TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

"Regional" obviously means the entire planet as the Earth is in a region of the sol system.

Everyone wants to watch that historic conference; the NFC East.
A clash of the titans, one for the ages. Wat won't be watching. Which pretty much makes it like any other football game.

She'll never get balanced to get good sight alignment and then the recoil will knock her off balance. The cats will finish her off.

The birds are costing me a fortune so far this year. 15 pounds of seeds so far and the feeders are empty
That reminds me, we had a huge murder of crows hanging out
up in the trees out in the rain yesterday. Like little black omens...

I put out my last block of suet yesterday.
I'll be needing more. I have new bags of seed.
Well, I got a guy supposed to come and see about buying a car at the top of the hour,
so I'd better get up and moving around. Then again, it's pouring rain, so who knows?

I like feeding the birds. Makes me feel like Godfather nature...
Me too. I am their King and they are my subjects!

I even bought a special feeder that (supposedly) was just for cardinals. Nary a one on it thus far. Just lots of tufted titmouses. The neighbor is bogarting all the cardinals.
Out West, Fred is killing birds like einsatzgruppen moving east. She looks at them, and then she kills them and crunches their bones.

Had one on the line and he wriggled off. Got a guy in Carolina who seems to be the first live one I've had. He'll be a bit of work, but he's not trying to chisel me down on price.

I bought two new/used eastern front books. More memoirs. Might be innerestin'.

Too bad I struggle to stay awake to read at night . . . .


Good Morning!

I quit feeding the birds when the DNR thought there might be a problem with doing that. I start filling the feeder again a few weeks ago, but they all deserted me because of my disbelief in their fortitude.

In other news, 10 work days til FNG. Projected appearance 1-3-22
A Fucking New Girl???? :eek:
As opposed to a New Girl Fucking . . . . :rolleyes:

So, befire the rains arrive, I got on the roof, but before that, I went to peer through the hole in the ceiling. I actually saw daylight. I found a piece of wire and was able to thread it up through the hole so that there would be zero question from above in locating said leakyhole. And from up top, it was almost invisible, so that's why I have struggled with it. Fixed every fucking thing in the vicinity, however.

Now, Ol' Leaky is fixed, too. Motherfucker.

The Test is on the way . . . .



Good Morning!

I quit feeding the birds when the DNR thought there might be a problem with doing that. I start filling the feeder again a few weeks ago, but they all deserted me because of my disbelief in their fortitude.

In other news, 10 work days til FNG. Projected appearance 1-3-22

Your do not resuscitate order covers birds as well?
Colonel Screaming Woman: "What will we do when we lose the war?"

Captain White Cat: "Prepare for the next one . . . ."


Don't rejoice in his defeat, you men.
For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again.

~ Bertolt Brecht



The jalapeno poppers are cooling off, outside. So they can be frozen for later.