TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I'm going to ask Santa for a really nice set of kitchen knives. Knives you don't need to put your whole body weight behind to cut through a tomato.
$55... its probably no better than what I have now. I like a big knife for most things, but a filet and a paring would be nice. I have dozens of knives but they all suck

I need something like this
Look into Japanese kitchen knives. Sharp as a razor and hold an edge.

A lot of the really spendy ones need extra care to keep clean. But, I do have a ceramic utility knife my kid brought back from Japan that is okay, and a smaller utility knife that I bought in a shop in Sapporo that is stainless and is a favorite of the smaller handed person in the house.

$55... its probably no better than what I have now. I like a big knife for most things, but a filet and a paring would be nice. I have dozens of knives but they all suck

I need something like this

That Misen utility knife has a 5 1/2" blade.

The Wusthof is nice, but in my house, other people use knives and they don't care for them all that well. We do have a Wusthof fillet knife and I can recommend it. I Picked this knife up in Berlin, I like it a lot.
The bestest sharpest knife at Chez Wat is his K-Bar. He just doesn't see his way clear to cutting up a block of cheese with it. A block of trespassers is another story. Wat could see his way to getting behind some Solingen steel. They made a lotta lotta bayonets outta that stuff. Good for giggin' frogs. The block for five hunyet kinda seems worth it.

Home and grazing in. Nose is running. Might be from the cold outside and might be from warm eats.

FNG#1 has no clue. Doesn't look like he's gonna get one. The bartender has a couple of her biker buddies over. Like the sounds. Called her painter reference. He's having back surgery next week and will be back up and at 'em - he says - by February. Could be orange by Spring, insh'Allah.

There's an anvil just hit the market. Wonder if he'll consider a lowball . . . low and outside . . . .


I'm going to ask Santa for a really nice set of kitchen knives. Knives you don't need to put your whole body weight behind to cut through a tomato.

I asked Santa for one of those mini belt knife sharpeners.
It keeps good knives sharp.
Turn it on, put the blade into the preset (adjustable) guide and voilà! Chef sharp.
You might think about gifting yourself one of those instead.
Look into Japanese kitchen knives. Sharp as a razor and hold an edge.

I have a set of ceramic knives too. Very sweet, very good with vegetables
and they never need to be sharpened. A vegetable peeler even came with it.

I like to have peeled half a finger away with it.
The metal ones are never that sharp!
Happy payday Wednesday. All of that stuff is done. The cats will have a place to live for at least another month. Lights and water can wait for two more weeks.

Looks like it's going to 60* today and then damned near to 70* tomorrow. Not half bad for the oneth and twoth of December.

I did read the Packard article, and i liked it a lot. I did see his note that they styled the car after the Clipper series, but (to me) they made the same mistake as the Clipper, and the Clipper corrected what was worse in the pre-war cars - the shape and height of the windshield. Honestly, they had a much better look with that in the early thirties. In Wat's estimation, the Clipper was the last real car they came out with. Everything was downhill from there.

This coffee is gettin' 'er sorted . . . .



As I think about it, I might have too many knives.
I have a big cutting board that has a drawer for knives, and it is full.
I have a bunch of them in a cabinet drawer, a knife holder on the counter and
a magnetic strip on the wall that holds kitchen utensils including a few knives.
I wonder what the gun control nuts would say about that?

You only need one knife, everything else is a penis substitute?

Of course, their only other kitchen utensil is probably a spork.
Glitter everywhere!
Even in my hair.
In the carpet, on the furniture, even covering the hounds.

Last year, I decided that it was time to replace the Christmas tree
so it was gifted to one of the units at the hospital for use this year.

After last Christmas, I picked up one on sale and it has a "frosting."
Opened it up and put it up and a lot of that shit just ended up everywhere.
It is a very pretty tree and it is one of those small profile shapes
so that it doesn't take up a whole lot of room.
(Get it, room? As in space and location.)

You see, I know exactly how to prevent supply-chain issues.
I could do a better job that Biden and his band of dwarves.
I just can't tell if he is Sleepy or Dopey.
Maybe Senility?

;) ;)
A stabby spork!!! (stolen from elsewhere)

I may have too few knives. Come to think of it, they're all crap, but they somehow manage to make little ones outta big ones. If I cooked more, maybe.

But a good K-Bar . . . .

The Redneck choice in cutlery...

Some of us country folk are a bit more refined.
We keep our elbows off of the table.

Morning folks. It's Range Day Wednesday! The weather looks to be accommodating this AM. Might even take the "Long Ranger" out with me.

There's a thread over in the politics board that got me thinking about Barbie and her Mat-tracked H1. Slap a snowplow blade on it and it has year round utility. :)
In the spirit of this morning's thread,

be sure to bring your throwing knives to the range. :D

Let Barbie tote them...
No pink skis, I don’t even want to try to ski! I’m a klutz!

The coffee mug, its main problem is that it’s empty.
Walking in on an armed robbery in progress would have been much more exciting if I'd actually noticed it was underway

First I knew something was up was when two Utes came tearing past me on their way out the side door. Even then, I thought it was a beer run until the cops for quizzing the clerk about the gun and noticed the open empty drawers and lottery machine.

I should probably pay more attention to my surroundings. My antenna was up but because of the homeless people hang around inside, sitting on the floor that particular location. I've got into altercations with them there before.

At least one homeless dude is implicated and in handcuffs as having been the look out; I think the two inside were there to trip up anybody to chased them out the back door