TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I don't abuse my vehicles; slow and steady wins the race.

Additionally I overdo the maintenance aspect.
People have been swapping out sketchy oem hubs for Warns for decades.

No big deal.

The plastic hubs on early Ford Explorers, for example, earned that suv the nickname Exploder.
Strangely, this 2016 airshow crash appeared on my youtube first page.

Herne Bay Airshow crash

It's interesting to watch, actually.
Both the pilot's quick thinking - to crash seek water & near humans, and how onlookers saved his life.
All the guys who jumped to the rescue were so cool.
Aah, I know why. Herne Bay is in NZ, and I've been youtube -ing NZ news ++ lately.


Canberra and London have been very angry lately with New Zealand, over it's ‘independent’ China policy:
"Wellington had turned its back on its traditional partners to develop relations with China."

Apparently, NZ is one of the few ---if not the only-- Oceanic nations that is still in businness with China, despite it's economic/South China aggression.
Moreover, recently NZ also expressed reluctance re "Five eyes".
Home. Was out saving lives after work. There is no end to the wondemousness of Wat, because doin' right ain't got no end.

Work was a bit of a drag. The siding goofs worked for a bit of the day and the wood butcher no-showed. We're trying to juggle labor to get this damned place finished off.

The weather is wet and windy. Looks like more overnight and into tomorrow.

Oh, the landlady found a car trailer. It'll do. Mostly, it's big enough for what I'm hauling, which is no mean feat. Wurd!!!



Happy Tuesday!!!

Damn t-storms last night got a bit bright and noisy. Getting back to sleep got to be a bit difficult, se we're up too damned early. But that happens sometimes.

So it looks like another soggy workday. Maybe waterproof boots day. We'll see.

It's definitely a coffee morning.



Same here on the rain, and already at our high of 42 with winds coming off the lake.

Another beautiful day!

I’ll be in the coffee pot if I’m needed.
Hey good morning! Just off of surgery and doing well.

I had a bad brain fart yesterday. My truck is a 2013.
In 2003, I was still tooling around in my S10, a long-time loyal companion.

I blame migraines; it can really interfere with my ability to think clearly.
Right now, the surgery is really triggering them.
I had found a gangster era car for sale - needing lotsa work - and it was up at the tip of the ring finger in the MI mitten. Seems it has sold, which is good. Allah did for Wat what he might have done strangely.

Got a WI run coming up in June. How to get there and not go near Chicago. Fortunately, it's easy Thjis one is parts - a rusty four-door. Large engine-n-trans, complete, and cheap. Front end sheet metal. The rest gets parted out and scrapped.

Too many four-doors and not enough coupes.

So, I woulda waved if I was going up-mitten . . . . :(



About as much as a lot of the other pictures in this trashy-ass thread.


Even the cars had their fenders enhanced.

I'ma go out here and enhance the suff'rin' of these soulless weasels . . . .

Steel roofing has arrived for the garage and shop, (house was done last fall) and the contractor being a wise man said there should be enough for the small outbuilding as well. So there will be sexy topless men running around here again soon.

The nosy government has sent the census again, so that has been added to the pile of paperwork I don't want to do, I don't even have my first quarter paperwork finished yet. I have become a spring slouch, this is not good. I may have to find stronger coffee.
Which reminds me, I still have the 1040 to fill out and "file." Speaking of soulless cunts . . . .

Like to fucking drownededed on the way here. Bottom fell out a few miles in from the farm and I actually had to slow down 20 MPH and run the wippers on "high." No, I wasn't high, and wippers should have two p's. This should definitely keep the siding weasels burrowed in today, drinking their piss-water Mixikin "beer."

So the sewer out in the front skreet from the apartment driveway is backing up again. It did this once before during a heavy rain. It's trying to float the manhole lid. The cops are blocking the road, and as I was navigating a turn-around, one found it necessary to sound his siren at me. I think he likes to play with his buttons. I gave him a stern look of condescension. Too bad that Wanton Cuntishness isn't an arrestin' offense.

Maybe he posts in Lit in his spare time . . . .



Taxes done and invested and I just got a letter from the Gub'mint
Stating that I have been handed another round of stimulus money
which will also be going to investing. One of the iron rules is that
those who move first and get closest to the inflation are the ones
who will ultimately benefit. The rich just get richer and the poor...
Asking for a friend:

if you have an online Injun buddy, that means that you cunt be racistist, right?

But this may not be so . . .

from those racing to cuntishness . . . .



You forget...

I am off the reservation.

This make me an enemy of the Racialists who purport to know what I need than I do.

So you're worse than a Racist; you're like the Underground Railroad, a traitor to your race.

That makes you an enemy too...
I always knew I was the enemy, but that's because I'm No Fucking Good

Now, if I could only raise the dead like The Ice King, then the Night would be mine.

I don't want to have to go out into the rain and see the weasels, but they have employed their force fields and thwarted my mental torture powers.

I hope the manhole cover floated down the street.

Our rain has passed us on by.

We have no manhole covers out this way, so they can't float off.

However, my pool is now too full of water, so I'll be out backwashing it later.
Even Millennials don't have to be Cunts For Life:


It's never, ever too late to learn how to drive a stick

What remained in my late 50s? Become a better swimmer and learn to shift gears.

One of these goals has now been met, thanks to a triple-black, five-speed, normally aspirated 1999 Miata NB nicknamed "Marco" by its first owner. Before discussing how, the "why" may be worth your time. If you always wanted to do the three-pedal shuffle, it is never, ever too late. As for your old hands (and feet)? What follows may be good for a laugh or for teaching a kid in the family.

I'm of the opinion that it's best to keep the st000pids ignorant is to let them try to learn on a three-on-the-tree.



I first learned to drive a stick in a Volkswagen Beetle.

I never got past second gear. Does that count?
