TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

There's only one thing on MickeyD's menu that I do truly enjoy..............their breakfast biscuits. I want the recipe for those damn things.
We're right off of a crossroads, so there is a town, right in the middle of nowhere
and it has every kind of food that you can imagine. We even had a Korean Soul Food place.

Like most of them, it didn't last long.
But I'd be hard-pressed to find a national franchise that wasn't here...

And we have, like 20 MickyD's and I find it hard to understand
how they all can stay in business.
Wat likes an Awful Waffle for fun and cholesterol.

The possibility exists that Wat may need to buff up his diet a little bit. More protein and fibre and a bit less other crap. Like, no lunch meat. Been doing a bit of backsliding here recently for the sake of expediency.

Unless you're prepared to be a raw food eating vegetarian, you can pretty well count on getting too much Evil in your diet.

Wat's not there . . . .

I wouldn't scatter. It's a free country and if you want to look, look!

My birds have been eating like pigs lately. Five pounds of seed and three suet cakes in the past two weeks. I like the birds though. The feeders are outside my living room window so I can sit here and watch them. The Red-headed Woodpeckers love the suet.
Feeders are enjoyable, I love mine. It's worth the cost.
(The one thing I miss about this time of year though is the hummingbirds.)

The added bonus is getting to shoot the squirrels...
I suppose I should check my bird feeder.

sidenote: there is a 1/2 of a beef headed my way. The liver will be included. I have onions waiting
The deli counter at the local supermarket sells deep fried chicken livers, wrapped in bacon. If that doesn't clog your arteries, nothing will.
I should put in a feeder for the girl cat to watch. She'd love it.

I'm making a list of stuff to get on my next food run. I also want to get a shelf to install up high for knickknacks which I'm not ready to dispose of just yet. Then I can unload this-here piece of unwanted china cabinet. Maybe the online sales place. They bought my jobsite loot quickly enough.

Mom is home from her T-giving trip with her Favored Offspring. So I reckon she'll be needin' a call.

Jussie one damned thing after another . . . .


It's been cold enough for long enough that we shouldn't have any bears lucking about, so it is time to put seed in the feeder for the chickadees.
Got some stuff fixed up a bit here. Got some more shit to toss out. Found some stuff in a closet which, based on who I think left it there, has been there for an unconscionably long time. It can kiss my ass goodbye, because I'm not kissing its.

Snot very warm this afternoon.


I should put in a feeder for the girl cat to watch. She'd love it.

I'm making a list of stuff to get on my next food run. I also want to get a shelf to install up high for knickknacks which I'm not ready to dispose of just yet. Then I can unload this-here piece of unwanted china cabinet. Maybe the online sales place. They bought my jobsite loot quickly enough.

Mom is home from her T-giving trip with her Favored Offspring. So I reckon she'll be needin' a call.

Jussie one damned thing after another . . . .

You'd be surprised at how often you have to feed the feeder to keep the birds coming in.
I have to do that this morning. The cardinals, normally territorial, are starting to show
up. By the time spring hits, I'll have six to eight pairs of them sharing the feeder, then
as soon as it warms just a bit, they scatter to the winds. On a side note, if you ever
want a bit of fun, put a mirror out where a male cardinal can see himself. He will beat
himself silly trying to drive off the other competitor. Heck, when the light is just right
inside and out, I've had one do daily battle with the big picture window...

My mom used to talk to her mother and sister (the latter who really was old enough to
be her mother - long story involving four marriages) everyday. She would sit and smoke
and drink tea for hours talking to her sister. When grandma called, she would do house
work leaving the phone to set on the couch and every few minutes pick it up and take
some null comment and put it down again. Grandma was getting a bit dotty at that
point. If she weren't so mean, we would have put her in a home.
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Little Stupid and the television.

As I have come to learn, dogs pay no attention to the TV, even when
they hear other dogs barking. There it one exception which drives me crazy.
If someone knocks on a door, Little Stupid goes hatter-mercury crazy and
won't shut the fawk up until she is let outside to drive the interloper away.
This sometimes takes a lot of time, which is good, because then she comes
in and goes back to sleep all happy and content...