Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden

Correct. I oppose increasing the government’s share of what we produce.
And what exactly do you produce? Besides hot air?
I prefer bringing the scope of government in line with the 17% historic revenue norm.
Then raise taxes and it's done. Simple
I certainly don’t want to take the route of raising the federal government’s slice of the pie to 25% or more which is the current trajectory.
Yes I know you don't. But the only other solution you offer is to "reduce spending". I agree there is a bunch of fat to trim there. As I've said dozens of times, start by cutting your Military spending by 50%.
You’re a bigger idiot than FUZZYNUTS. I’ve written in the past that either go all in or get the fuck out. Half ass measures without an exit strategy is fool hardy. Biden’s foreign policies are just short of insanity. He bailed on Israel, he’s tried to dictate how Ukraine should fight its war, his pulled out of Afghanistan was a total global embarrassment, he’s failed to eliminate the Houthis, he’s funding Iran and it’s proxies. He’s failed to insist Ukraine negotiate a peace settlement with Putin.

Replacing old stock has taxed our industrial capacity to the limit. Taiwan is billions of dollars behind in weapons systems. China is a real existential threat and Biden acts like he a member of China’s communist party.

Putin would never attempt to invade a NATO country. That would be suicide. China, Korea, Russia and Iran form the new axis powers and Biden is AWOL. What’s Biden’s policy if a war breaks out with Hezbollah. Biden’s policy of appeasement is going to lead us into war. Biden’s woke policy when dealing with our military is scandalous at best.

Step away from the propaganda.

The US has not bailed on Israel. That's histrionics.

He is not dictating how Ukraine should fight the war.

The pullout was a Trumpian nightmare by Trump design. Deal with it.

We would have been replacing the old stock anyway.

Trump did not support Ukraine being part of NATO. It wasn't until it became a possibility that he acted to invade.

All you do is criticize Biden and suck Trump's dick. Even as he puts the country to ruin.

Fucking worthless traitor.
Step away from the propaganda.

The US has not bailed on Israel. That's histrionics.

He is not dictating how Ukraine should fight the war.

The pullout was a Trumpian nightmare by Trump design. Deal with it.

We would have been replacing the old stock anyway.

Trump did not support Ukraine being part of NATO. It wasn't until it became a possibility that he acted to invade.

All you do is criticize Biden and suck Trump's dick. Even as he puts the country to ruin.

Fucking worthless traitor.
This a litany of fuckups just from the Afghanistan debacle Leading to even more problems with Russia, Iran.

The Afghanistan debacle looms largest here. In March, Biden said that when it came to withdrawing U.S. military forces, “We’re going to do so in a safe and orderly way.” He explained, “We’re in consultation … with our allies and partners in how to proceed.”

That did not happen. Instead, Biden insisted, against military advice and basic logic, on withdrawing all U.S. forces from Afghanistan. This meant the departure of 2,500 troops and associated contractors who were providing Afghan security forces with irreplaceable logistics, maintenance, intelligence, and air support. With the U.S. in full flight, the Afghan military quickly collapsed. The Afghan political class retreated in fear and disorder. The Taliban stormed toward Kabul. The terrible scenes from Kabul’s international airport were the result of Biden’s poor planning.

Top U.S. allies were ignored when they begged Biden to extend the Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline. The truth is that thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies were abandoned by a president who ultimately cared nothing for “a safe and orderly” evacuation.
This a litany of fuckups just from the Afghanistan debacle Leading to even more problems with Russia, Iran.

The Afghanistan debacle looms largest here. In March, Biden said that when it came to withdrawing U.S. military forces, “We’re going to do so in a safe and orderly way.” He explained, “We’re in consultation … with our allies and partners in how to proceed.”

That did not happen. Instead, Biden .....
....followed the deadlines in the deal Trump signed.
This a litany of fuckups just from the Afghanistan debacle Leading to even more problems with Russia, Iran.

The Afghanistan debacle looms largest here. In March, Biden said that when it came to withdrawing U.S. military forces, “We’re going to do so in a safe and orderly way.” He explained, “We’re in consultation … with our allies and partners in how to proceed.”

That did not happen. Instead, Biden insisted, against military advice and basic logic, on withdrawing all U.S. forces from Afghanistan. This meant the departure of 2,500 troops and associated contractors who were providing Afghan security forces with irreplaceable logistics, maintenance, intelligence, and air support. With the U.S. in full flight, the Afghan military quickly collapsed. The Afghan political class retreated in fear and disorder. The Taliban stormed toward Kabul. The terrible scenes from Kabul’s international airport were the result of Biden’s poor planning.

Top U.S. allies were ignored when they begged Biden to extend the Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline. The truth is that thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies were abandoned by a president who ultimately cared nothing for “a safe and orderly” evacuation.

Repeat after me traitor:

Because of the agreement Trump made. Biden fulfilled the agreement that Trump made.

There was no way getting out of Afghanistan was going to be pretty.

The ironic thing is that you accuse us of focusing on Trump but you can't name a single goddamn thing about Biden you approve of.

Fuck off with your hysterical hypocrisy traitor.
Repeat after me traitor:

Because of the agreement Trump made. Biden fulfilled the agreement that Trump made.

There was no way getting out of Afghanistan was going to be pretty.

The ironic thing is that you accuse us of focusing on Trump but you can't name a single goddamn thing about Biden you approve of.

Fuck off with your hysterical hypocrisy traitor.

Rep. Mann Blasts President Biden's Weak Foreign Policy, Stands with Israel​

April 16, 2024
Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01) blasted President Biden’s disastrous foreign policy on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Over the weekend, Iran—the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruises into Israel, America’s ally and sole-democratic partner in the Middle East. Rep. Mann expressed frustration over President Biden’s appeasement in dealing with the Iranian regime and the impact his policies have had on the region. In the aftermath of the October 7attacks in Israel, Rep. Mann and House Republicans advanced legislation to support Israel’s right to self-defense and to condemn Iran-backed Hamas’ terrorism.
“Since day one, President Biden’s mission has been to appease the Iranian regime as if it would be effective in discouraging bad behavior,” said Rep. Mann. “President Biden took a sledgehammer to President Trump’s policies that actually worked and deterred terrorism. President Biden’s appeasement has backfired, putting American and Israeli lives at risk. If it isn’t clear enough to the Biden Administration, here’s a wakeup call—the President’s policies are not working. This week, Congress will again vote on legislation to condemn the behavior of the Iranian regime and show our unequivocal support for our ally Israel. The President has a choice. He can abandon our strongest ally in the Middle East or join House Republicans in standing with our ally Israel. ”
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on several pieces of legislation that reaffirms America’s unwavering support for Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable.
In October 2023, Rep. Mann voted yes on H.R. 771, a resolution stating that America stands with Israel as it defends itself against the war launched by Hamas. Rep. Mann also supported the stand-alone Israeli Security Supplemental Appropriations Act to bolster Israel’s defensive capabilities against Hamas and other terrorist organizations. In December, Mann voted in favor of the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act which would permanently freeze the $6 billion in Iranian assets that the Biden Administration reversed in September 2023. Mann proudly voted to advance H.R. 793, a resolution that called for Hamas to immediately release hostages taken during the October 7 attacks, and H.R. 888, a resolution reaffirming the state of Israel’s right to exist.

Rep. Mann Blasts President Biden's Weak Foreign Policy, Stands with Israel​

April 16, 2024
Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01) blasted President Biden’s disastrous foreign policy on the floor of the U.S.
How about SCOTUS bitch-slapping Gym Jordan today?

House of Representatives. Over the weekend, Iran—the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruises into Israel, America’s ally and sole-democratic partner in the Middle East. Rep. ing the state of Israel’s right to exist.
Who killed the deal with Iran again? Oh right, your hero.
Repeat after me traitor:

Because of the agreement Trump made. Biden fulfilled the agreement that Trump made.

There was no way getting out of Afghanistan was going to be pretty.

The ironic thing is that you accuse us of focusing on Trump but you can't name a single goddamn thing about Biden you approve of.
When it comes to foreign policy Biden is an incompetent and stubborn fool.
Fuck off with your hysterical hypocrisy traitor.
So what you’re saying is that Biden is too weak to adjust foreign policy, lacks ability to lead, to change policy that favors the current situation. So, what you’re saying is Biden is indecisive, the appeaser in chief, running a foreign policy fraught with halfass measures.
The Iran deal was the biggest foreign policy debacle ever conceived by a president.
Maybe, but it gave some leverage over Iran, leverage that has been since Trump killed the deal. Not to mention, every other country that entered into an agreement with the US, suddenly re evaluated their opinion of the USA> smart move...
You’re a certified fucking idiot. Spending on Ukrainian defense is not increasing or improving our defense posture. Stop being argumentative. I have no problem paying a little more in taxes towards our own military. I have a problem with all the other crap we spend foolishly on. Paying off college debt, supporting illegal migrants, subsidizing green energy, treadmills for shrimp. Bridges to nowhere and thousands of other wasteful projects.

Does the Constitution provide for defense?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; . . .
The part about the general welfare is fun.. glad you bolded that too. Seems the other items fall into that category.

Fries are up Traitor Tater!
Maybe, but it gave some leverage over Iran, leverage that has been since Trump killed the deal. Not to mention, every other country that entered into an agreement with the US, suddenly re evaluated their opinion of the USA> smart move...
Trump’s policy on Iran had them on the verge of total collapse. Biden back door funded the Oct 7th raid.
Trump’s policy on Iran had them on the verge of total collapse. Biden back door funded the Oct 7th raid.
lol ok I'm going post hunting....and WE ALWAYS know what happens when I dig back in your posting history....

Rep. Mann Blasts President Biden's Weak Foreign Policy, Stands with Israel​

April 16, 2024
Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01) blasted President Biden’s disastrous foreign policy on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Over the weekend, Iran—the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruises into Israel, America’s ally and sole-democratic partner in the Middle East. Rep. Mann expressed frustration over President Biden’s appeasement in dealing with the Iranian regime and the impact his policies have had on the region. In the aftermath of the October 7attacks in Israel, Rep. Mann and House Republicans advanced legislation to support Israel’s right to self-defense and to condemn Iran-backed Hamas’ terrorism.
“Since day one, President Biden’s mission has been to appease the Iranian regime as if it would be effective in discouraging bad behavior,” said Rep. Mann. “President Biden took a sledgehammer to President Trump’s policies that actually worked and deterred terrorism. President Biden’s appeasement has backfired, putting American and Israeli lives at risk. If it isn’t clear enough to the Biden Administration, here’s a wakeup call—the President’s policies are not working. This week, Congress will again vote on legislation to condemn the behavior of the Iranian regime and show our unequivocal support for our ally Israel. The President has a choice. He can abandon our strongest ally in the Middle East or join House Republicans in standing with our ally Israel. ”
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on several pieces of legislation that reaffirms America’s unwavering support for Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable.
In October 2023, Rep. Mann voted yes on H.R. 771, a resolution stating that America stands with Israel as it defends itself against the war launched by Hamas. Rep. Mann also supported the stand-alone Israeli Security Supplemental Appropriations Act to bolster Israel’s defensive capabilities against Hamas and other terrorist organizations. In December, Mann voted in favor of the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act which would permanently freeze the $6 billion in Iranian assets that the Biden Administration reversed in September 2023. Mann proudly voted to advance H.R. 793, a resolution that called for Hamas to immediately release hostages taken during the October 7 attacks, and H.R. 888, a resolution reaffirming the state of Israel’s right to exist.

Quelle surprise. A trumper republican criticizing Biden. Shocker.

Again all you do is bitch and moan about Biden but will happily support people who want to dismantle our government and democracy. Traitor.
When it comes to foreign policy Biden is an incompetent and stubborn fool.

So what you’re saying is that Biden is too weak to adjust foreign policy, lacks ability to lead, to change policy that favors the current situation. So, what you’re saying is Biden is indecisive, the appeaser in chief, running a foreign policy fraught with halfass measures.

Again endless Biden criticism backed up by trump bootlickers who would happily sell out our country to the highest bidder. And you support that.

This is why you are a traitor.
Quelle surprise. A trumper republican criticizing Biden. Shocker.

Again all you do is bitch and moan about Biden but will happily support people who want to dismantle our government and democracy. Traitor.
I don’t support you in the least.
Again endless Biden criticism backed up by trump bootlickers who would happily sell out our country to the highest bidder. And you support that.

This is why you are a traitor.
And yet it’s Biden and family that accepted millions of dollars from adversary governments.
Where? Got any proof? Yah I thought so....
There is compelling evidence out there but when you own the DOJ, just saying. Look how long it took to convict Hunter, His 2014/15 tax evasion criminal violations were open and shut cases but allowed to outrun the statutes of limitations.
There is compelling evidence out there but when you own the DOJ, just saying. Look how long it took to convict Hunter, His 2014/15 tax evasion criminal violations were open and shut cases but allowed to outrun the statutes of limitations.
Now you bring in the big guns.......HUNTER!!!!!

That is not proof, it's not even "evidence", it's unsubstantiated hearsay.....
Now you bring in the big guns.......HUNTER!!!!!

That is not proof, it's not even "evidence", it's unsubstantiated hearsay.....
Hunter is a key member of the Biden crime family and because of his notoriety he almost got away with several felony violations. Thank God a judge caught it.