TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

The Covid News Network has a talking head on, saying the White House is wrong and inflation will break 10% next year due to all the government spending. I'm surprised they haven't cut off his mic. He's really off the reservation (no offense to those of you for whom that turn of phrase may be offensive)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you
Home. With furry critters. Stopped and ate on the way in - got an invite. It was nice.

I forgot to mention, I stopped in SC to score a HfD t-shirt from outta town. The motor clothes ho who helped me looked like a keeper. Tall, attentive, knew her products, competent, blondish-red hair and lots of it in a huge wrap in the back of her head, nice eyes, slender, angular, and best of all . . . big tits . . . . Actually, I noticed those last. Anyway, it was a Pleasant Buying Experience.

The old car wasn't all that. As I suspected, it's a bit overpriced. Like, by about half in my book.

Staying awake much longer is gona be tricky . . . .


O0opha!!! O0opha h000pa st000pid!!!

Happy Black Friday!!! How long until its name must be changed in the interests of not offending pussies? How about it goes back to plain ol' Friday and fuck the need to judge.

Slept decently. Crashed too early, so woke up too early. Who knew? Cats are up and about. They've been broken off up my ass since I got home. Got lunch with a cousin today - one of the very few (whom I'll have anything to do with) - and there are a few projects around here which could be tied into. Some actually might.

I'ma tie into this-here second cuppa java before any fucking thing . . . .



Just saw one of those news spots interviewing young college students
who really and truly thought that it was time to change that Racist name.

The weekends at the college didn't turn out like we planned,
The things that pass for knowledge, I can't understand...

I had a nice quiet Thanksgiving meal (preordered takeout)
that I was supposed to pick up, in Texas. I was also charged
for it three times. Finally got that straightened out, but, go figure,
the order was really screwed up. At least it was good smoked meat.

The Lions proved exactly how bad teams manage to lose games,
but at least it wasn't a blowout, which is more than can be said
for the late game.
The Raiders-Cowboy game was two teams that I really hate.
I told everyone in the room that I truly didn't want either team
to win and that a tie. would be the most optimal outcome.
I almost got my wish and I wasn't all that unhappy to see the
Cowboys lose. Every pre-game show for weeks has pretty much
penciled them in as the next Super Bowl champions because
they are the most talented team with the best QB and every
"expert" always picks them every week to win, no matter what.
They are 1-3 against the AFC West. Somebody owes apologies...
The local utility provider is a real believer in conservation.

They are running a contest where you can win a $50 credit
by sending in a picture of your ostentatious display of lights...


Talk about your mixed messages.
Also, I was without power for two hours yesterday morning.
Their priorities seem to be just a little bit out of whack.

Little stupid was a holy terror yesterday.
Seems somebody forgot to set her a place at the table.

I think that dogs can talk and what I was hearing was awfully blue...
Morning all.

Yeah, except for the usual breakfast I'm going to be staying off the streets and out of the stores.

Dogs aren't allowed at the table until they've demonstrated facility with a fork. :)
I was at the Walmart at 5 am. Still in my jammies. A 40" tv for the bedroom for $130! The only way you can beat cheap Chinese labor is to attend a peaceful protest.
I even started a thread about the mostly Peaceful bargain hunting...

;) ;)

We've come a long way baby!
We no longer trample each other getting in the door...

Now we enter through the window.
I used to have an uncle. Uncle Enzo. He worked at the port in Baltimore and he had the best luck finding things that fell off the truck. Just tell him what you wanted, and he'd find it for you.
That was honest theft...

;) ;)

The new criminal feels vindicated because he's looting even bigger criminals.
Know what? There's Online Eyeroll Friday, so fuck the stores.

There's a '47 Clipper 6 for sale 300 miles from here, so I went to see that on the way home. Two hours out of the way, one way, but Wat does stuff like this. It was/is advertised as being a driver. So you can imagine my surprise when I was informed that the starter/solenoid had crapped out on it. There was no listening to it run, and there certainly was no test drive. And no drag starting, either. And there was no hint of budging on the price. Old Guy (selling because of advancing age and illness with son helping to market it) bought it for X and put Y into it and is asking Z for it, where Z is equal to X plus Y.

So, our hero Wat offered 80% of X and told them to call him when they don't find any other buyer. Wat has rebuilt starters. Out West. Go figure.

That was my shopping excursion. There will be lunch with Mom Tyler's cousin.


I'm just not feeling the season.
Soon a tree will be demanded...

The season of falling plastic pine needles.

I am soooooo... :rolleyes: looking forward to that little chore.

I get some insight into why Scrooge was so cheerful this time of year.
Probably something that's not really needed. I'd take it off and see what happens.

At 5 this morning it was kind of misty but 45 degrees. Two hours later its 27, blowing snow and the ground is covered. Larry loves the snow. Rolls in it like some damn fool
The answers it seems are both, yes. It's a funky WW1 era design. But is was cutting edge for that time. Also, Wat ain't expert on Packard Twin Sixes, so there's that.

Maybe you can see it a bit better here:





I would, except if you break anything, you have to make/fabricate the replacement.

And it looks like the intake runners are contained in the cylinder heads.

I bet that, somewhere, drawings and/or complete photos exist of what's going on inside one of those anvils even more antiquated than Wat's anvils.

