TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good afternoon all. Another hot one with another rain teaser in the offing. The weather dude is losing a lot of credibility.
Home with cat. Gave him some chicken grb and I stopped to get Numbah Wun Fuckee. Tonight, it's Gen'rul Sue's Chicken. Yard bird isn't surviving here.

I wonder what the Jabbas were going to do about that lack o' toner. Were they going to hand write flyers? I don't even want to know.

Got a nasty little sewer/drain issue to fix first thing in the morning. I can hardly wait. Of course, we have no plumber on site, and Jabba junior isn't gonna do it, so that leaves Wat. :rolleyes:

No toner, leaks . . . oh wait, Junior was out earlier putting extentions on the downspout openings. He's a long way from done.



Baba Yaga drives tough wheels.

The new ones are still way faster, of course, and handle a lot better, too.



I'm looking at the latest weather radar
and it seems to be falling apart and
around us. We could use the rain.
I'm looking at the latest weather radar
and it seems to be falling apart and
around us. We could use the rain.

Here we’re currently in the high 50’s with a high of 72 today, some scattered showers. Nothing to be excited about.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, though!
My back doesn't feel like I survived.
I must have slept in an awkward position.

I was reading Holy Wars* last night and
yet another book started to fall apart on me.
I think I can glue it back together, but once
a paperback starts to disintegrate,
it never really stops.


* Karen Armstrong
We've been trending in the upper 80s.
I could do with some cooler (dry) weather.
Maybe get some more painting done this weekend.
I like my kindle. I think I’m on my third one.

I was convinced I wouldn’t like it when I first got one, but it’s definitely grown on me!
I hate the idea but yet sometime today I'm going to have to go down and buy some more boxes to put big heavy books in and figure out some place to put them.

If I'm being Frank, my problem with where to stash them may have more to do with that crush on the small-town librarian with the stellar books for sale setup than my distaste for technology. Think auburn-haired Yossi.
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I have a dedicated library.

I have an electronic book somewhere.
They just aren't the same, they're for the next generation...
He's decades older'n Wat. :D ;) :rolleyes:

Happy Friday. Looks like Saturday is dedicated t-storm day. I reckon that's Laura's contribution. Maybe. Could just be normal August 2020 assholism, of which there has been plenty.

My new gun came in but I can't pick it up until next weekend. "Can you pass a background check?" "I bought a gun last week, so, yeah!"

I can make coffee, too . . . .



He's decades older'n Wat. :D ;) :rolleyes:

Happy Friday. Looks like Saturday is dedicated t-storm day. I reckon that's Laura's contribution. Maybe. Could just be normal August 2020 assholism, of which there has been plenty.

My new gun came in but I can't pick it up until next weekend. "Can you pass a background check?" "I bought a gun last week, so, yeah!"

I can make coffee, too . . . .

What did you get?
Yeah, I don't get that.

Are they to assume that you used the last purchase to commit a crime
and now you're coming back for more?
Good morning folks.

Seriously on the sticker shock. Virtually all of the pedestrian guns are OOS. Oh, and I hope it's some caliber he already has ammo for. :)
I finally dropped the dime on a 10mm. Selection was minimal, and then this one showed up in my inbox, so . . . .

Got a 1911 platform with a poly frame.

Lots of capacity.

Lots more magazines coming, too.


Good morning folks.

Seriously on the sticker shock. Virtually all of the pedestrian guns are OOS. Oh, and I hope it's some caliber he already has ammo for. :)

I saw a Taurus G2C for $350 the other day, MSRP is what, $269?

Soon they’ll be selling HiPoints and SCCYs for $300!