TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Okay, that was good for a serious laugh.

Actually, he hasn't made me an offer I don' refuse.

So, no.


"My friends at the pR0n board send their congratulations and bestest wishes."

Yeah, works for me.

The shower curtain seems to be just about as good as new, thanks be to Allah.

Why am I awake???


Happy Wednesday!!! Did get back to sleep for a bit. Woke up with some snot, too, but it's the season, so to speak.

Coffee's served . . . .



Good morning.

It's Range Day Wednesday once again. It's going to be a chilly one. Temp is near freezing and there's a bit of a breeze. 23 deg. wind chill. It'll make those cold bore shots interesting.

Time to get the insulated boots out I suppose.
You have to be able to shoot in all conditions...

Is the the perfect time for a Bee Gee's cut?
I think I have that book. At least I did at one time.

I practice in all conditions. Squirrels don't hibernate.

Yep, one of them-thar tadpoles was a winner.

He's already shopping for his new boots. The ones with Oppression Heels on them. Non-skid, I hear.

The new guy was here when I got here and he's still in his car. For the last 20 minutes. Not sure what's up with him. He wanted to argue about putting out notices yesterday afternoon. Wat prevailed.

And he's too fucking old to be a millennial . . . .


A lot of silly shit today.

1: Jabba s000per is a no-show. Said he'd be here. He's not missed.
2: They gave us wrong info on the bathroom over the crazy lady's place. The toilet leaks, and maybe the shower drain. Plumber is on it. Good thing he had time.
3: Went to fix a couple of things at another unit. No one to do it. No one at home. Pass key doesn't work that lock. Office has the wrong key, too. Left a message.
4: Crazy Lady was to have been ready for paint. She isn't. Crap everywhere. Maybe tomorrow, she says. No matter, because . . .
5: No painters. That and the ongoing leak and she dodged a bullet.
6: No wire butchers.
7: A no a/c call. It's under 70*, so open the fucking windows. They're all new, so they all open.
8: Yet another rocking toilet call. Insh'Allah that it isn't a broken flange.
9: The woman with the apartment with the wrong keys is furious that they have lost her keys. Guess who gets to hear about it??? :rolleyes:

And it ain't even lunchtime yet. But I did get the bluetooth sorted out on the truck, so there's hands-free phone usage again.


Damn but it was COLD out there this AM. The wind that was 9mph when I checked at 5AM was honking along at 20 by the time I got out there. But I got my shooting in.

McRib and Nyquil? Nah, I'll pass on that one.
Keep your snotty noses on your side of the border, already had one nasty bug this year.
Errands are done for the week including groceries and now I don't want to cook so I think I'll take myself out for dinner.
Get better guys, I don't like it when any of you are sick.
Gol dang it, Wat warn't sick. Just a snotty nose is all, and it had dried up by mid-morning. I have the josh alight for JS and am beseeching Allah to heal his feeble old ass. And we all know that Wat is Allah's favorite.

Looks like we're going to be underworked and overstaffed here next week. This could get innerestin' for the FNGs. They might get cut a'loose if the next jobs don't crank up. However, in light of current staffing, Wat put in for three weeks off between now and new years. Wat likes to plan ahead. Jabba senior has been known to hire fuckers and cut them a'loose when the jobs start late - which is Lit scumbag common AF.

Home. Dropped off the drycleaning. Scarfed leftovers. Speaking of, the meatloaf I have been hauling to work is damn good. Wat might make some squaw a good wife one day.

The reason that Allah summoned Wat to Back East is slowly becoming apparent.



Happy Thursday!!! It's been trying to be Wednesday again in my head, but I'm catching on. Cats are fed, coffee is made, and dishes are done. The josh is alight for those who suffer needlessly.

That wreck up there? It's got a Big Anvil under the hood. Wat can not spot those by hints on the car and then veritify it by some hints. Like the five blade fan, the wide generator drive belt, and the belted thermostat housing. So Wat has an Agreement in Principle to acquire said anvil since they don't seem to be making them any more. Just the engine and transmission - fuck the wrong year rest of it.

And there is a handful of pieces-parts down near the water which is too cheap - and part of them too uncommon - to allow to sit, so there be a wee road trip this weekend to score said pieces.

And coffee first, as is the will of Allah . . . .


