TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Is this a "jump the shark" moment?

Kyle Rittenhouse is taking classes on line.
The Leftists at the school are agitating for him to be expelled.

They don't feel safe knowing that a murderer is taking classes online...

What's he going to do? Jump out of their computer monitors like some B horror movie?
Next thing you know they'll be demanding he be barred from the internet entirely. All of those servers, fiber-optics, and wires tainted now. :rolleyes:
I woke up stiff and sore this morning. Sometimes I think I must sleeprun around the neighborhood at night.
Being chased by the ghosts of Redskins past?

Believe me. I've seen them. They'll never catch you!

:D :D :D
Speaking of that great football team... They play for the world tonight! I'll be wearing my #44 John Riggins jersey and playing Glory Days in the background
That's just mean, especially since the Cowgirls and Iggles lost this weekend. Now the the time for The Football Team to make its move!
If you want to see quality football, you'll have to stop watching the AFC. Minor league at best. Their best players move to the arena league, then if they do well there, they go to the NFC.
I thought you were going to suggest the Premier League...

East Coasters are like that.


It's chilly here at the job. Mostly, it's windy, and that makes it suck.

It's a good day not to do much. Of course, Wat has to go sort out a complaining tenant.

Hey, if could just anyone do this . . . .

Wats are so wonderful.

I see there is a new Matrix movie. Hope it makes it to Netflix zippy quick. That's one of my favorite franchises.
Love my office elf, she's doing great on most of the stuff, cleaning, however, is not her forte
and the office and storage room are both in desperate need. More lessons may be in her future.
Snow has already melted again here, it's chilly but not horrible and a hot cup of cocoa keeps
the hands warm. I have bread making ATM so the house smells good too. Wat's suggestion
of chili sounds like a plan for later this week.

In all fairness, the chili was Chomp's idea.

Home. Grazing in. The salad went bad. I reckon I had let it get old. So I made tuna salad with onions - or is it onion salad with tuna? Anyway, it's what's for supper - on toast.

So, for shits and giggles, this website I use told me it could tell me my house's equity. I'm sitting here next to the city's latest assessment, and my experience is, they're pretty damned accurate even if it is really a tax bill. The website said that Chez Wat is worth an extra one and a half large.

It's enough to make me wonder where I put the matches . . . .



ATM = At the Moment and you well know that Johnny but you're right, I should
think about where I'm posting.

You know insurance is never worth the hassle Wat, too much paperwork and explaining.

Lost a family friend last night, he'd been sick for a while. He played Santa every
year and gave a lot of time to local kid's programs. He left behind two little girls
and a wife, so if you have a moment, could you please do what you do to keep his
family in your thoughts.
This one is for bellisarius.

So I was thinking about my AncestryDNA results.
The overall profile was boring and standard.

But the weird part came from how drastically the % among my mains varied from the initial test to when they rewrote them a few years later.
Not only that, but the smaller populations (I used to also be 5% this and 4% that) have now bee entirely wiped out from my History.

They claim that these variations are being accounted for by their evolving understanding of Genetic communities.
But that just doesn't make sense to me.

Are our DNA databanks being tweaked and turned, or made more uniform to ease research? Or for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies somehow