TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Some e-mail add showed up in my inbox saying they had M1 carbines. Originals. I suspect they came from Korea as imports.

I wasn't paying attention. They were long gone. Probably all 3 of them.

$1200 each.

I know . . . .

Sounds like my daily emails about ammunition.

“We’ve got this!”

37 seconds later...

“Out of stock.”
I’ve never been into the historical side of things. I read on some of them but have no interest in owning any unless it’s something really unusual.

Where can I get a howitzer?
I’ve never been into the historical side of things. I read on some of them but have no interest in owning any unless it’s something really unusual.

Where can I get a howitzer?

For one of those you need to hit the "Big Sandy" event and ask around. :)
Looking at the number of replies,
we have a lot of threads breaking
the 5K barrier. Someone must be
on summer vacation...

I wonder how far over we can go.

;) ;)
No problem there either. Last year a dude showed up with a M-60......fully functional. :)


I saw a guy with a tank for sale on Pawn Stars...

It was a tad pricey.

Might be better to get a used up armored limo from one of the cartels.

One with the gunports in the windows...

:D ;) ;)
Trying to find the motivation to get on the roof.

Could be worse, could be the crawl.

At least Laura is cooperating for the moment.

My gun show visit later will make me feel moar gooder afterwards . . . .



Back in the 1960s my Australian relations had some heavy weaponry.

In the Northern Territory they had two Sherman tanks. They used to attach a heavy chain between them for scrub clearance but might remove a tree with a shell from the main gun. When an arms amnesty was announced in 1960 they drove the Sherman tanks to the local policeman's house towing a twenty-five pounder gun and limber. They had warned him in advance so the army arrived with two tank transporters.

But another relation had six 9.2 inch naval guns in barbettes from the 1890s. They had been intended for use to defend Australia's coast from the Japanese in WW2 but never mounted. The authorities took his stock of 200 shells but left the guns.
Saw a fox crossing the road over to ASU's Gammage Auditorium. Never seen one in the "wild" before.
Good morning.

I'm on the second cup.

I need to get out to the garden today
and then get in some painting before the heat sets in.