TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I wouldn't want them, either. Don't want them now. Wish that Allah would call them all home to reside in his ample bosom.

Got some of this old shit cleaned up a bit. Pressure washers work wonderfully. Well, they help. Yeah, we have one anvil and are going to collect another next weekend. There's third free if I'll just go get it - 1000 miles away. One way. Hmmm, maybe. I'm wondering what we'll break when we bore it out.

We did have one nosy neighbor stop in and want to chat. Fortunately, she handled him. Wat was busy. Wat is now tired. Grazed out. Burgers were half-assed. That place makes a good Reuben, so we should stick with it. Went to Tractor Supply (gotta love the name) and scored a better tow strap and a ball lock for the trailer.

Weather tonight should be good fer sleepin'. Wind-n-rain. So says the forecast. We'll see, I reckon . . . .



Happy Sunday!!! There be rain out there. It's been out there all night. Probably got soggy as a result. And it's gonna get really chilly in the wee hours of tomorrow. Like close to freezing chilly. Might be window scraping in the morning.

Gotta run to town to meet a guy. Would meet two, but the one went to the aquarium in wherever.

The kitten has been on a real tear these last few days. Conquered the cat tree and won't let anyone on it if she's on it. Won't allow the big cat to have a moment's peace. Whumps his fat butt regularly.

I'ma make this meatloaf recipe this afternoon, I think, but coffee first. It is the will of Allah . . . .



Beautiful morning!

High deck of altocumulus backlit by a near-full moon.

"Moon Phase Today: March 25, 2021. The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts about 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon rises in the east in mid-afternoon and is high in the eastern sky at sunset."

Discovered that it is little stupid peeing the carpet.
She squatted right in front of me and peed.
I guess, I'll get some pads and try to train her,
but she is both stubborn and stupid.

The carpet shampooer is now a feature in the living room.
I tried locking them up at night, but they try to tear down the door,
plus what good is that going to do when she will do it
in the broad daylight right in front of you?

Wat must have got the rain that we were supposed to.
I got the mower up and running and mowed the front yard in anticipation.
The battery was dead, but that was to be expected.
I put it on the charger for two hours and that did the trick.
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So, I'm watching some of March Madness while waiting for the mower battery to charge.

They're selling cars (and beer, think about that, a drinking and driving thing)
and one car (Buick?) has a magic bimbo button to parallel park.
(Okay, who is going to trust a thing like that?)

Does it have a bimbo un-park button?

I think that we can assume that the knuckleheads know how to pull out . . .

in front of someone.

The new old ride has bupkis for view to the rear. I think this was trendy then. Style over function. I think that I will see my way clear to parking only in pull-through spots.

Hell, it's not like I won't be parking in the cheap seats section anyway.


I was hauling the garbage down to the trash can and
I saw a wonderful old convertible (coupe?) drive by.

It was a wonderful day for a ride.
Too bad mine was on the mower.

It was deep maroon with tan interior and top.
Very nice.

The new old ride has bupkis for view to the rear. I think this was trendy then. Style over function. I think that I will see my way clear to parking only in pull-through spots.

Hell, it's not like I won't be parking in the cheap seats section anyway.


Or they thought they had enough horsepower that "behind you" would never matter.
Torque. Lots of very low RPM torque. It's a function of small bores and long strokes.

HfD's designed their engines similarly.

So I'm thinking that the nine-main-bearing anvils are more bulletproof than is commonly believed. Like, 5K RPMs even. HfDs twist past 6.

We'll see . . . .



Yeah, she could use some sun time.

I'm still a fan of a good car paint job. At least a five footer, so you kinda look like you know what's going on.

I wonder what the woke definition is . . . .

Okay, no, I don't.



Good Sunday Morning!

There is some rain, but the grass is greenin up nice.

Had my nose in a paper most of yesterday getting my CE credits up to date.

It seems there is an unscheduled trip to town today.
I stopped reading the news, the longer covid lasts the more it bugs me.

The guys cooked some burgers for us for brunch, restaurants will never improve on hot coals.

All quiet here, just going to grab a cup of tea.
I probably need to start making burgers at home again. Mine seem to be moar gooder.

Got in a nice ride to town. Town is a fer-'nuff piece off to amount to a good ride on a nice day.

Couple of the boys on the car forum have already chimed in on my project. Looking forward to their input - in some cases. No trolls, thanks be to Allah, just opinions.

It has cleared into a nice day.



Yanno, they do make moly rings now. Better'n them old tin-plated cast iron ones. Smoke is optional any more.

I may 6 bang this one. There's a glitch in my addin' that I ain't seein'. We'll see. The thinkin' just keeps on a'happenin'.

Made a new recipe for meatloaf for supper. Mom and my brother rave about it. I say, it needs he'p. So I'ma gonna he'p it when I make it agin.

Off to crash soon.


