TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Same goes for MG's, except maybe a spare, too, thereby bringing your total to five.

Got my weasel-beaters on. Fortunately, there's no PM today, so a bit of wanking about may be had, praises to Allah.

In between the floggings . . . .


Ah yes, I forgot the Lucases. There's little more uberfucked on a car than shitty electrics. One can make bad everything elses run, but bad electrics just suck.

Come to think of it Mom-n-Dad had a Volvo - I think it was a 142 - and the electrics went out or were on their way out on it when they traded up - for a Pinto, of all things. Which had good electrics.

Here at Weaselland. The Playground Pussies, installers, didn't finish. Slow as running in wet concrete. Waiting for the wood butcher.

Off for a weasel check . . . .

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Old Volvos always had Bosch electrics and rarely failed, except for the early twist socket bulb connections, which were abs plastic with thin metal connectors.

They didn't respond well to north american owners used to simply pulling bulb sockets out is my theory.

I have owned a few twenty-foot c3500's but like the late 80's injected 302 single-tank f150's as a cheap rat truck a bit better. You can replace the front clip with a prev-gen one cheap, put next-gen seats in if you want headrests, and the drivetrain isn't fussy.
The Playground Pussy is retired Air Force. He's all about why he can't get anything done. I prefer retired jarheads, actually.

Yesterday, he continued his whinge about how he couldn't set his main posts for this pre-fab piece of shit because the site area for it was not at Final Grade. That's been his litany since he first arrived. Of course, when he went to lay out the spot, he fucked that up, so Wat found the center of the equipment and mared the spot. The grade was close enough.

Need another painter. This Gringo wants our eye teeth. It's just not his niche. And his drywall guy is the same guy who fucked up some shit here last December, so . . . no! It's hard to find decent subs here. Or anywhere. And they struggle to find folks who will work.

Off to the orange box store . . . .

Conager it sounds like you had a great time shopping.
Female pup caught a rabbit this morning, she just looked confused while it screamed and wiggled

Test drive delayed till the fuel filter gasket arrives this afternoon. Sprung a leak this morning when he went to start her up. I'm hopeful that'll put 'im on the defensive when it comes time to talk money.
Come to think of it Mom-n-Dad had a Volvo - I think it was a 142 - and the electrics went out or were on their way out on it when they traded up - for a Pinto, of all things. Which had good electrics.

I had a GF with a 142S. Never had an electric issue but the damn thing required that the carbs be synced every other month to stay in good tune.
It'll become an issue if you make an issue of it, here it is or not. Just look at GB whingers for directions. Allah hates a pussy - never forget that.

Home. Had a walk-in contractor who was looking for work. Seemed like a sensible sort. We're going to visit again tomorrow to talk money. Hope he can take the last two building interiors off of the current guy, and maybe cut loose the wood butcher, too. That would be like hitting the daily double at the track.

I'd like to go out and piddle with the old cars, but I'm not seeing myself doing that tonight. In fact, beyond online shopping-n-searching and cooking-n-eating, I don't see myself doing much of anything. It's been a draining week.

Well, maybe patting the kitteh's widdle head . . . .



Ah yes, I forgot the Lucases. There's little more uberfucked on a car than shitty electrics. One can make bad everything elses run, but bad electrics just suck.

Come to think of it Mom-n-Dad had a Volvo - I think it was a 142 - and the electrics went out or were on their way out on it when they traded up - for a Pinto, of all things. Which had good electrics.

I had a 75 XJ12C that was a nightmare, I loved it and yet it hated itself.

It finally self-immolated on the side of I-95.
Happy Friday!!! Thanks be to Allah, this has been a long and frustrating week. No murders, however. The pigs are still hungry.

Feel a bit better rested this morning. No good reason why. Better than the other way.

Another cool cloudy day with a chance of some rain. Going to the car show tomorrow with a higher chance of rain. Of course. :rolleyes:

Going to the coffee maker first.



I had a '79 XJ12. The car showed signs of engineering brilliance here and there along with some of the dumbest designs I've ever seen. It was a pleasure to drive when all was working well. Everything that broke was a $400 hit to the checking account. The fucking chrome lug nuts were $24/ea.!!!!!!

Time magazine did an interview with Donald Trump and the very last question in the interview was, "What is the best thing about being a billionaire?" He answered, "I can now afford to drive a Jaguar."

I put the sob up for sale the next day.
I had a 75 XJ12C that was a nightmare, I loved it and yet it hated itself.

It finally self-immolated on the side of I-95.

Do you remember "back in the day" ( :rolleyes: ) when Fords did that with alraming frequency? Mom inherited her mother's '66 wagon. Seems they had a steel line running up from the fuel pump and then it tured towards the carb and was changed to neoprene. One day, I looked under the hood of that less-than-satisfactory car and saw a pond between two intake runners, and it was regular gasoline. Checking further revealed a leaking bit of rubber/plastic hose. It got replaced and checked routinely afterward.

Then I started noticing burning Fords on the road shoulders. I worked with a guy who had a '78 LTD and it did the Buhddist monk thingie, so I told him my story.

He listened politely.

I think he was more interested in my embracing his victimhood . . . .

I really do think that England exporting Jaguars to the US was some sort of generational payback for the Declaration of Independence.
A guy explained to me once that a monkey could make a Chebbie run well. I think he had a point.

They don't seem to burn down as frequently.


Day 3 of my latest attempt to quit my 30 year Skoal habit. This time I'm using the nicotine pouch things.
Chebbie built sum g00t injuns. Engines. I think that it's illegal to build injuns any more.

Our guy - our "savior - Sweet Babbeh Jeebus - no-showed. He did call. Actually, it was his wife who called. That may be good. We're rescheduled for Monday at 0900

Good luck on quitting tobacco. My 8th anniversary is coming up on the 27th. The PM is trying to drop the dip now. He's not cheating, I don't think.

Juggling some coins here. The fun never stops on Planet Wat . . . .


