TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

My conscience: Jimenez Cricket.

Hey, good morning.
I'm doing pretty good for getting no sleep last night.

I did finish one book and I almost finished another when I heard the coffee calling...
Good morning such as it is.

Looking to be a sunny and mild day today but the latest cold snap was a harbinger of things to come............time to put the hose up.

Some more reloading to do, 5.56 is on the docket for today. Fortunately the cases are prepped and primed so all that's needed is to throw powder and seat bullets.

Might run out long enough to get this years flu shot, haven't decided on that yet.
I'm feeling better this morning. Still have an annoying cough, but there's no snot running out of my face any more. That stuff... Mucenex (?) works pretty good. Buying meds for a cold is like going to Blowes for a bolt. Fucking hell, you spend an hour looking for something for a cold.

Could be feeling better because of the josh. Sympathetic, of course because Johnny's body is a temple and would never desecrate it with such.
At Wallymart, they have all the cold stuff in one section.

I don't think that it would take me a whole hour, including the drive time.
My Wallymart has an entire aisle for cold and flu. There's a box for every conceivable symptom and every combination thereof. First you have to list your symptoms, then find a box that says it cures them, then find the generic equivalent.

No wonder doctors are paid so much
I've never had a flu shot.

It's a crap shoot; educated guesses...

True enough but historically a flu variant comes along on an approximate 10 cycle that really nails my ass and that's a crap shoot too. So as long as it's free I'll take my chances.
Neither do I, or if I do it's usually mild. Except for that one that drops me every 10 years or so.
I get the flu shot just because my annual check-up at the VA is at the start of flu season and since I'm there... I wouldn't go out of my way to get it.

Same with Covid. I happened to be there when they were offering. And it was free.

I'd take a bag of dog crap if it was free.
Maybe. :)

I'm taking full credit for coining the term Wuhan Flu, it appears that it going mainstream now. :D
I'm just doing it because it makes the Left bonkers...

They're still stuck in the paradigm of this is ALL Trump's fault.
If you don't believe that it's because you are a Racist Xenophobe
and you must really hate Science to boot.
Like I said before, their "official" scientists have reversed field more often than a running back with a collapsed front line.
The economic report was stupid this morning. Lots of jabbering with no real
meaning. Coffee is flowing, glad you all feel like debating this morning, means
you're doing better.

I have an NFG guy story for you Wat.
There was supposed to be an electrician here yesterday, a newly licensed local
kid. He was to start work on the offices that are going into the shop which will
take a couple of months. He was the invisible man so I called him and he said it
was an inside job and would get to it when the weather turned. Given that we
have three sites now the shop isn't always manned so I told him not to worry
his pretty little head about it and to focus on his more important work which did
not make him happy. Called the general contractor that's been doing good for
us and asked if he knew a guy and he had him here two hours later to give me
a smaller quote which makes me happy. Should have just called the tried-n-true
in the first place but I wanted to try and help the new local. Live and Learn
and repeat cuz sometimes I'm a slow learner.

And there goes the screen. :mad:

And it's not even tits.

Here at the job. FNG is sitting in his car, waiting for 8. If I were going to do that, I's arrive at five til.
Not half an hour early.
He gets to babysit the wire butcher today - assuming the little weasel shows. Like yesterday.

My layabout sister just texted me that she's on her way to the DR for a vacation. Wants me to feed her fish.

1. I don't know what she could possibly need a vacation from.
2. I don't feel as though we have the kind of relationship whereby I should feed her fish.
3. Being the only one in my family gainfully employed, it's obvious that I have made some bad decisions in my life.