TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I somewhat will miss my gardening escapades, but I'll get over it.

I hunted down my dog rescue woman, and she gave me her vet's name. After trying her hand at cat diagnosis. :rolleyes:

I called the vet and they squeezed me in this morning.

All thanks be to Allah for his manifold blessings, great mercies, et cetera and so on . . . .

I hope that it's something easily knocked out.

As in, all the fuck out.

Give him a big old shot and cure him.

Insh'Allah . . . .

Wat's new "Weasel Work-horse" perhaps? How would the peeps on his job-site react if he rolled up in this unit?




Sorry to hear Wat. Little fella going to to be breaking in a new partner in crime soon?
Afternoon tea time.

The tiller project is over and done with, time to think up something else to do.
Went out and did for a friend. It was what needed to be done. Plus I got some more of the proposed salvaged landscape stuff out of here.

Home. Grazed out, such as it was. Got ice cream.

Also got a lonely little fella sitting in my lap ticking like a bomb. We may get him to be a travel cat. Of course, he'll have to learn how to pee outside.

Tonight will be slow-n-quiet. Tomorrow, there's a handful of stuff to accomplish.

Sorry about your fur buddy Wat

I spread white clover seeds in the grass again this year, it stays low to the ground and brings me cottontails for the pups to chase

Other than that, not much is happening here
I am so sorry about the kitteh, Wat.
Not much going on here.
Pantry is at 90%
Ammo is at 100%
Toilet paper is at 12 rolls, considering a search of unorthodox distribution centers. However, we should be okay while we wait for the trees to leaf out.
Always sorry to hear that a pet passes.

The pantry is decently stocked. The Kirkland organic salsa is awesome. The freezer's doing well. There's bacon for at least 6 to 8 weeks. The beer and wine won't run out for a very long time. Life is good.
Happy Saturday!!!

The hole I put off digging yesterday must be dug this morning.
And the grocery store must be visited as there is a great need for
- very meaty s'ghetti sauce.

And Zelda goes in for her Major Makeover today, too.
Twenty-one more cubic inches, new cam,
new ported heads, larger injectors and throttle body,
new intake and exhaust, snorkel air cleaner, and loud pipes.
Huge loud pipes!!!
Oh, a new ECM tuner. And a sissy bar.
Because . . . 'Murrika!!!

But first, coffee . . . .



Sorry to hear about el Gato grande.

I pushed little stupid out of the way and used her ass do do it
producing a huge yelp. I think her cancer is back.
I hate to sound callow/shallow but
good riddance.
I have to admit that I have dug into my .22 stash,
because, you know, it's nice out and bored...
Wat's new "Weasel Work-horse" perhaps? How would the peeps on his job-site react if he rolled up in this unit?





Sorry I missed this yesterday.

I remember those as a kid, writing parking tickets.
The cops on them. Trikes can't write. :eek:

There is one sitting beside a restaurant near here.
It's been there for eons.
They were the last of the old L-head engines, I think.

Anything that puts fear into weasels is the will of Allah in practice.

Good morning.

Shopping day of sorts....kinda sorta. The store crowds have returned to normal mostly. Don't know if TP is back on the shelf because I don't need any.

I'll burn some more josh for your departed buddy Wat.
Despite government, I get the sense that people here
are gravitating back towards natural country contrarian self-ordinance...

;) ;)
He was a really good boy.

I (very selfishly) was looking forward to years to come with
him and his arrogant shenanigans. Character in no-trump.

Just smoked up the upstairs again.

I wager that his reincarnated soul appears at my door within months . . . .


It is amazing how they can sense a vacuum...

Squirrels too!
Every time I kill off a bunch
a brand-new crop appears
as if by magical wand-wave.

(Not to be confused with Redwave. :D )
He was consistent and sincere, which made him a
Vast Improvement over the current crop of
Finger Pointers and Name Callers.
I can respect that, and we were always civil.


And May will be a century . . . .

