TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Quiet afternoon around the homestead. Got a nap in. So did the cats, but they were going to regardless of what Wat did.

My inbox has been bursting ith all manner of crap for this busiest of marketing days. Among the crap I'm being urged to buy are some Let's Go, Brandon stickers.

I may consider them.



1920 Packard Twin-Six Roadster

This rumble seat Roadster was the sportiest model of the time and an incredible car. The Twin Six engine is regarded as the first production V12 and was initially offered from 1916 through 1922. Engine specs are 424cid and 90hp. The transmission is 3-speed manual. Examples of the fantastic craftsmanship from the era are abundant throughout the car. Features include a very unusual ornate radiator mascot/motor meter, wooden spoke artillery wheels, a very unusual rear mounted dual spare tire carrier. The engine and serial numbers are correct for the year.




That twin 6 is the damnedest setup I've seen in a while. It looks like an early form of EFI injection. Anyone know what that spark plug up on the top is for? And the foil on the gas line implies it was prone to vapor lock.
I have read a bit about them, and there was some kind of fuel vaporizer/atomizer rig they used on some of the early cars. The plug may be part of that arrangement. We forget that gasoline in those days wasn't as good or as consistent as it is now, and apparently it needed a bit o help to ignite properly. Compression ratios weren't above 8:1 until the early 50s. That 12 banger may have been less than 6:1.

It's late and I'm not looking it up. I do know for fact, damned thing only had three main bearings, so it's not a revver. Three inch bore and a five in stroke kinda works against that, too.

Had a good gathering with the Friday crew. Good eats. Good conversation. Also, got the mechanic kids digits. I have something he can help me with.

Soon . . . .



Happy Saturday!!! Slept in a bit, if only slightly. Better'n nothin', I reckon.

Looks like it's pretty damned cool out there. Not exactly a good morning to go out to play. Maybe later. A good day to do something and not sweat. At all.

If there was nor rain while I was gone, then I'm wrong, but I think that there was and my bucket is dry, so that means . . . the leak is fixed. It did rain Thursday night, but not much. Anywho, it's still dry. Sunday looks good, so maybe I'll put this-here wonder coating on the front of the roof while the weather is agreeable.

I'ma put this coffee in first . . . .




First day of Maryland's deer season. The Savage Land is in Maryland (actually a good part of the MD/WV north-south state line) but accessed from WV. Because I don't want my truck impounded, I follow the laws of both states.

However comma - it's too damned cold for me to go sit out in a deer stand. And shooting a deer is just the first part of being out in the cold. I'll go out later when it warms up. The deer wont be moving, but the point is to sit in the woods and solve all the world's problems in my head.
I'd take it apart to see what's in there.

As a kid, I took a lot of things apart to see what was in them.

I don't recall getting any of them back together again,
but I had a really cool collection of parts to assemble.

I made robots and sitch; not anything that ever worked. :D
Friday Night gangmember R went hunting yesterday, shooting three. Not sure how tha happens. Well, I know. You shoot-n-kill three deers, but Wat isn't sure that's entirely within the bounds of licensure et cetera.

And Spell Checker puke just learnt a new word. The little bitch.

This dehumidifier has worked less lately. The furnace is drying the house out, thanks be to Allah.

Have another 12 banger story:




I can just stake out my bird feeder if I really want to shoot a deer.

I just cannot stand venison unless it is in a chili.

So, I don't want to...
Morning all.

Tad on the chilly side here as well, but not overly so.

Not a lot out there on the carburetion system of those beasts. Lost art I suppose.

Need to get gas today, not looking forward to that. :rolleyes:
There was a hint that Wat might be gifted a piece of deer, and that's what I thought: chili.

Wat knows bupkis about dealing with the stuff.

Nothing received, nothing promised.

So, we'll see.


I know a couple of hunters who will come out and cull our property.

They like shooting things. They donate the majority of their kills to the food bank.

I think that's kind of cool, I'll even help to pay for processing.

I consider it retribution for what they do to the flower beds.

Edited to say, what the deer to to the flower beds,
not the hunters.

:D ;) ;)
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I had a McRib once... :eek: ONCE!

In all honesty though, I find everything on the McMenu as less than food...

(And now, for years I will be trolled as calling the McMuffin subfood... ;) ;) )
Eh... it'll do in a pinch. There's a McDs on my way to work and maybe once a month I will stop and get an egg McMuffin.

Near my house is an Arby's. About once a month (if I have a coupon) I'll get a lamb gyro. I have Taco Bell every now and then just to remind myself how terrible they are.

Our fast food joints are staffed with meth-heads and I'm a germaphobe... so catching a horrible acute disease is more terrifying to me than the chronic heart disease those places serve with a smile.