TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

You lot know that the burning of the josh is a daily ritual here. It reminds us of many things, not the least of which is the passing of those who have gone before, so to speak. Wat feels for the kids in such cases. Not his experience . . . .

The brand name would be an interesting exclamation point in the realm of Major Collectordom. Still find it funny that Packard Motors (electric, not gasoline, and where the family made its money to fund the car bizness) was sold to GM in 1931.

Happy Tuesday. Slept well, for a change, save for one snippet from a weird dream. If Wat dreams, then it's weird. Should get a little warmer today. We were short FNG#2 yesterday - his truck died on his way back to the job. FNG#1 was in his usual "hurry up and wait" mode.

Good thing that Coffee is always on point . . . .



Mornin' Wat.

Daily incense here too.
Someone gifted me some stuff they like.
It smells like burnt socks. I'll have to gift them something burnable...

Maybe something in the way of those little Japanese sticks (no stem).
That's a lot of aromatic goodness in a small package...

The Honda of incense.

Hint: It's not what your ancestors were but who you are.

But why such huge change in profile in 5 years?
They tell you you're mainly one thing, and 5 years later you find out no, you're more x than y.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It's not unsettling, because I'm too old for it to matter

It's head scratching.
Are they changing their own categories for genetic populations to make research easier?
Don't know, don't care, would never engage in such pointless activity.

As Huxley's Mynah screams:

Here and now boys! Here and now!
But why such huge change in profile in 5 years?
They tell you you're mainly one thing, and 5 years later you find out no, you're more x than y.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It's not unsettling, because I'm too old for it to matter

It's head scratching.
Are they changing their own categories for genetic populations to make research easier?

It could be as simple as careless handling resulting in contaminated samples. Whatta want for $29.95? :)
It could be as simple as careless handling resulting in contaminated samples. Whatta want for $29.95? :)

yeah, I was hoping for something more sexy, like a conspiracy theory involving Pharma or such,
but it's most likely that. :(

btw This was a BIG fad 5 years ago, when everybody was testing
secretly hoping to find British/German or Italian ancestry (talk about internalized racism).
but apparently now the interest has dropped, and testing agencies aren't making as much money.
I didn't have to look for German ancestry.

I had it spoken to me. Especially when I pissed off granddad.

I didn't have to look for my Native ancestry, I saw it with every reservation visit...
I am who I am, and what I am.

Those fuckers did bupkis for me, so fuck 'em.

Here and now, boys.

Off to see the weasels . . . .

Not to be confused with, Wat could probably go wrong...

... all it would take would be one stupid weasel too many.

Last day of November.
The weather babe says it should hit 60º.

I can live with that. I wonder if Thor will hit 6º.
A grasshopper walks into a bar. The Bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you" The grasshopper says, "You have a drink named Steve?"