TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Boycott Georgia?

How stupid can you get?

It's bad enough that they are saddled with the Hawks...
They are a favourite for women, they are easy to conceal and fit our hands :)
You do know this just reinforces that the men should be careful around you though ;):D

I recently started changing my EDC, I’m alternating between the Sig P938 SAS and the Springfield Hellcat OSB. The Hellcat is more comfortable and the capacity is great.

They don’t have to worry, I can protect them. :p
Happy Monday!!!

Slept okay. It's turned off cold so the heat is running. Some little old bones are warming on the vent. He's a binger-n-puker. Not all the time, but sometimes. The boy beagle is a good cat barf eater, so nothing goes to waste. Like, no paper towels used for a clean-up in aisle 3. Of course, he always tries his hand at the unchewed catfood while he's visiting. He met the new squirt bottle this morning, so he'll have to be sneakier.

Weasels got a busy week this week. Wat's week is only four days, thanks be to Allah. Wait, that one's on Teh Sweet Babeh Jeebus, because it's Nailed To A Tree day. Makes body glad to be a wood butcher.

And grateful for coffee . . . .



I recently started changing my EDC, I’m alternating between the Sig P938 SAS and the Springfield Hellcat OSB. The Hellcat is more comfortable and the capacity is great.

They don’t have to worry, I can protect them. :p

Oh, thanks be to Allah.

I was so skeert for a minute, but no more!!!


We had an overnight dusting of snow here in God's Favored Land.

The local Jarhead Detachment has announced the date for the annual Toys-for-Tots golf tournament. I need to think about who I want on my Eeeee-Leeete team this year.
I recently started changing my EDC, I’m alternating between the Sig P938 SAS and the Springfield Hellcat OSB. The Hellcat is more comfortable and the capacity is great.

They don’t have to worry, I can protect them. :p

I can help you hide the evidence of that and we can do a girls night afterwards :D
I got the backhoe attachment for the Bobcat, it’ll be easy!

Remember the body goes 10 feet down then backfill to 4 feet and put an animal carcass there. It won't confuse a cadaver dog but the handler isn't as smart and will assume the dog made a mistake and send it for retaining.
Remember the body goes 10 feet down then backfill to 4 feet and put an animal carcass there. It won't confuse a cadaver dog but the handler isn't as smart and will assume the dog made a mistake and send it for retaining.

And always try to plant an endangered bush or tree over the body.
The backhoe attachment: the answer for everything!!! And the things we learn here in our wee thread. Of course, sometimes we wander out to see igg'nurnt peeplez call others igg'nurnt, which is a fucking riot.

Home. The landlady is out cutting the grass. It's nice to be free of that here, praises to Allah.

The PM is leaving for home in the morning. Looks like we'll get the APM for a couple of days. No matter. Wat has work for him - things to shop for. Oh, and Pudd'n the "Plumber" complained that someone had tooken some of "his" tools and equipment. A batt'reh charger and two extension cords. This from the guy who was half an hour late to work and then took a 90-minute nap. I told the foreman to get rid of this asshat - and to take his fucking tools with him or lock them in their trailer. I hope his mom runs out from under the front porch and rips his leg off when he gets home.

No idee what's for supper. Might be leftovers . . . .




It was leftovers. Made some mess last week with Italian sausage, bowtie pasta, and some kinda grainy bits, and marinara. It turned out really well. Well, it needs seasoning, but that part is easy.

Wrestled with her lawnmower for a bit. The safety handle gizmo is seized and it don' work none. So I juiced the cable for a bit and plan to keep doing it until I can get it to move. Not sure it's the cable but the slide gizmo on the engine. It'll give it up soon enough.

Off to hit the hay soon enough, too


I had something get into the chicken coop and wipe out an entire flock
(and it didn't even eat them; had to be domestic.).

I buried them and planted a small crepe myrtle over them.
It has grown rapidly and blooms profusely.
Too bad it's out back and unseen
by all but me...

I think we're supposed to get rain today.

Then again, it is the Bootheel and it is spring, so I could say that every day...
Happy Tuesday!!!

Looks to be a dry day here, and warm. "They" say the temps will drop again later this week, but it's early Spring, so who's surprised by that? I should bike it to work today, but (I think) I have Misc. Tasks to accomplish, which will require stuff on the car. Oh, and the painter will be there, and he'll require all manner of stuff which I'll likely have to run for, too. Same shit, different day.

Meanwhile, still trying to get rid of our loser "plumber." Boy's a piece of infectious human waste. Maybe this week. We'll see.

Coffee . . . .



How hard is it for a painter to have at least one five-gallon bucket of white paint,
a roller and a 4" brush? It's latex. They cannot even blame the fumes
when their shit is not together (in one bucket, so to speak).
He'll require sanding pads and other exciting bits and pieces.

I like your dog thread. There's the Cunt Parade to make it Extra-st000pid. The NKVD used to use the old Tsarist revolvers to put down the undesirables. One in the back of the head makes identifying the body a bit problematic, at least before DNA "testing."

Obviously, our dolts didn't study.

They are really fixated on me.

I attribute that to the efficacy of points being made.

I'm less Jefferson and more Matlock.
It's 19F right now, but supposed to be 70 today. I don't like weather days like this. Bundle up in the morning but shirt sleeves in the afternoon.
We're on an even keel right now temperature-wise.

40º ---> 70º (and back again) very consistently.
