TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm going to Michigan this weekend.

It seems that they have something of mine and I'm going to get it and bring it home.

And no one's gonna stop me, either.

Off to offend the pussified weasels . . . .

Home. Made sammiches for supper. Simple, easy, and tasty. The cats get little bits of meat, so they're happy, too.

They fired the knucklehead "plumber" today. Canned. Sacked. Cut a'loose. Good fucking riddance getting his white trash ass off my job. I had noticed that he was on the phone for a long time yesterday. Seems he told L'il Pudd'n that he had to talk to CPS or the like about why his step-daughter had a bruise that he had left on her when he smacked shit outta her. He's prolly a quarter to diddlin' anyway. Good fucking riddance indeed.

Got another storm blowing in tonight. So I reckon that it'll be good sleepin' weather. Of course, if the cats are skeert, it'll mean that Wat is a bad kitteh pappa. :rolleyes:

Of course I can do Michigan in a weekend. It's 3 days for one thing, but it'll only take two. Even with a jumbo anvil on the trailer.



I opened up the pool yesterday.

It lost a lot of water. It probably has a leak.
I planned on replacing the liner this year anyway...
Must be a March thing. My main 'puter bit the schnitzel this AM. It's currently sitting in an endless "diagnostic" loop. :rolleyes:
I do not miss those days. My MacBook Pro has never done that.

If it's going to lock up, it just fawnkin' freezes...
It's the BSoD. "Boot Device Inaccessible". Fixing it could be trivial or not so much so. We shall see when I get back from the range.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! Slept okay. Cats are fed, which is crucial to a pleasant morning.

Looks like this is the high for the day now. It's always weird to me when that happens - the high is first thing and the temps drop during the day. It makes dressing for it a bit tougher. But, anyway, the josh is going and the coffee is made, so there's a better start.

We can relax a bit this week. The next building wraps up next week and deliver more or less on tax day, so we should be able to have it spit-shined for that event. Which reminds me, I have a fistful of receipts to turn in, so I have an expense form to complete and mail out.

I know, First World Problems . . . . :rolleyes:



Good luck with the p000ter.

My last one crapped over a batt'reh connectin which I declined to repair. Maybe soon - or not.

Been looking at some other car ideas. Maybe get the better one road worthy and delve deeply into the deep fixer with the idea of a full build. Besides, it's pre-war, which is way cool.

Off to afflict some weasels . . . .


Came up to the upper peninsula yesterday, where it’s currently snowing and 25, I think we’re at our high for today. Teens tonight. I don’t think any of it will stick, mainly just an annoyance.