TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

In boot camp in San Diego, we had to take off our gas masks in the gas chamber and yell out in unison that the Chargers were going to win the super bowl before we could leave.


We had to sing The Marine Corp Hymn...

It was a sorry spectacle.
It was Air Corialles year.

Or how ever you spell it.

And I'm young, we didn't have service numbers :cool:
That they did. I spent a good deal of time aboard the ole 525 Grenadier. The only thing that spoiled the ambiance was the pervasive smell of diesel. :rolleyes:
Home. Damn good day for motorcyclin'. Even got a few drops of rain on the way home, just enough to spot up the face shield. Watched the blower door guy. Got him into his units, and out. Went well enough. Burger for lunch.

It's Friday Night gang night, which means Eye-tal-yun. Not feeling the pasta tonight, however.

Found a form I had been looking for, thanks be to Allah.

Off until the third . . . .



Good morning.

Four hours unbroken sleep; man do I feel fresh as a daisy!
Then again, I might be a little high-strung.
Maybe my tombstone should have
a daisy engraved on it.


Never too early to start planning. Life is "whimsical..."

It's the time of year for some Saturday NFL,
but it's been Covid canceled.
The Pantheon hates it!!!

How is two days going to alleviate a Covid outbreak?
It's just no longer making any sense;
it's whimsical.

At best.


As you can tell, insomnia has hit me hard with its ugly stick
and my mind is racing, full of possibilities and
things to order on the internet.

First, I have to get me sorted out...

There will be coffee
and cake!
I'll tell you what.

The Mac was moving slow, way too slow,
so I decided to restart it, something I rarely do.
Without asking me, the MF decided to install updates.
I never install those damned things, so, I've been waiting
while this damned thing took its sweet time to add junk I don't need.


Yes, I need coffee! If I was driving, I'd be in road-rage mode.
Well, the coffee damn sure isn't going to help with that.

I'm thinking of moseying out to the range later this AM. They're having an open house thing and giving away free food. That and the PJ's were out this week and they always leave some useful shit behind.
This one is running slow, too, even after it's restart. They must have added some st000pid what it don't need. Figures.

Happy Saturday. Slept well - damn near 6 hours straight. Then pee. And close to dawn, so the body says, "get up," and the cats didn't argue. This pair doesn't wake my like the old b&w did. Oh, and that close to dawn thing has nothing to do with Mountain Dawn. Hope she's well. Hope her tits are, too.

Looks like the weather will cooperate for awhile so's I can attempt to close the leaky portion of the roof saga. Then we can get onto the sealant portion, insh'Allah.

After the coffee portion, of course.



I slept in until 6 this morning. It's like I'm a kid again! I woulda slept a bit more but Larry was telling me to get my old bones up.