TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Happy Friday!!!

The Led s000per fucked himself into working today, and it's everybody's fault but his. Of course, it's 101% His Doings, but what's the point in pointing that out?That and the cheap-ass management who hires the cheapest subs possible, so we get goofy millennial pothead plumbers who don't check their shit and cause-n-leave leaks here and there. Oh, and the other lard-ass s000per doesn't check behind these guys, either. But fuck all that, Wat is off today, and his phone may be, too, as far as they're concerned.

Wat does have a sick cat. Something's not right with the big one, so we're researching a vet so he can go. I bet he can't wait, especially as much as he loves to travel.

Drinking coffee and the heat just came on again. Dayum . . . .

Best wishes to your cat.

Let's hope his catting about did not infect him with SARS-CoV-2.


I'll light some josh for him, right after this next cup o'coffee...
Under the heading of "Life's little Ironies."

The large grocery chains have installed Sushi prep areas in all of the stores in upscale areas around town. Naturally none of the Sushi chefs are Japanese, they're all Chinese. As a matter of public health the stores have closed down virtually all of the areas where staff might come face to face with customers and the first to go were the Sushi prep areas.

Is that the smell of a class action discrimination suit I detect?
I just smoked up the room for him.

Since he seems to have respiratory issues, it's a good thing that I'm upstairs and that he went back down.

He's sitting in a kitchen chair. Lounging. He never does that. And he all but ignored a can of food.

My cat rescue lady isn't responding to texts. She's probably drunk. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that reminds me of a parakeet I had.
One day, he took to sitting on my foot.
The next day, he was fitted for a shoe box...
The local chain grocery still has it's lunch/deli section open
where the only thing protecting the food is the plastic shields.
The again, we don't have a lot of coronavirus here...
I'm amazed at the hyper-protection some people are engaged in.

Then again, some folks are doing nothing.

I know I'm good - I'm Allah's Favorite, a veritable Fruit of Islam . . .

if Calypso Louie hadn't already appropriated the term . . . . :rolleyes:

You might be a fruit...


... cake.

The funny thing about the store is, the
employees are wearing masks
and standing at the doors
counting noses and
limiting noses.
And wiping the handles on the carts/buggies.

And standing there in clumps, chatting and acting like they'd give you some he'p but offering none unless axed.

Kinda like my fatass co-workers, who pull their trucks beside each other like cops and run their mouths.

One of them brought in a dozen donuts week before last. Wat never saw more than the empty box . . . . :mad:

Under the heading of people will be people.
Businesses are closed, employees are furloughed
and we are admonished to stay home, yet, and yet...,


the local nurseries are reporting record sales of garden plants.
I saw Disney employees who went to the house of a make-a-wish kid.
I guess their costumes kept them safe from infection...

... or something like that.
Reminds me, I have to pick up a tomato plant this week. I'm kinda over starting from seed.
Yeah, it's a pain in the ass and I have to rearrange
my furniture to get the seedlings up to the picture windows...
My friend home with the sore back went and bought plants, and she's all about getting that shit in this weekend. Silly green thumb people.

Wat is killing green stuff this year and letting other green stuff - low maintenance - take over.

It's weedeater season, that and getting the lawn thing green piece of (free) shit running.

Prolly carb issues if it won't start . . . .

As we all know, if it can live within a three-inch height limit,
I don't care if it is grass, or weed.

I do have some onions growing in the garden
that I seemed to have missed last year
when I harvested them.
I have seeds too.
I'm thinking of ornamental weed-like things that have started to come up and are allowed to take over if they are so inclined.


I grow at least one big heirloom every year. It's not that the fancy new hybrids taste like shit, they don't taste at all.
I have some South American weeds that got established
and grow up to six-feet tall with very interesting flowers.
It could almost be confused with pot plants before it blooms.

I always put out some cherry and pear tomato plants for salads.