feel the tension mount....

I figured out why most people don't vote at this site... they are under the voting age.
AFTER I moved out from that area, my sister requested I help her with the family tree- and I found out I had a mess of Mennonite ancestors from Lancaster Co. Pa. So I made my main character a Mennonite, to pay honor to my humble ancestors....

Are you certain that the "help" she requested wasn't with some necessary pruning? :confused:

In passing: The accepted, descriptive adjective for Mennonites is "plain" not "humble". Your information about automobile colours is equally faulty.

Your ancestors might feel more greatly "honored," had you applied more research, and less bombast. :rolleyes:
Re: Re: 40 reads

Pookie_grrl said:
After reading your first post, I figured you really were not after a critique, you were after affirmation. You do pretty well without any of our help.

Telling your stories in first person was the right choice for you. Your personality comes through very well.

Thank you. I will take that as a compliment.

Quasimodem said:
Are you certain that the "help" she requested wasn't with some necessary pruning? :confused:

In passing: The accepted, descriptive adjective for Mennonites is "plain" not "humble". Your information about automobile colours is equally faulty.

Your ancestors might feel more greatly "honored," had you applied more research, and less bombast. :rolleyes:

My ancestors don't feel anything. They are dead. In Lancaster Co. Pa., the only approved automobile color in the 1980's was black. Chrome bumpers were spray painted flat black on older versions.

Rules governing these aspects vary from sect to sect. They also change over time as councils may approve. Since I lived in Lancaster Co. for 10 years, it was a daily sight, not research.

Quotes by Naughty Mike:

(1) I made my main character a Mennonite, to pay honour to my humble ancestors.
(2) My ancestors don't feel anything. They are dead.
(1) N-Mike drives an all black Seville, the only color approved for autos by Mennonites, because it is not flashy..
(2) Rules governing these aspects vary from sect to sect.

I see. It is not merely a matter of lack of knowledge. You actually prefer to make inaccurate statements.

You ought be a politician ... the slimy, untrustworthy variety ... naturally.
Of course you have not read the poems to have a valid opinion. It seems you're the one who has no idea what free speech is about.

Oh, Mike. I needn't read a poem about necrophilia or one that encourages children to murder their parents to KNOW that the former is just plain disgusting and the intent of latter is reprehensibly evil. It's too bad that your compulsion to rile people drives you so hard.

Free speech doesn't mean Laurel MUST post every story/poem that she receives. It's her site and she, therefore, has every right to say what goes on it and what doesn't. You are still FREE to post your poems somewhere else.

And with free speech, as with all freedoms, comes responsibility, something many Americans these days are sadly lacking.

I have been thinking about third vs. first person. In the real world, third person does not exist, so a story can not be as believable in the 3rd person. Let me clarify this assinine statement. There are 2 types of 3rd person. One is with the omni everything point of view which knows the inner feelings and thoughts of all the characters. However in the real world, no such person exists who can tell a factual story that way. How can I say what someone else thinks, unless I am that person or that person tells me... The only story one could consider real, would be a first person style, with the thoughts of one person known, and him guessing about everything else. Somebody just had to be there to witness- so why not have him tell the story.

I don't think I've ever encountered a person who looks at point of view quite like you do. You take the concept of realism to an entirely different dimension. I don't think anything I could say would alter your perception of how a story should be told. I think we'll just have to accept that we will never agree.

If you have one character you can identify with, who is believable, you really don't need to develope all kinds of other characters.

You're wrong. If a story is only about one person, I get bored quickly. Again, any dissertation I post here probably won't make a lick of difference, so again, we will just always disagree on this.
Quasimodem said:
I see. It is not merely a matter of lack of knowledge. You actually prefer to make inaccurate statements.

You ought be a politician ... the slimy, untrustworthy variety ... naturally.

You haven't proved which statements are inaccurate as yet. Please provide facts.

I am glad you showed up. I hate being the only one showing their ass.
Whispersecret said:
Of course you have not read the poems to have a valid opinion. It seems you're the one who has no idea what free speech is about.

Oh, Mike. I needn't read a poem about necrophilia or one that encourages children to murder their parents to KNOW that the former is just plain disgusting and the intent of latter is reprehensibly evil. It's too bad that your compulsion to rile people drives you so hard.

Free speech doesn't mean Laurel MUST post every story/poem that she receives. It's her site and she, therefore, has every right to say what goes on it and what doesn't. You are still FREE to post your poems somewhere else.

And with free speech, as with all freedoms, comes responsibility, something many Americans these days are sadly lacking.

I have been thinking about third vs. first person. In the real world, third person does not exist, so a story can not be as believable in the 3rd person. Let me clarify this assinine statement. There are 2 types of 3rd person. One is with the omni everything point of view which knows the inner feelings and thoughts of all the characters. However in the real world, no such person exists who can tell a factual story that way. How can I say what someone else thinks, unless I am that person or that person tells me... The only story one could consider real, would be a first person style, with the thoughts of one person known, and him guessing about everything else. Somebody just had to be there to witness- so why not have him tell the story.

I don't think I've ever encountered a person who looks at point of view quite like you do. You take the concept of realism to an entirely different dimension. I don't think anything I could say would alter your perception of how a story should be told. I think we'll just have to accept that we will never agree.

If you have one character you can identify with, who is believable, you really don't need to develope all kinds of other characters.

You're wrong. If a story is only about one person, I get bored quickly. Again, any dissertation I post here probably won't make a lick of difference, so again, we will just always disagree on this.

The main problem in this case is that the ONLY restriction for publication of subject material is underage sex. If Laura is not going to publish poems concerning necrophilia she should be honest and simply say so. The site informed me these poems would be placed in the extreme section. They were not. I was lied to. Is honesty too much of thing to ask? If she didn't have the balls to publish them. she should just say so, without the fabrication. The point is not that they weren't published, the point is that the site has no restrictions against them, did not publish them, then lied about the whole thing.

There are many successful one man plays which hold my interest. I also read autobiographies which tend to be about one main person, with people popping in and out of the story. Ben Franklin's autobiography has virtually no character developement outside of his own. My "stories" are written in an autobiographical manner. If you are not interested in my main character-you will get bored quickly, and shouldn't read my writings, however many people do not.

There are 2 basic types of people who visit this site. Some want to read flowery stories that KM writes. erotica or soft core porno as it is known. Then there are guys who never go see a chick flick on their own. They want a story they can identify and feel with the main character. It's a guy thing.
NaughtyMike said:
If Laura is not going to publish poems concerning necrophilia she should be honest and simply say so. The site informed me these poems would be placed in the extreme section...If she didn't have the balls to publish them she should just say so, without the fabrication.

:eek:BALLS? Laurel has Balls? Are you sure? Come on, now. Really? I didn't know that. Now THAT'S extreme!:eek:
Re: Re: Re: 40 reads

NaughtyMike said:
Thank you. I will take that as a compliment.


NaughtyMike said:
You haven't proved which statements are inaccurate as yet. Please provide facts.

I am glad you showed up. I hate being the only one showing their ass.

He may not have proved which statements are inacurate, but I can prove at least one statement is inaccurate. What I said in my post was not a compliment.

But you did figure out what I meant. You show your ass quite well.
NaughtyMike said:
There are 2 basic types of people who visit this site. Some want to read flowery stories that KM writes. erotica or soft core porno as it is known. Then there are guys who never go see a chick flick on their own. They want a story they can identify and feel with the main character. It's a guy thing.

So you're saying there are sissies (i.e. people who like erotica) and "real" men, is that it?
Re: Re: Re: Re: 40 reads

Pookie_grrl said:
He may not have proved which statements are inacurate, but I can prove at least one statement is inaccurate. What I said in my post was not a compliment.

But you did figure out what I meant. You show your ass quite well.

When I consider the source, I take it as a compliment and still do. It does not matter how you intend it, It is how I take. I also get somewhat negative feedback on my stories, but I still see them as compliments. One guy claimed my character, Mike was a wimp in the gang bang of his wife in Terry Takes on the Navy. It was apparent he thought the story to be true. I took that as a complement.

Another complained how I raved about Canadian beer over US beer in one of my tales. I had to e-mail him back, tell him I agreed with his position and remind him that I am not really the character in the story.

They did not mean their statements to be compliments, however I took them as such.

And little girl, you haven't seen half my ass yet.
Whispersecret said:
NaughtyMike said:
There are 2 basic types of people who visit this site. Some want to read flowery stories that KM writes. erotica or soft core porno as it is known. Then there are guys who never go see a chick flick on their own. They want a story they can identify and feel with the main character. It's a guy thing.

So you're saying there are sissies (i.e. people who like erotica) and "real" men, is that it?

Ah yes. There are 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count, and those who can't.

To attempt to place all readers in just 2 catagories would be insane- even for me. I would not say people who read erotica are sissies, but will say they are mostly women. Say a bunch of guys are together... they have 2 tapes they can watch, one is Debbie Does Dallas, and the other is a copy of the series, "Red Shoes Diaries". The guys will opt for Debbie nearly 100 per cent of the time. Now take a group of women, and give them the same choice... you tell me. I know women who would prefer one and loathe the other and vice-versa.

Erotica has arousal factor, but guys still prefer the sex to the romance... not that we can't be romantic, or hate it- given the choice, we would go directlyto the sex part. For a certain group of men, there is no need to develope a secondary character, if that character is a woman- they consider them all the same- or at least all look the same upside down (advice I once gave to my nephew and I am not sure which marriage he is on right now). They are more interested in a woman's pink matter, than gray matter. They are shallow creatures indeed. So I have them lured into my story, about a guy who basically sees women as sex objects, does fall in love every now and then, but doesn't let that get in his way of sex or his buddies.

N-Mike however pays a price for this idea man's life style. He is basically a loner whose life centers around a sexual gratification. He has a failed relationship with his wife, an affair with KC which ends, another fling with a co-worker's wife where he thought he was going to die. He rapes his sister-in-law in what might have turned out as a good relationship. He had sex with his mother and felt too guilty to visit her, even though she was dying from cancer. He spends many years of his life with prositutes, whom he thinks he knows and has relationships with, but again they are very hollow relationships. In his current situation -his relationship with Tammy is not going well. Again it is too much sex and no romance in his life. (I don't remember if she is gone by "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down") by she will be leaving him.

There are 2 types of people who basically like this biography- shallow guys who see Mike as a cult hero, and take him face value, and people (both male and female) who see him as a guy who thinks he is wonderful, but hasn't learned the first thing about life, and is faking his way through- a lost soul perhaps, a cry for help. They can see through his facade to realize he is basically a nice guy, but for some reason, isn't going about life in the right way.

Yes KM, the story is about him. It has to be about him in order to be about life.

Then there are shallow women who take my character at face value. They hate him. They fear him inside. Do men really think this way about women? What are guys really thinking about when having sex, baseball?!?!? It is the Andrew Dice Clay turn off. So when women tell me that they hate me and/or my character -he has too big of an ego.....guess the fuck what... I take that as a compliment too and consider the source.

To make matters more real, my profile is a little inaccurate- It is actually that of my main or only character.

Its only a movie. Its only a movie.
KillerMuffin said:
I write flowery stories? Wow.

:) Thanks, Mike!

So flowery in fact, I was going to have my male characters get nauseated after eating some bread I will call "deadly biscuits".
Just to be accurate, how many guys can eat you in one sitting (number from 1to 13). ;)
wakey wakey...

NaughtyMike said:
To make matters more real, my profile is a little inaccurate- It is actually that of my main or only character.

Its only a movie. Its only a movie.

oh far out, i love it ;)

so, let me see here...
what you're saying is that,

NaughtyMike on these postings is not your real name, and

the profile of NaughtyMike is not your personal profile, but is that of your main character, and

the stories written by NaughtyMike, starring NaughtyMike are all fiction too?

omg what is the fiction world coming too?

are the postings on this thread the thoughts of NaughtyMike or the thoughts of the typist with the pseudonum NaughtyMike?

this is tooo tooo funny. okay i'm sorry, i have a warped sense of humour ;)
Re: wakey wakey...

wildsweetone said:
oh far out, i love it ;)

so, let me see here...
what you're saying is that,

NaughtyMike on these postings is not your real name, and

the profile of NaughtyMike is not your personal profile, but is that of your main character, and

the stories written by NaughtyMike, starring NaughtyMike are all fiction too?

omg what is the fiction world coming too?

are the postings on this thread the thoughts of NaughtyMike or the thoughts of the typist with the pseudonum NaughtyMike?

this is tooo tooo funny. okay i'm sorry, i have a warped sense of humour ;)

I can tell what is real and unreal, truth and falsehood, but what good would it do? Am I telling a lie? There is a part of me in my main character or course. How could there not be? I also have one computer role playing game. I opt to be a female character in that one. I am debating the future of NaughtyMike. I plan on maybe a half dozen or so more tales, then I will have him die in the end- some freak accident, involving pussy, and humor too. Perhaps choking on a marshmellow, eating it from a woman's pussy. She hears him gagging, but thinks he is making fun of the smell of her pussy... I could set it up as a boy who cried wolf type of story.Then I will never write under that name again. But we are talking at least a couple of years down the line. I wil then create a new person- perhaps female this time, be her character and write her story. Naughty Michelle? Or take minor character from my story and create a whole new auto- biography of them. Readers will know it is me either by my style of writing, or when the stories intersect. I will of course let some of my most loyal fans in on it....

Some of the stories are real some are fiction. All are embellished.