Mad about the economy? Blame Donald Trump.

Ohhhhh more… since he was able to be re-elected to two terms.

That is more a kindergarten math issue you have then.

I’ll trade you for your one dollar bill and I will give you 15 Pennies. It’s a good trade, take it small brain.

Are you the same idiot that said carbon was in water? Or was that another one of your MAGA-alts?

That Obama was elected for 2 terms in no way reduces the total amount of debt his administration incurred.

Or do you think that 9.8 trillion is less that 7.8 trillion? Or that breaking it down into year over year statistics changes the aggregate?

Perhaps if you subscribed to the mentally refreshing benefits of carbon water you might understand where you keep going wrong.
Haha. You’re the most obstinately wrong person in this forum. I’m not skewing anything. Just pointing out obvious facts.

Accept the fact that your precious Donnie set records for adding the most to the national debt per year in office. 🏆

No, you're not.

But you keep deluding yourself, it's fun to watch you melt down and cry.
That Obama was elected for 2 terms in no way reduces the total amount of debt his administration incurred.

Or do you think that 9.8 trillion is less that 7.8 trillion? Or that breaking it down into year over year statistics changes the aggregate?

Perhaps if you subscribed to the mentally refreshing benefits of carbon water you might understand where you keep going wrong.

Obstinate stupidity. 🏆 You are the undisputed champion.
Beat me to it…

See also: The amount of spending under President Biden that can be attributed to the corrupt orange traitor’s FAILURES,


Yeah, it's never the fault of the guy in the oval office. Well, not if he's a D. If he's an R all the rules swap around and everything is his fault even YEARS after he left office.
That Obama was elected for 2 terms in no way reduces the total amount of debt his administration incurred.

Or do you think that 9.8 trillion is less that 7.8 trillion? Or that breaking it down into year over year statistics changes the aggregate?

Perhaps if you subscribed to the mentally refreshing benefits of carbon water you might understand where you keep going wrong.
You must not do the shopping that much.

There is a place in the price that talks about the unit price. Here the debt accumulated over 4 years vs 8 year….

Why am I trying to educate you? Ron is right…”you can’t fix stupid!”
Obama inherited The Great Recession. (See massive GOP driven deregulation of the derivative markets among others.)

Trump inherited the longest and strongest job growth spurt along with a recovered economy.


The gaslighting doesn’t work if relevant details aren’t omitted.

Obama inherited The Great Recession. (See massive GOP driven deregulation of the derivative markets among others.)

Trump inherited the longest and strongest job growth spurt along with a recovered economy.

I guess if you want to call 2.0% GDP growth that Obama managed to reduce from Bush's 2.6% GDP the "longest and strongest" you can.

Most of the world disagrees, but hey, you do you.
Paying attention to details isn't a strong suit for derpy.

He's so in his feelings he's mentioning GDP when I was talking about job growth.

Helpful hints from (not) Heloise: Don't hire Derpy to be your lawyer.
Paying attention to details isn't a strong suit for derpy.

He's so in his feelings he's mentioning GDP when I was talking about job growth.

Helpful hints from (not) Heloise: Don't hire Derpy to be your lawyer.

You understand that a rising GDP is the result of a growing economy, yes? And that a falling GDP is because of a contracting economy?

And that jobs increase when the economy grows? And we lose jobs when the economy shrinks?

Or do you think the opposite is true, that jobs grow when employers are laying off workers because sales are down?
Sorry derpy. No CYA for you!

Funny thing is, and we've seen this before with him ^^, he uses these tactics to arbitrarily dismiss the information he's given. Since he has denigrated it, belittled it then he no longer has to pay it any mind. Not that he has much to pay, but still.
Funny thing is, and we've seen this before with him ^^, he uses these tactics to arbitrarily dismiss the information he's given. Since he has denigrated it, belittled it then he no longer has to pay it any mind. Not that he has much to pay, but still.

I'm not the one who dismisses information because I don't like the website which publishes it.

I'm not the one who tries to skew results by omitting crucial data and then covering up those omissions by "clever" titles and deflections.

You refuse to acknowledge the entire truth because it proves that your narrative is a lie. Rather than admit it, you lie again. And again. And again.

The people have finally figured out what you're doing. Even anti-Trump Liberal commentators are switching sides and coming out against what you're spewing.

But you can't see that either because your hate blinds you to everything.
I'm not the one who dismisses information because I don't like the website which publishes it.

I'm not the one who tries to skew results by omitting crucial data and then covering up those omissions by "clever" titles and deflections.

You refuse to acknowledge the entire truth because it proves that your narrative is a lie. Rather than admit it, you lie again. And again. And again.

The people have finally figured out what you're doing. Even anti-Trump Liberal commentators are switching sides and coming out against what you're spewing.

But you can't see that either because your hate blinds you to everything.

Oh fucksakes there is nowhere near enough inebriants to justify that.

What the fuck did you do to your brain derpy??

Pick up a mirror dude. This is EXACTLY what you have done this entire thread.
Oh fucksakes there is nowhere near enough inebriants to justify that.

What the fuck did you do to your brain derpy??

Pick up a mirror dude. This is EXACTLY what you have done this entire thread.

No it isn't. That you refuse to acknowledge that you're spreading lies, because those lies confirm your bias, is all on you.

No one is forcing you to be stupid except yourself.
No it isn't. That you refuse to acknowledge that you're spreading lies, because those lies confirm your bias, is all on you.

No one is forcing you to be stupid except yourself.
If she's telling lies, it should be easy enough for you to find the facts that ruin her point.

But you can't.

Because you're an ineffectual nothing.
No it isn't. That you refuse to acknowledge that you're spreading lies, because those lies confirm your bias, is all on you.

No one is forcing you to be stupid except yourself.
Go ahead and post the info then derpy. Fill it out.

Obama inherited The Great Recession. (See massive GOP driven deregulation of the derivative markets among others.)

Trump inherited the longest and strongest job growth spurt along with a recovered economy.
That goes back to Clinton when he repealed the Glass Steagall act.
I agree that reckless Wall Street firms need strong regulation by the government. I’m surprised you support that.
I believe there should be a separation between investment banking and commercial banking. Repealing the Glass Steagall act played a big part in the abuse of derivatives and CDS (credit default swaps) which led to the collapse of the housing market and many large banks.
You're the one who won't link to it.

Poison pill must pass bill. The deregulation was the GOP addition.

But like always with you traitors, revisionist history.

You're the one who won't read it even if it's posted.

Please STOP with the dimwittery. You're just making yourself look bad with no end goal available.