Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden

“The historical record shows that Republicans have no business lecturing anyone about fiscal responsibility. Every Democratic administration since Kennedy has left for their Republican successors a better deficit situation than the one they inherited, and every Republican administration since Nixon has left for their Democratic successors a worse deficit situation than the one they inherited. ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION. President Trump was on his way to fulfilling that trend before the pandemic, and President Biden has already overseen historic declines in the deficit.“

- Virginia Representative Bobby Scott
I have never seen a bigger cesspool for brain dead liberals. This forum is amazing. I wouldn't even know where to begin fixing some of the broken brains around here.

Are you denying that Trump ran up record deficits?

Liberals seem to have no difficulty accepting facts, but MAGAs try to deny or make excuses for everything.
Trump deserves to be harshly criticized for the $5.9 trillion in net new spending that occurred on his watch. Biden deserves to be harshly criticized for the $4.3 trillion in net new spending that’s occurred so far on his watch. Republicans and Democrats in Congress deserve to be harshly criticized as well.

The federal government has been collecting an average of 17% of GDP for 50 years while spending an average of 21% of GDP and since Covid hit, spending has spiked to 24%. The US has a spending problem.

I don’t excuse either president for their reckless spending behavior but to those who want to try and argue that Biden is somehow less culpable than Trump, the CFRB report referenced in the Axios article points out that 77% of Trump’s approved spending came from bipartisan legislation while only 29% of Biden’s came from bipartisan legislation. More significantly, Trump’s executive actions added less than $20 billion to the ten year debt while Biden’s executive actions added $1.2 trillion. His student debt forgiveness alone has cost $620 billion so far, all without congressional approval.

From the CRFB report:
  • Roughly 77 percent of President Trump’s approved ten-year debt came from bipartisan legislation, and 29 percent of the net ten-year debt President Biden has approved thus far came from bipartisan legislation. The rest was from partisan actions.
  • President Trump approved $2.2 trillion of debt in his first two years in office and $6.2 trillion ($2.6 trillion non-COVID) in his second two years. President Biden approved $4.9 trillion($2.9 trillion non-COVID) in his first two years in office and has so far approved over $600 billionof net ten-year deficit reduction since.
  • President Trump approved $5.9 trillion of net spending increases including interest ($2.8 trillion non-COVID) and $2.5 trillion of net tax cuts ($2.0 trillion non-COVID). President Biden has approved $4.3 trillion of net spending increases including interest ($2.3 trillion non-COVID) and roughly $0 of net tax changes ($60 billion revenue increase non-COVID).
  • Debt held by the public rose by $7.2 trillion during President Trump’s term including $5.9 trillionin the first three years and five months. Debt held by the public has grown by $6.0 trillion during President Biden’s term so far.
  • President Trump’s executive actions added less than $20 billion to ten-year debt on net. President Biden’s executive actions have added $1.2 trillion to ten-year debt so far.
  • The President’s budget was on average 39 dayslate under President Trump and 58 days late under President Biden.

The full report can be found here:

Trump and Biden: The National Debt-Mon, 06/24/2024 - 12:00 | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

The Lit Lefties won't listen. To them it's all Trump's fault that Congress spends more than it earns and has been doing so since approximately the time Biden was first elected to that legislative body.

Which is just a coincidence but a rather interesting one when all things are considered.
Republican/Russian Trumpers won't admit so many things Biden has done better while in the White House than Trump did. (When's the next Trump infrastructure week? When is Melania having that press conference to discuss the "genius" exception visa she entered the States on?)
Are you denying that Trump ran up record deficits?

Liberals seem to have no difficulty accepting facts, but MAGAs try to deny or make excuses for everything.
I have previously stated both parties are guilty. If you step back and look, it's simply a uniparty. Our government has a spending problem the majority of them won't be alive to watch the next generation suffer gravely from.
I have previously stated both parties are guilty. If you step back and look, it's simply a uniparty. Our government has a spending problem the majority of them won't be alive to watch the next generation suffer gravely from.

Oh give us a break. Again the article is not denying that spending happens under both parties. But you can't even look at the facts and say yes, the republicans caused more debt. That's insane.

Ironically, you likely supported Trump's tax cuts when they were passed and signed into law. (As well as Bush's and Reagan's.)
Oh give us a break. Again the article is not denying that spending happens under both parties. But you can't even look at the facts and say yes, the republicans caused more debt. That's insane.

Ironically, you likely supported Trump's tax cuts when they were passed and signed into law. (As well as Bush's and Reagan's.)


There is an election looming where the only viable options are the candidates of the two major parties.

Do we elect the candidate(s) of the party that runs up deficits LESS (President Biden / Democrats), or do we elect the candidate(s) of the party that runs up deficits MORE (the corrupt orange traitor and "republicans")???


Decisions, decisions..,


There is an election looming where the only viable options are the candidates of the two major parties.

Do we elect the candidate(s) of the party that runs up deficits LESS (President Biden / Democrats), or do we elect the candidate(s) of the party that runs up deficits MORE (the corrupt orange traitor and "republicans")???


Decisions, decisions..,


The GOP has no ability to govern. Tax cuts aren't governance. Nor is "own the libs".
I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.
I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.

Woot and if so it is guaranteed that the country will go further into debt. And you will cheer it on.

Nice job traitor!
Biden’s executive actions added $1.2 trillion. His student debt forgiveness alone has cost $620 billion so far,

Oh noes!!!

President Biden spent some money to reduce the burden on someone other than the rich and corporations. (Many of those student who benefited from debt relief were the victims of scams like Trump "University", and many others are first responders.)


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.
And if that does happen, I guarantee you we'll see yet another giant rise in the deficit.

At least they seem to have given up on "If we cut taxes on the rich, they'll invest that money and create jobs for everyone". I suspect too many people finally figured out that's horseshit.
And if that does happen, I guarantee you we'll see yet another giant rise in the deficit.

At least they seem to have given up on "If we cut taxes on the rich, they'll invest that money and create jobs for everyone". I suspect too many people finally figured out that's horseshit.
Nah, it can’t get worse than what it is now.
Nah, it can’t get worse than what it is now.
Ah, but it always does when the White House flips from D-R. Literally every time in the past half-century, as has already been discussed here.
It's almost as if people forget Trump was already POTUS for 4 years, and things were generationally great until they released a well-timed pandemic
The Lit Lefties won't listen. To them it's all Trump's fault that Congress spends more than it earns and has been doing so since approximately the time Biden was first elected to that legislative body.

Which is just a coincidence but a rather interesting one when all things are considered.

Because we don't both sides crap. Trump was the one setting the the goals under his presidency . This isn't coincidental.
It's almost as if people forget Trump was already POTUS for 4 years, and things were generationally great until they released a well-timed pandemic

The idea that there was a planned pandemic is stupid and thing weren't noticably better under Trump than Obama.
I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.
You guys committed an insurrection and got one of your MAGAts justifiably killed in the process.

Are those crocodile tears?
Oh give us a break. Again the article is not denying that spending happens under both parties. But you can't even look at the facts and say yes, the republicans caused more debt. That's insane.

Ironically, you likely supported Trump's tax cuts when they were passed and signed into law. (As well as Bush's and Reagan's.)

It's not that R's caused more debt, because that's not even true, it's that YOU refuse to face the truth, the debt is created by Congress, not the guy whose butt is in the hot seat in the oval office.
I guess that pointing out your hypocrisy through you posting your own deflections and omissions of fact sort of proves that you can't take responsibility for your actions either.

I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.
Yes we know, and if that doesn't happen you won't be here for a year.