TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Happy Sunday. Been up for a little while, drinking coffee, checking on cats, and reading about anvil parts for sale. It's like "Squirrel" for the ADHD dogs. Well, not entirely, but similar.

I see that the self-appointed Lit "Morality (moronity) Police" person has been MIA for three + weeks at a magical post count. Perhaps it is ill, or illin'. I remember when Blessed Be/Puppi/Whomever-else had a meltdown and how "concerned" Lance was for her health and wellbeing. It was almost as good as the Intrigued meltdown. Perhaps Lance should be assigned to find the Moronity Poelease and check on his mental health. Too bad he was banned for life and would never return as an alt for reasons of Integrity.

I think that the Ravings get the dreaded Brownies today, unless the Girl Scouts show up. These pussy players. Jim Otto played through everything. Even Curley Culp. And Jim stilll breathes, too.

My coffee must be a'workin' O/T today . . . .



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Way more craycray than hawt. Kinda dumb, too.

Hans used to have her number. That whole thing about her shit with her son's long showers was a h000t.

Kinda like that Bob guy.

The joys of the intrawebz . . . .


Those pictures of your classic cars always seem to be in idyllic settings.

Is it because the urban views are all on blocks? :D
It's where the wealthy like to go to play.

And they stay off the interstates, because the caravans go the speed of the oldest car, and that's usually about 45 MPH.

Okay, it's time to hit the food store before the church ladies get there.

Just us heathens . . . .


I'm having bean burritos and chili for my pregame meal.

I like a deserted living room during football games.

It cuts off all of the clueless questions...

A: The two-minute warning is to sell swag.
PS - That picture looks like I-435 where is passes thru Raytown (KCMO)...

The cars are that old, but look very, very rat rod.

A lot of them are on the shoulder.

I do everything I can to improve Fall Sundays for the entire Litiverse...

I can't help it if some won't take the hint(s).
I don't know.

I think my toenails could use a clipper...

How the weather babe would know is way beyond me.

Is this like 1984 (Brave New World?) where the television watches you?

This time of year, and in the spring, if you watch the national weather map, there's always a streak of white and blue down the center of the Appalachians - that would be me. 50 miles to the west it'll be 60, 50 miles to the East it will be 60. Here it will be a blizzard.
I live in a somewhat similar zone with the most adverse weather
passing either to the north or the south. I can live with that.
Drinking coffee and failing at multi-tasking while I should be focusing on work.
So far today is not off to a great start.
You guys were a chatty bunch the last few days, seems holidays agree with you.
Silly women who make silly observations are subject to get their asses patted. Jussie sayin'. Speaking of vortexes . . . an' shit . . . .

Forgot the list. Got all but one thing on it. Assembled the chili bits and put them in the crockpot. Wat loves his crockpot. Had to yell at the old cat while i was workin' on it. I think that he thought he was going to get some canned food. May have to hook a little bruthuh up later.

Maybe Wat'll tackle this-here toilet replacement. Kinda tired of looking at the new parts sittin' in the living room/office. It will be an improvement.

And haul a few more things outta here too . . . .


Johnny loves his crock pot too. I have a bunch of those preformed burgers that set the grill afire when you cook them. I'm putting them in the crock pot tomorrow morning with some mushroom soup and a pack of gravy mix.

That's called Salisbury Steak alla Hillbilly.

Some cars use regular unleaded gas and some use the super. What's the mid-grade for?
It's 40 degrees outside. Maybe winter is over.

Lotsa people would like to believe it, but it hasn't even begun.

Here is a mystery ole Johnny has never sussed out: Even when the temp is below zero, fat guys still wear shorts.

It's not just one body type. I know guys who drive to and from work in shorts in winter. Seems dumb to me. You're gonna freeze your ass off if you have to get gas, or deal with a tire change.
Wat doesn't even do shorts in the summer any more. Used to, but that ship has sailed.

Besides, Wat bikes a bit, and that's not shorts activity.

We have our first snow, the hussy pup loves it, the old geezer is snoring beside the fireplace.
The silly observations shall continue, lets start with 2021 is almost over, where the heck did it go?
We need to start an arsepats jar then.

Went to help a friend get Xmas shit outta her attic. The access is too small.

The chili needs a bit of something. Gave a quart to the neighbor. She didn't have to cook, so she liked it. Took some to Attic Girl and she said it was good. I still think that it needs something. Probably a bit more chili powder.

Off. Tomorrow is a school day, so . . . .

Happy MOnday. Slept okay until I woke all the way up. Go figure. So, fuck it, get up already.

Added a bit of chili to the chili and put some rice in to stretch it to last all week, because this will be lunch. Beats a cheese sammidge.

Looks to be warmer this week. Today is the cold day. May see 70* come Thursday. This has been as dry a November as I remember since longtime GI.

Time for a refill . . . .




It's getting to be the other kind of chili here... chilly.

Every night now dips into freezing temps even though we thaw during the day.
Not enough yet though to glaze the old koi pond over with an ice frosting.

Football sucked, lopsided games, except for the bean and chili burritos.
Those were damned good and I have bean and cheese leftover
to go with farm-fresh eggs for breakfast.