Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden

Point to a single post in this thread from a conservative acknowledging the validity of the information.

I'll wait. But I won't be holding my breath. Until then:

I find it highly ironic that the party of personal responsibility has done nothing but deflect this entire thread.
Point to a single post in this thread from a conservative acknowledging the validity of the information.

I'll wait. But I won't be holding my breath. Until then:

I keep telling you idjits that you're playing solitaire with half a deck. Yes your information is correct but it's only half the information.

If you include the missing pieces, and stop playing games of omission due to confirmation bias, you'd understand that what you're saying isn't the whole truth. It's only part of the truth displayed in a way that you find palatable.

It's also obvious that you insist on doing this because the entire truth isn't something you can swallow because of the lump of hate stuck in your craw. Which is why your record is scratched and skipping, you're stuck on stupid.
I keep telling you idjits that you're playing solitaire with half a deck. Yes your information is correct but it's only half the information.

If you include the missing pieces, and stop playing games of omission due to confirmation bias, you'd understand that what you're saying isn't the whole truth. It's only part of the truth displayed in a way that you find palatable.

It's also obvious that you insist on doing this because the entire truth isn't something you can swallow because of the lump of hate stuck in your craw. Which is why your record is scratched and skipping, you're stuck on stupid.

Of course, next try to sell me the no true scotsman canard.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Look over there! Shiny squirrel!

Fucksakes you're a joke.

At least you halfway admitted it.

You should flesh out your deflections.
Of course, next try to sell me the no true scotsman canard.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Look over there! Shiny squirrel!

Fucksakes you're a joke.

At least you halfway admitted it.

At least flesh out your deflections.

Only the truth is the truth, not your VERSION of the truth that omits half of the facts.
Only the truth is the truth, not your VERSION of the truth that omits half of the facts.

Talk to Axios and the data they pulled. Your lame insistence about truths and half truths don't mean dick if you can't put meaning behind it.

Granted it will be the usual insults, equivocations and excuse making but at least it would be something besides a vague deflection.
Talk to Axios and the data they pulled. Your lame insistence about truths and half truths don't mean dick if you can't put meaning behind it.

Granted it will be the usual insults, equivocations and excuse making but at least it would be something besides a vague deflection.

If Axios is omitting data from its reporting then that's on them. You've been told the information you're using is incomplete and skewed. The onus is on you to do better than just be a parrot.

Unless your goal in life is to be a parrot. If so, then you've achieved it and deserve a cracker.
If you think the data is incomplete and skewed it is up to you to demonstrate how, find and post the missing data and explain the correlation.

It's not my fault you can't figure out how to debate.

If you think the data is incomplete and skewed it is up to you to demonstrate how, find and post the missing data and explain the correlation.

It's not my fault you can't figure out how to debate.

If you think the data is incomplete and skewed it is up to you to demonstrate how, find and post the missing data and explain the correlation.

It's not my fault you can't figure out how to debate.


That's already been posted by myself and others in the numerous threads discussing this. Threads YOU are participating in already. It really isn't my fault you skipped it and now look like a fool.
I predict republicans win the majority in both chambers, Trump wins the W House and you’ll have a front row seat to the rivers of democrat crocodile tears as giant omnibus bills hit the circular file.
Aren’t the omnibus bills the same things the R controlled house complained about this session?

Now if they can get more potato spending in there, that helps you directly right?
Debate about what happened in the past aside, let's look at what expert economists are saying about the candidates' espoused economic policies should one or the other be in the White House in late January of 2025. According to Moody's Analytics recent report:

the following would happen in this case:

from that 34-page report by Moody’s Analytics:

2nd Biden presidency would see:

•cooling inflation and continued economic growth of 2.1%

2nd Trump presidency:

•economic disaster: the following would trigger a recession by mid-2025, economy would slow to an average growth of 1.3%

•promised slashed taxes for wealthy
•increase tariffs across the board
•deport at least 11 million immigrant workers

tariffs and fewer workers would increase the cost of consumer goods causing inflation to reach 3.6% resulting in 3.2 million fewer jobs and a high unemployment rate

•proposed tariffs would not fully offset his tax cuts, adding trillions to the nation debt
It does occur to me, though, that the Republicans most likely wouldn't really deport all the immigrant workers. They would probably just say they had done so, and the FoxNewsMax crowd - not to mention Trump himself - would most likely believe it.
It's not that R's caused more debt, because that's not even true, it's that YOU refuse to face the truth, the debt is created by Congress, not the guy whose butt is in the hot seat in the oval office.


"republicans" cut taxes on the wealthy for the first time ever in a time a war, and they FAILED to INCREASE revenue to match the looming obligations to retiring Baby Boomers, and the looming costs of programs to mitigate and respond to the climate change emergency.

One more time for the slow derps:

The "republicans" have purposefully neglected INCREASING revenue while INCREASING spending on wars and pet projects (with kickbacks) over the PAST 50 YEARS so they can plead governmental poverty as a "legitimate" justification for cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and funding for SNAP, FEMA, and the IRS, etc, NOW.


Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Derpy 🤣

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Donald Trump may "reignite" inflation, Nobel Prize-winning economists warn

Although the rate of inflation has dropped throughout the past year, Biden has faced scrutiny over higher inflation rates amid the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump has sought to use the issue of inflation to peel away from Biden's support among moderate and independent voters who may prefer Biden on other issues, such as abortion and foreign policy.

However, 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists penned a letter, first obtained by Axios, warning about the possibility of higher inflation if Trump returns to the White House next year.

Economist Joseph Stiglitz, who won the prize in 2001, led the warning, according to Axios. In the letter, the economists wrote that they believe that Biden's "economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump."

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign and Stiglitz for comment via email.

Donald Trump may "reignite" inflation, Nobel Prize-winning economists warn

Although the rate of inflation has dropped throughout the past year, Biden has faced scrutiny over higher inflation rates amid the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump has sought to use the issue of inflation to peel away from Biden's support among moderate and independent voters who may prefer Biden on other issues, such as abortion and foreign policy.

However, 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists penned a letter, first obtained by Axios, warning about the possibility of higher inflation if Trump returns to the White House next year.

Economist Joseph Stiglitz, who won the prize in 2001, led the warning, according to Axios. In the letter, the economists wrote that they believe that Biden's "economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump."

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign and Stiglitz for comment via email.

Cue Derpy explaining how those Nobel prize winning economists are wrong because - derp “something something” derp - and BabyBoobs posting another poll…
