TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It's passing at a right good clip for me.
Working the garden helps; getting away from all the chatter...

Good morning folks. Tonight will be a work for essential staff, so here I am, setting up the sleep schedule so I'll be awake for whatever rolls in.
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So, if this proves to be making a mountain out of a molehill
(by a partisan press corps[e])
to derail the Trump Economic Miracle . . .

will it still make a noise????

I asked to come in for the cat's final minutes.
The vet said, if you're not afraid.
I said, I ain't skeert uh nuthin'.
Abe said to God, where you want this killin' done?

And God said to Abe, out on highway 61 . . . .

Ain't enough light for the scope to work.


So, next Saturday, there should be a Loud Bike
coming home to . . . roost.

No, that bitch needs ridin' . . . .


My squirrels don't roll out of the nest at first light...

In an oak forest, nuts are to plentiful to scramble
unlike out DC nuts who are always scrambling,
passing stuff in the dead of night that you
have to read to see what was passed.

I am essential to the squirrel population.
We ran off all the natural predators long ago.

There is the one lone fox, but sooner, or later, I'll have a fur. :cool:
I got a text from Jabba teh s000per yesterday. On my fucking day off. To be prepared to put these back panels in the mis-designed-n-directed cabinet installs
in the first floor units.

Translation: bring your circle saw to work on Monday. The good news is, it'll be work on vacants. And noisy. Which means all phone calls will be Outgoing Only.

Good news: outta sight and outta mind!!!

The summer's riding will be spectacular on many fronts . . . .

Not really, I'm just wound too tight to do much sittin around. Although, you know how they send those SSA statements out with the this is what the amount of your "entitlement" check will be based on current stats? I got one this week. it was like being in that ins. commercial with the fisherman...oooo just about had it.
Entitlement? From my perspective it's "earned income." You pay in for years and then they turn it around and try to make it look like they're giving you something for nothing.
My bad. You can't see the concern in my right eye.
It is overshadowed by the don't-give-a-fuck in my left eye.

I got enrolled into some pension thing at some job or another years ago.

I get a statement annually telling me what my monthly benefit is up to.

It's not enough to be able to trade bikes every year, but it'll be a nice add to the SS check and the other bits-n-pieces.

Assuming that Wat ever quits working . . . .

Some folks need a chese grater tooken to their bits.

Just to get their attention, you know.

Keeping it is another matter entirely . . . .

Wat is the guy who will retire late in life and die a week later.

That's just how it happens. I retired early to enjoy a lingering death. :)
Not until he outlives us all. He really should be lookin out for us, because the longer we live, the longer he lives
After he has outlived the lot of you.

And posts on Lit all alone.

Hey, I buried REDWAVE and P_P_Man . . . .
