TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

A beeline to the Detroit area from Anchorage takes about 5 to 6 days without any stops for other than fuel, food, and rest. I know this from experience. I believe the road is better than the last time I drove it. Not the best way to travel, but not too bad.

I will be extremely surprised should we get a trick or treat kiddo. Haven't had one in 24 years, so the odds are good for no doorbell. I suppose, I could offer them a smoked sparerib. There is no candy, here.

We had 7 trick or treaters, the rest of the candy has been added to my freezer stash for later raiding.

As for the six days, I'd never do it. With the exception of emergencies, I like to go slower now, nice hotel rooms, decent restaurants and look around at all the things that are interesting. It would take me at least twice if not much longer to make that trip. I just don't hurry anymore.
We had 7 trick or treaters, the rest of the candy has been added to my freezer stash for later raiding.

As for the six days, I'd never do it. With the exception of emergencies, I like to go slower now, nice hotel rooms, decent restaurants and look around at all the things that are interesting. It would take me at least twice if not much longer to make that trip. I just don't hurry anymore.

No doorbell here.

And that's the way things should be.
Halloween is supposed to be all about inappropriate.

One must frighten off the evil spirits.


I went as my actual self. I got lotsa compliments on my "costume."

On Thursday I got a nice steak and a glass of something I didn't much understand from Tuscany. Lots of people were in costume the whole Halloween week. Pent up from last year, I expect. Something I said indicated that this was my usual get-up. The bartender had guessed it was when I strode in.
More than one someone, I surmise, and not whom one or all might think, either.

Happy Tuesday!!! Looks like we get showers this afternoon. I wonder if the concrete guys are going to have to knock off because it looks like rain. That is, if they even show at all. And to think, if Jabba hadn't gotten petty over a desired increase for cost of materials from the guy who did the first half, then likely we could have the work done by now. Or at least under way. Capitalism at its finest.

And Allah is always sure to pay the gas bill to keep the fires of Hell burning brightly.

Kinda like Wat always keeps a supply of coffee . . . .



That's Wat's regular halloween costume, too, but perhaps with a touch of extra sarcasm.



Didn't sleep well last night for no apparent reason. <shrug> I see a long siesta in my future.

How many anvils you got now Wat?
Yesterday was a heavy rain day.

Heavy rain == dog accident. :mad:

Saw the dentist, it is not my teeth, it is a sinus infection.
Started antibiotics. The teeth are already feeling better,
but I am still radiating pain from the infection site.
Two hours sleep from about 3-5AM, but I see
the light at the end of the tunnel.

I don't know how the Chiefs won.
Every good play is accompanied by a penalty or a fumble.
On defense, the main defense seems to be pass interference.
And, on top of that, next week we get the Packers. Maybe back under .500.
Eight and a half.

I miss my weird friends, too.

Thanks for being one of mine . . . .


I'm still not 100%. Stuffy face and coughy. I wonder if I caught another WuFlu. I got it about this time last year and never did really feel back to normal. Maybe I'm a long hauler. Can I get disability for that?
It's that big coupe that makes the Major Collector status come true, because of how few there are "extant."

The rest just make me a Major Hoarder.


Home. Grazing in. May have made a tad too much. Oh well.

We actually got concrete weasels today. And they actually did a little bit of work. We also had a wire butcher to change breakers, and an apartment that had half of the two-pole breakers quit on us after he'd been in the panel. Must have set the gremlins a-loose. My co-worker, who was overseeing this phase, couldn't have been any less concerned and in fact dismissed himself and left. :eek: :mad:

And the rain showed up this afternoon, as promised. I would so much have hated to feel cheated.

I'm eyeballing some stuff which can be removed with no loss and all gain.

A. I had the best week in a decade, so I'll follow that up with lethargy and recovery.

2. I had plans to shuffle some things and cars with The Big Fella but he isn't getting any hydrocarbons to the float bowl. Again. I'm thinkin' of installing a mechanical pump. I have a spare electric one, so I'll probably do that first.

III. I think I'll get the suppressed air rifle because owls and rocks are not dissuading the grackles.

Four. Just because you can new-fangle somethin' doesn't mean you should. The laundrymatical establishment went RFID reloadabie cards and it's a PITA.

$. I'm not sad Youngkin won to the delight of the Racist, Democrat (but I repeat myself) Tiki Torch Bearers, but he got no money from me and my local pols did not get my vote. If you can't manage a demand for removal from you God-damned spam generator, you don't get my money or my time.

£. I made a pork roast which was the first cooking of anything at home in a coupla weeks.
You're only a hoarder if you keep stuff after it has no use to you. At this stage, the anvils all have some use, or at least plans.
It was burgers and chips for dinner tonight. The house was near empty so we just bbq'd for the
few who were present. So far I'm like November, I'm going to hope it's the start of a very
positive trend.

Not so great a morning as I am still in great sinus infection pain.
Maybe today will be the day that the antibiotics kick in and win the battle.

Allergy relief would be of a great help, and while it is predicted to get below freezing
once or twice this week, it won't be the hard freeze that signals the end of allergy season.

My major task today is an ironic one, at least to me.
I need to cover the strawberries with straw.

BTW, inflation is real. A bale costs $8.


I think I got $1.38 in strawberries this year.
I might be using the wrong fertilizer...
Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday.

Only in America. Wat went to bed blue and woke up an indigenous citizen. :)
Happy payday Wednesday. That ritual is completed with one minor adjustment. Saw the Youngkin thing and laughed. I know one "political guru" in particular who still hasn't recovered form Hillreh's loss who will be having a touch of apoplexy this morning, and Allah shall laugh.

As long as Wat isn't hoarding. Love the "numbering" system. Don't donate to pols - ever. Buy more ammo for the Rainy Decade. Wat needs to stock burgers here. Grackles deserve death, and Death wants them.

HR told FNG to have his ass down to the Home Office in two weeks for orientation (as opposed to occidentation). His comment: "That doesn't work for me." Wat's comment: "I'm pretty damned sure that you don't have a say in the matter and that you need to say, 'sir yes sir!' and have your happy ass there on the appointed date and time." The conversation ended abruptly. Shit, it's 550 miles from Hell to the office, a free couple of nights in town, fed well. Get over it.

Good thing there's coffee . . . .



Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday.

Only in America. Wat went to bed blue and woke up an indigenous citizen. :)

Wat went to bed with cats . . .

and woke up with the same cats.

And was happeh coming and going . . . .

Tangled Up In Blue???

One day, the axe just fell.

We drove that car as far as we could,
abandoned it out West.

From the 15th century . . . .
