TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Ain't no cheatin' on repayin' a sleep debt. Slept most of Monday, left outta the barrio at nine-ish. Needed a nap at 3am. Added another 20 minutes on top of the first power nap. No dice. Home, snug in bed again.
I am currently building up a sleep debt.

This sinus infection is keeping me awake nights...
There are about nine weeks left in the year. I am off from work for three of them, and I intend to get some sleep, and to get some shit done, likely in that order. I seem to require some rest.

Home. Gonna graze in, but not sure on what. Something will become apparent.

We had the chaplain come to see us today. It was a decent visit. FNG seemed to gain a touch of humanity today.

Young cat is stalking old cat. He was tearing through the house when I got home. They are silly fuckers. I wager that they'll keep me.



Long day at work. We had three more find us and give us resumes, for all the news says no one
wants to work we seem to have lots of lookers. These are college kids looking for PT and we may
take them on for the weekends at the warehouse, now that the expansion is in full swing
we can use the extra help.

The guys-n-girl painted the bathrooms at the crazy/sick lady's place yesterday. She said the fumes (of the low VOC) paint made her ill, and can we come back Friday?

I've been trying to get this place painted since Day One.

I could get mad at her if I didn't feel sorry for her. She is one of those people with an invisible "hit me" sign.

And they have . . . .

Beautiful day at the range this AM. I'm sure the weather Gods will start making up for it soon enough.
No lightenin' at the fuel pump.

No lightenin' on the wire the previous owner's neighbor added while we sourced an inadequate carb kit.

No lightenin' at the fuse block. . .

Jiggled the hot-wiring-friendly ignition switch.

Pump turns on.

She cranks.

No thunder.

Hit it with some anesthetic.

She fires.

Prolly a stuck needle seat.

Napa doesn't even have my truck listed, much less engine choices. Tried two and a half ton something or another and a bus. They can't even order one that may or may not fit.

"Get a new carburetor!"

It's a big hole for air and some little holes for gas. It just needs cleaned, not replaced.

Why is everything disposable anymore?

The main point to getting the big fella locomotin' was to pare down a storage locker. It used to have my tools in it years ago but I moved them and never got around to closing it out.

Since everything got there in a Prius, I decided to empty it with a Prius. Almost got it all in ohe load. Second load now residing in one of my other lockers. I'll pare down another by the 3nd 0f this month. Tools are better organized and mostly home. Need s couple of Knack boxes or some utility boxes hung under the flatbed.

I've always understood that stuff is a burden, but I persist.

I found stuff I forgot I had like a vintage Sun timing light that matches the one I bought recently with the GMC in mind. . .

Somebody taught El Gato to shake. He gives a put-er-there gesture with the paw turned like a human and claws splayed like fingers when he wants something from the fridge. The Mariachis must've rewarded him for the trick. The small one looks at the claws and is a little intimidated.
Happy Thursday!!! Cats got up when I did, checked the food bowl - no stuck needle valves there - and went back to bed.

Talked to the landlady yesterday. She's enjpying her regained layabout status after her job ended. They won't take her back next year because she takes off some time to go to Poodle Extravaganzas, and it seems they frown on their employees having lives. Yet they say that they encourage retirees to apply. Guess they want the kinds who still have the wage slave mentality. Fuck 'em.

Should be a light day at the job. Painters and plumbers and silly repairs. Easy enough, I reckon. Next week, I'll need to take a book.

Thanks be to Allah for coffee . . . .



Good morning!

The antibiotics seem to be finally turning the corner for me on this infection.

That's so good, I can finally eat again without excruciating pain.
I also cashed in on that sleep debt!

Wat, are you sure that the cats will keep you after a few weeks off
and hanging out on their turf?

Slave wage mentality...

The thing that pisses me off most about the livers of week to week
is when they get to lecturing me about finances, economics, government, "fairness...,"

It puts me into a kill them all and let Allah sort them out sort of mood.

I think about this outrageous inflation and the people who not so much voted for it
but voted to get rid of Trump. Well, he's gone, even though they are still fixated on him,
but how many of those voters, on fixed income, are now feeling the pain of having
screwed themselves? I'm lucky that I can still live without touching my principle,
but even I, eventually, can be hurt financially by their poor choices via ballot.

It's one thing when they fuck themselves with their personal choices,
but when they fuck me too, well the gods and Buddhas better get ready to sort...
Well, I do have some house stuff to do, so that will keep me busy and give Girlcat something to supervise. She likes to keep me busy like that.

Right now, she's supervising her nap.

I still have stuff to toss. My head disposes of something new daily. My hands catch up soon enough. I just can't keep every damned thing that I think I want to.

For a house this size, there's not that much room that's usable, oddly enough.

Most of Those Dear People don't even see any of that as the direct result of their actions.

Just like the landlady's pasture poodles, they show up at the barn at sun-up and expect their oats to be doled out to them.

The problem is how easily those Dear People
get all wrapped up in a Dear Leader who will
lead them to their (self-) promised land...

My Injuns may have caught a break, if they can overcome themselves.

Aaron Rogers will not be playing on Sunday.
A chance to turn the season around!

I think the Packers should change their name.
Packers are a bunch of white guys exploiting their privilege to get union jobs.

Falls hardest on the usual suspects, minorities, women, children, the mentally challenged...,
Good morning.

You're in rare form Champ. Overly caffeinated and pain free are we? :D

This inflation has really hit the reloading supplies. Damn near 100% on primers alone. Obviously the 'woke' have an inflated self-value. :)
Well, I had to get it out, all the things poisoning body and soul.

It is hard watching a great nation put a gun to its head,
threaten to pull the trigger and then fawking actually do it
under a penumbra of nebulous good intention ON MY BEHALF!

As if I were some sort of mental defective for not wanting to be a Socialist.
If it's not "for the children" it's "for your own good." The big two justifications for their trying to run everyone else's lives. But as has been shown time and time again they can barely run their own lives.
After all this time, I am a vastly better judge of "what's good for me."

Allah and I are good with that, too.

Off to herd what weasels there be . . . .

If it's not "for the children" it's "for your own good." The big two justifications for their trying to run everyone else's lives. But as has been shown time and time again they can barely run their own lives.

You can't even run your own life, I'll be damned if you'll run mine!
Sunshine go away today...

How much does it cost? I'll buy it!

One hit can be lucrative if managed correctly.


Example, just saw a commercial, Why do you build me up...

How long ago was that a hit?

;) ;)