TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I doubt that you could do that without causing other issues, but a piece of black tape over the light would work.
Work, it's one of those four letter words
Did you know today I Wednesday, not Tuesday?
This time of year gets way to busy.

Awww, the poor fishie!!!

Scrotel. Not sure what number. Meh. My favorite sub shop is right across the street, so that's what's for supper.

We have an appointment to look at an old car tomorrow. Advertised as running/driving, but . . . it seems that the starter is out on it, so guess what it won't do tomorrow. Some of these people are okay, and some of them are douchebags. Needless to say, I'll be able to refuse all but the lowest of low offers.

My arse is tired. So is the rest of me . . . .


Chingao!!! Could always drag it along. It's flat there, but the car is a stick, so there might be an option.


Good morning (to an empty house).

The insomnia is back. I didn't sleep the night before
and last night I managed about three hours.

It's time for some new books.
I'm finishing one about the efforts to create an artificial heart
and then I have a book about the Kurds and then, nothing but rereads...
Check Engine lights are the bane of modern automotive existence, little motherfuckers that they are. Anvils don't have such nonsense. Of course, they don't have Idiot Lights, either, so you'd best watch those little gauges that smile at you.

Awake a bit too early. Slept okay. Got some early morning snacky-snacks to take care of that bit. And got a car appointment. That should do it.

Tomorrow morning: my cats and my coffee!!!



The football games do not look too promising...


Then again the Thanksgiving games rarely are.
Good only for eating and napping.
When I first drove The Big Fella, I kept an eye on the not-registering temp gauge and a nose out for overheating for half the 90 minute trip home before realizing the fact-tree gauge was B/O and there was an aftermarket one functioning under-dash.
The oil pressure gauge on the new truck doesn't move much. Now, bear in mind that I don't want to be revving it in neutral when I can watch it safely, and I don't want to be watching the gauge when I gag it on the road. Not too sure about that one.

I guess that Happy Thanksgiving is in order, but if you can only be grateful one day a year, you're probably the kind of walking clusterfuck that Wat neither wants nor needs in his life. And a person can eat himself into a food coma any day of the year.

There's a thread over there >>>>
where Adam is taking all the credit for creating Heaven and Earth and the Garden of Eden. One more reason that Wat hates a cunt.

And that Allah hates a pussy . . . .


Too white - too devious - big ass will not age well.

The bird is about to get out of it's bucket. Out of the cold, into the heat.

I brine my bird in a bucket on the porch. Because it's cold outside. One year some critter ate one of the thighs. I cooked it anyway and nobody ever knew.
Okay, it's getting to be Load 'Em Up time.

Chilly and clear. I reckon that it'll do. It's going to have to.

I get to sleep at Chez Wat tonight.

With Wat's cats . . . .


I wonder how many people now-a-days would know what to do with a wild turkey. Everyone is so used to the genetically modified Beltsville Whites, that they wouldn't even recognize a real one.
They are a sit and wait prey, not a walk and shoo one.

Turkey vs Pheasant.

I've shot turkeys before and after cleaning one, decided I'll be like everyone else and eat one that comes in plastic.
Yeah, once dressed, they're nothing to write home about;
not worth the investment in time.

I've said this before, but they are stealthy,
I have seen them walk right past my dogs
in plain eyesight and they just didn't see them.
This week, Arctic sea ice is approaching 10,000,000 km2 — the second highest ice extent of any of the last 15 years. Furthermore, the years 2008 and 2005 are on course to be eclipsed in the coming days/weeks, as are many from the early-2000s and mid/late-1990s — this means that 2021 will soon claim the title of 'the highest Arctic sea ice extent of the past two decades' (since 2001). (snip)

According to the latest data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Arctic sea ice 'volume' has been on something of a tear in recent weeks — it is now tracking above all recent years (black line on the below chart), and shows no signs of abating:


You won't here this anywhere else...

This summers (winter down there) years Antarctic broke all kinds of cold records. Global warming ya know.
I think the narrative of benolovent natives holding a feast for funny dressed uptight white people has probably been romanticized over the years. I really doubt it was much more than the natives bringing the ill-prepared dumbasses a deer and some corn.
I think the narrative of benolovent natives holding a feast for funny dressed uptight white people has probably been romanticized over the years. I really doubt it was much more than the natives bringing the ill-prepared dumbasses a deer and some corn.

And when the uptight white people cooked it all up to eat in one or two days, the Natives shook their heads and knew that, bless'em, these white folks were in out of their depth.

Happy Thanksgiving, folks!