TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

A little footballish story.

This AM when I was at the store there were 4 Navajo dude loading up on beer. How did I know they were Navajo? Well, they were all wearing Washington Redskins sweat shirts, and I asked. The shirts all appeared new so I asked them how they got them. The story was that when the name change was looking to go through they started buying as many as they could. One said that if they only wore them on game days they figured they had upwards or 20 years worth of shirts.

The Navajo and Zuni almost all wear Redskins stuff. The Pueblo tribes are a mixed bag of either Cowboys or Broncos. I don't know what the Apache's go for, just don't see too many Apache around here.

Too good!!!

Wat could make a comparison but will decline at this time.


Not in my state.

Someday I would love to meet you in person (and several others).
Since I can be in Michigan in fifteen minutes and it would be a stretch to reach you
in fifteen days, there will be a delay in any possible coffee meet-up in your part of the US.
The little one is running around happy as a lark smacking everyone with the star
topped wand from her Witch of the South costume. Her crash is imminent.
I'm feeling my age, the sugar crash hit me harder than a three day weekend.

Someday I would love to meet you in person (and several others).
Since I can be in Michigan in fifteen minutes and it would be a stretch to reach you
in fifteen days, there will be a delay in any possible coffee meet-up in your part of the US.
The little one is running around happy as a lark smacking everyone with the star
topped wand from her Witch of the South costume. Her crash is imminent.
I'm feeling my age, the sugar crash hit me harder than a three day weekend.

A beeline to the Detroit area from Anchorage takes about 5 to 6 days without any stops for other than fuel, food, and rest. I know this from experience. I believe the road is better than the last time I drove it. Not the best way to travel, but not too bad.

I will be extremely surprised should we get a trick or treat kiddo. Haven't had one in 24 years, so the odds are good for no doorbell. I suppose, I could offer them a smoked sparerib. There is no candy, here.
There were no hobgoblins last night. The bartender/neighbor just got home a few minutes ago. That's sounds kinda typical for her trade.

And what the fuck am I doing awake?

Hope I crash for a nap before work.

Managed to crash fr a bit. Must have, because I was dreaming some silly shit. That doesn't happen often.

Looks like it's going to be cooler today and cooler still tomorrow. And it looks like a chance of rain for a couple of those days, too. Which means, at this rate, no concrete weasels, which means their completion date gets pushed back to April. We need a replacement.

Jabba senior may be up to visit this week. Maybe. We'll see.

Coffee is here to visit now . . . .



Rough night. Didn't get to sleep until well after 2AM, so now I am up late.

Isn't it nice to see that the white man speaking up for the poor oppressed injuns
made the right call to stop insulting them with Indian mascots...

They must have really appreciated that!

;) ;)

I see a trip to the dentist in the near future,
like maybe as soon as today if I can get in.
Good Morning!

I made it through the added shift without much grumbling. Blessedly, there were no tricks, sadly, neither were there any treats.
Oh joy...

Monday Night Football.

My Injuns get to be embarrassed on a fully national stage...

It might be an echo of last year's Super Bowl. At least Brady got beat yesterday.

I enjoyed that.
Halloween is supposed to be all about inappropriate.

One must frighten off the evil spirits.

My attitude and somewhat dark sense of humor should have counted as the inappropriate part of the costume
Here at work. Got a co-worker. No one else. Yet.

Painters just showed up. UNless they know something that I don't, we got nothin'.

Already got an e-mail about an anvil for sale. Rumor's goin' 'round in that Texas town . . . .

Well now, I might be mistaken.



So, he wants her to go back to sleep?

At least she didn't bring home a white boy . . . . :rolleyes:

Yeah, probably not.

If you really want to hear about some vile miscegenation, the guy who bought that Packard with the good tread left on the tires (those whitewalls would clean right up, too) sold the frame to a guy with a LaSalle body and a bad frame. :eek:

I guess he never heard of Oldsmobiles.

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great . . . .

The concrete weasels have said that:

They were coming.
They are on the way.
They will be here soon.
Don't worry.

Wat is worried and they're not here, the lying fucking cunts.

Now, it's tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Supplementation, they name today is, New Concrete Weasels.


Home. Grazing in on Numbah Wun Fuckee leftovers. Not quite as good, but I didn't have to cook - just nuke.

We are pretending that the concrete fuckers are going to come tomorrow, so we put out notices for people to move their cars. I got a sawbuck says they no-show.-

Got my old book today, and a mailbox full of st000pid. Wat isn't playing.

Got a couple of piddling tasks I can work on after supper, and that seems like a good idea.


