Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden

Hunter is a key member of the Biden crime family and because of his notoriety he almost got away with several felony violations. Thank God a judge caught it.
lol, sure he is. BTW how does this tie into your little theory that the DOJ is run by Biden? Seems to me if it was, there would be no case against Hunter. It never would have even gotten to a charge...
lol, sure he is. BTW how does this tie into your little theory that the DOJ is run by Biden? Seems to me if it was, there would be no case against Hunter. It never would have even gotten to a charge...
No! They fucked up a plea bargain so bad otherwise Hunter would’ve walk on all current charges and future charges. Weiss had Hunter dead to rights as described by the IRS whistleblowers and allowed the violations to run out the statute of limitations. A major coverup by the DOJ and a U.S. attorney. They were embarrassed into charging gun violations. Anyone other than Biden would have been charged and convicted of tax evasion.
No! They fucked up a plea bargain so bad otherwise Hunter would’ve walk on all current charges and future charges. Weiss had Hunter dead to rights as described by the IRS whistleblowers and allowed the violations to run out the statute of limitations. A major coverup by the DOJ and a U.S. attorney. They were embarrassed into charging gun violations. Anyone other than Biden would have been charged and convicted of tax evasion.
lol, again, if Biden had the DOJ in his back pocket as you keep claiming and Biden could make them investigate and now convict Trump on what you claim are fraudulent charges, then why was Hunter even charged? Hell with that much power, I'm surprised Biden hasn't arranged to have Hunter knighted.
lol, again, if Biden had the DOJ in his back pocket as you keep claiming and Biden could make them investigate and now convict Trump on what you claim are fraudulent charges, then why was Hunter even charged? Hell with that much power, I'm surprised Biden hasn't arranged to have Hunter knighted.
I’m kinda amazed how he doubles down time after time on things that have been debunked. The context just gets scraped away only the simplistic black and white remains. And naturally, he chooses the pjmedia version.

It’s quite a trumpian thing that if you say it enough it makes it true to the cult members who regurgitate the cult lines. Fascinating in a disturbing kind of way.
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No! They fucked up a plea bargain so bad otherwise Hunter would’ve walk on all current charges and future charges. Weiss had Hunter dead to rights as described by the IRS whistleblowers and allowed the violations to run out the statute of limitations. A major coverup by the DOJ and a U.S. attorney. They were embarrassed into charging gun violations. Anyone other than Biden would have been charged and convicted of tax evasion.
Traitor Tater. You gotta get off of this… they got Hunter, and had NOTHING to connect to Joe. All smoke and mirrors… thanks to MAGA zombie nation for pushing so hard for this prosecution! Wait, it distracted from other things? Who didn’t see THAT coming.

Are you playing go fish while the rest of the world is playing chess?

Do you deep fry the fish along with the fries?

Stick with something in your depth, this is far deeper than you are equipped to handle.
I’m kinda amazed how he doubles down time after time on things that have been debunked. The context just gets scraped away only the simplistic black and white remains. And naturally, he chooses the pjmedia version.

It’s quite a trumpian thing that if you say it enough it makes it true to the cult members who regurgitate the cult lines. Fascinating in a disturbing kind of way.

And not worth engaging with at some point…

Unless one is bored and wants to slap ineedhelp1 around like a dead mouse cat toy…

And not worth engaging with at some point…

Unless one is bored and wants to slap ineedhelp1 around like a dead mouse cat toy…

It’s always comical to toy with the cerebrally challenged. But I do hear he deep fries a good potato. Traitor tater!
There was no way getting out of Afghanistan was going to be pretty.

Under the circumstances / conditions, President Biden and our military executed a miraculous exit from that FUBAR quagmire.

Full stop.


Under the circumstances / conditions, President Biden and our military executed a miraculous exit from that FUBAR quagmire.

Full stop.


The military took its marching orders from an incompetent fool. The military advised Biden to not withdraw completely from Afghanistan.
The military took its marching orders from an incompetent fool. The military advised Biden to not withdraw completely from Afghanistan.


Comments from ineedhelp1 (a fucking imbecile) are summarily dismissed.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

I’m kinda amazed how he doubles down time after time on things that have been debunked. The context just gets scraped away only the simplistic black and white remains. And naturally, he chooses the pjmedia version.

It’s quite a trumpian thing that if you say it enough it makes it true to the cult members who regurgitate the cult lines. Fascinating in a disturbing kind of way.
Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Comments from ineedhelp1 (a fucking imbecile) are summarily dismissed.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Unlike you I feel compassion for all the girls and women who have lost their rights to an education, back under the iron rule of a terrorist regime. Maybe someday when you extract your head out of Biden’s ass you’ll fully understand the damage this withdrawal is causing. And yes Trump was totally shortsighted on his push to withdraw.
Unlike you I feel compassion for all the girls and women who have lost their rights to an education, back under the iron rule of a terrorist regime. Maybe someday when you extract your head out of Biden’s ass you’ll fully understand the damage this withdrawal is causing. And yes Trump was totally shortsighted on his push to withdraw.
Yah, and then you refuse to let them make their own medical care decisions...fuck off and shut up.
There is compelling evidence out there but when you own the DOJ, just saying. Look how long it took to convict Hunter, His 2014/15 tax evasion criminal violations were open and shut cases but allowed to outrun the statutes of limitations.

There is no reason to think Biden owns the DOJ at all, at least not in comparison to any other president. The fact that Biden was charged at all flies in the face of that idea unless you genuinely believe that 80 something year old Biden genuinely sacrificed his son on the hopes of a second term going all the way back to when he first took office. That's some pretty forward thinking on his part. Under normal circumstances Hunter's story would have been buried. Not because he's part of the 100% fictional Biden Crime Family but because his family is worth millions of dollars no matter how you slice it.

Doesn't matter if you're a Biden, a Trump, a Hilton or new rich Snoop Dogg you get away with crap because you're rich. I'm not a huge fan of it but I recognize that the universe DOES let rich people walk for stuff that would ruin your life or mine. The Hunter story was political from start to finish honestly more so than Trump. Trump mind you would have walked on all this crap too had he not been running for President for the THIRD FUCKING TIME.

Neither Hunter nor Biden would be in any real trouble if not for politics. However I remember when the kids were considered out of bounds. When did the rules change?

Hunter is a key member of the Biden crime family and because of his notoriety he almost got away with several felony violations. Thank God a judge caught it.

There is no Biden Crime Family. I have a hard time believing that there are adults who genuinely believe this bullshit but I'm learning that people are far, far stupider than I have previously believed so there is that. Hunter is a relatively run of the mill druggie. How many celebrities do we KNOW have spent time in one way or another drugged out of their minds? Lindsey Lohan Britney Murphy, Eddie Gurerro, Charlie Sheen, nearly every rock star ever, that's just how these people roll.

I would add that while I'm not happy they get out of jail free, putting them in jail would be a waste of resources and our entire justice system needs a top to bottom revamp.
There is no reason to think Biden owns the DOJ at all, at least not in comparison to any other president. The fact that Biden was charged at all flies in the face of that idea unless you genuinely believe that 80 something year old Biden genuinely sacrificed his son on the hopes of a second term going all the way back to when he first took office. That's some pretty forward thinking on his part. Under normal circumstances Hunter's story would have been buried. Not because he's part of the 100% fictional Biden Crime Family but because his family is worth millions of dollars no matter how you slice it.

Doesn't matter if you're a Biden, a Trump, a Hilton or new rich Snoop Dogg you get away with crap because you're rich. I'm not a huge fan of it but I recognize that the universe DOES let rich people walk for stuff that would ruin your life or mine. The Hunter story was political from start to finish honestly more so than Trump. Trump mind you would have walked on all this crap too had he not been running for President for the THIRD FUCKING TIME.

Neither Hunter nor Biden would be in any real trouble if not for politics. However I remember when the kids were considered out of bounds. When did the rules change?

There is no Biden Crime Family. I have a hard time believing that there are adults who genuinely believe this bullshit but I'm learning that people are far, far stupider than I have previously believed so there is that. Hunter is a relatively run of the mill druggie. How many celebrities do we KNOW have spent time in one way or another drugged out of their minds? Lindsey Lohan Britney Murphy, Eddie Gurerro, Charlie Sheen, nearly every rock star ever, that's just how these people roll.

I would add that while I'm not happy they get out of jail free, putting them in jail would be a waste of resources and our entire justice system needs a top to bottom revamp.
I’m having a hard time believing you’re such an ignoramus.
Unlike you I feel compassion for all the girls and women who have lost their rights to an education, back under the iron rule of a terrorist regime. Maybe someday when you extract your head out of Biden’s ass you’ll fully understand the damage this withdrawal is causing. And yes Trump was totally shortsighted on his push to withdraw.


See post #186


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Yah, and then you refuse to let them make their own medical care decisions...fuck off and shut up.
You are suffering from dementia. I’m talking about Afghanistan and your posting about something totally off topic.
You are suffering from dementia. I’m talking about Afghanistan and your posting about something totally off topic.
Really, you talk about women's rights on one hand, but you fucking deny them with your other hand. Sorry Ican't you don't get any morally high ground here.
Really, you talk about women's rights on one hand, but you fucking deny them with your other hand. Sorry Ican't you don't get any morally high ground here.
I haven’t denied women any rights. More demented delusional rhetoric.
Ding ding! Fuzzy might be catching on. The 17% of GDP in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s is being outpaced by spending. Spending has been averaging 21% of GDP. That’s been a problem that spiked under Trump with the onset of Covid, began retreating but never got back to its 21% historic average, and is now heading to 25%. The US has a spending problem that’s getting worse. The left wants to spend even more and take a greater share of GDP to pay for it.

Republicans only care about spending and deficits when Democrats hold the White House. Republicans are silent on those issues when they hold the White House.

History tells us that when the Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House, federal spending doesn’t go down but in fact increases.

History also tells us that in conjunction with increased spending, Republicans cut taxes on the highest earners (see Reagan, GW Bush and Trump).

Increased spending and tax cuts cause huge deficits under Republican leadership.

If Trump wins and the Republicans win control of Congress, they will cut some social programs for show, but overall spending will continue to rise. And taxes on the rich will be cut again. Bigly deficits will result (again).