TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

The State road workers have blocked off the street in front of my office.

There's a flood control "river" that runs under the street and then out to a river. It was built around 1900 when a flood washed away the entire town. For the past 20 years or so, the state and the county have been fighting over who is responsible for repairs and maintenance.

I reckon they figured it out, since the state is getting ready to dig it up. Should give me something to watch this summer. I'm gonna need a lawn chair.

Just to close the loop on this 4 3/4 month old post: The river is covered, backfilled and the paving went on top last night. I suppose they will spend the weekend marking the curbs and prettifying it. Another $2 million well spent.
A lot of people never got that memo...


I know that you've noticed but I wonder how many others have noticed that the majority of "Let's Lynch'em Now" threads are started by embittered liberal females? The names change but the profile remains the same.
When you going to start stocking up on long guns Wat?

What he said!

That was done for Y2K.


I do want to add that SOCOM, but that should just about do it.

I got 2 M14s and only two hands, so . . . .



Mine are the full-size 7.62 NATO rifles. Springfields. Technically, M1As

My .223s are ARs and a bolt gun.

My aught sixes run a wide gamut. There are import cartridges tossed in for fun and confusion.

And two magnums for a bit more of that old-fashioned Reach Out And Touch Someone . . . .

Never had an 06. Have damn near everything all around it, but not an 06 itself. Planning on picking up an M1 via the CMP though.
Late lunch.

I'm picking up my 10mm tomorrow. We worked it out. It's almost like he's delivering it to me.

I do have an AK. Just cuz. And a few 12 gauges, including the AK semi-auto. In case I have unwanted trees to "cut" down.

I would like a .357, and then I'd feel all caught up on the small stuff.


Home with cat. Getting ready to hit the shower soon and to change clothes. Gonna catch up with the Friday night folks.

The cat is chatty and cuddly. It's funny for a little old man to get all affectionate . . . an' shit . . . .

It was damn warm this afternoon, and the humidity came back.

And there's too much plumbing that's dripping. Pudding seems to have no idea.


Afternoon folks. Another hot one with a rain teaser. :rolleyes:

There's a few firearms I'd like to pick up but they fall mostly in the category of collectors items. Like a Colt Python and/or a Smith K-38 Masterpiece. In long guns a Winchester 21 would be nice. I'd also like another Ruger #1, I just like the elegance of their simplicity. I've always thought the #1 would make an excellent long range shooter but I don't think I could bring myself to butcher it to make the changes required.