TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Me too. I am their King and they are my subjects!

I even bought a special feeder that (supposedly) was just for cardinals. Nary a one on it thus far. Just lots of tufted titmouses. The neighbor is bogarting all the cardinals.

I'm up to six pairs now. All of the birds like to dig through the feeder seeds
rejecting that which they do not want and the Cardinals seem to prefer
picking through the seeds on the ground beneath the feeder. They, as well
as a lot of other types of birds really love hanging out in the forsythia, I would
say bushes, but they are more like thickets now (they've even smothered the

We have a lot of flickers and ladderbacks too, chickadees, fewer tit mouse this
year, sparrows and wrens.
Good Morning!

I quit feeding the birds when the DNR thought there might be a problem with doing that. I start filling the feeder again a few weeks ago, but they all deserted me because of my disbelief in their fortitude.

In other news, 10 work days til FNG. Projected appearance 1-3-22

They'll be back. Broadcast some on the ground.

Birds are real opportunists.
I think that her birds have Bitter Resentments, kinda at a Litlib level.

Happy Sunday. Okay sleepage was had by the human.

The roof seems to have held. More testing today.

More coffee now . . . .


Belle the hippo with her caretaker, Yevdokia Dashina, during the siege of Leningrad in 1943. Belle survived the war thanks to Dashina. In 1941 water was turned off throughout the city and Belle’s pool was empty, so her skin began to dry out and crack. Every day, Dashina would drag a 40-liter barrel of water from the Neva river and rub the suffering hippo with camphor oil. Eventually, Belle’s skin healed and she was able to hide underwater through the air raids.


Kneighborhood Knucklehead comes to the door last night after dark, before 7. I answer the door, 10mm in hand, kind of keeping the lights low and the gun behind my thigh.

Tells me when I was pulling out yesterday morning, that my trailer clipped his car and damaged his mirror. That he had video footage from some camera device or another.

Told him, that's nice, except the trailer hasn't moved in weeks. So he went and got back in his car and took a picture of the trailer (I think) and copied its license number.

Makes me wonder if he clipped it coming around the corner and was trying to Creatively Reframe an inshornce claim. Anyway, he should call the law next time, like civilized people. :rolleyes:



Morning folks.

Always a scammer hanging around somewhere. How is it trailers work again? Oh yeah, they follow the car. Almost right up there with the laws of physics.
If you ever see any of those court TV shows, people are idiots
and their recollections of events never really favor the other guy
and then the judge has to choose a middle ground that is most
likely to be the truer version of events. No one ever thinks that
they were in the wrong, usually based upon feelings/intentions.

I couldn't have possibly clipped my own mirror, therefore
someone else just had to! Now, where do I find someone else?
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I'm going to have to change my phone number,
it seems to have made it to all of the tony lists.

You get the same damned message telling you
that you've won a prize, but the VPN phone
number is always different. Fucking morons...
Woke up more tireder than I was when I went to bed. Larry slept well. He snored in my ear hole all night. He's still in bed snoring away.
Claiming non-existent video imagery isn't going to impress anyone.

My email is overflowing, the phone not so much. I got one number that calls once every day, stays on the line long enough to trip the answering service, then hangs up. Hopefully that'll end with the end of the holidays.
I read that if their systems detect any sort of pickup, even unsuccessful,
result in repeated follow-ups. I used to try and block them, but all I did
was end up with a huge block list of one-off numbers that decreased the
volume of contacts by not one wit. I never check any of my emails...

I read that if their systems detect any sort of pickup, even unsuccessful,
result in repeated follow-ups. I used to try and block them, but all I did
was end up with a huge block list of one-off numbers that decreased the
volume of contacts by not one wit. I never check any of my emails...


Yeah, maybe I should go in and block that number. While I'm in there probably unblock some old ones. The new robo-dialers are smart enough to detect a line xfer and drop the call before the answering service is triggered. They want real pick-ups so the game is to move through the number list as fast as possible. Obviously my particular annoyance isn't using the latest technology.
Good morning!

I am up too early, but this is not when i'm used to sleeping. I need to do some grocery shopping today. Not sure when that will take place.
I got in my usual four hours.

Today is spaghetti sauce day.
I'm opting for the healthy turkey option.
I'm pretty much up to date on the pantry and freezer.
Today is the christmas party at the legion. I don't normally people that hard - groups of 2 or 3 is my usual limit.

But there's going to be free food and I'm not about to turn that down. Maybe I'll just show up with my tupperware.
Morning BT.

I did my free food, non-social distancing, people thing yesterday out at the range. Today is 'top off the tank' day and some light shopping afterwards. Try to find out how much this years rib roast is going to ding my wallet.
Today is also grocery day. Just food. I'll put together a meatloaf to take Out West with me tomorrow. For the landlady. And I'll whack together some chili for her, too, because it's easy. And she'll have plenty of leftovers of each.

She really is an uninspired cook, so Wat can make her happy.

She does do a thing where she'll take a "sauced" frozen veggie thing and heat it and serve it over pasta, and it's pretty decent. And you can tart a meal like that up a bit, too.

Everything - except breakfast cereal - goes better with cheese.



I bought a 1/2 beef and split it with my sister a few weeks ago, so at least my wallet won't take a hit there. and my freezer is about 2/3 full But I do need some staples. Like, the coffee is running low and we don't want the natives coffeeless as sometimes that's all that keeps them in check.