TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

He chases squirrels and runs head first into trees.

Maybe he’s autistic, I did have him vaccinated... :D
He chases squirrels and runs head first into trees.

Maybe he’s autistic, I did have him vaccinated... :D

My uncle had a beagle named Spike.
He loved getting Spike all wound up
by telling him, there's a squirrel outside,
getting him all wound up and then opening the door
and laughing hysterically as Spike frantically went after the squirrel.

Unfortunately, they lived across the street from a firehouse
and Spike fell victim to a fire truck...
Anywho, got the brass primed yesterday so I'll crank up the press when I get back from the range. Ordered the powder for the 300 so I can start working up a new load for that beast as well.
Here on the jobsite. Jabba the s000per showed up, probably to see how Wat intended to deal with The Key Situation. It was no issue. Wat had the building open before Jabba Jabbaed.

Funny, Jabba did give me a key, which was my key to determining that he lied to me.

So far so good on the work front. Got to ride in, and today is nothing short of gorgeous. In every respect.

My last bike's name was Barbie.



Back from the range. The noob did a pretty damn good job. No safety gigs and a pretty interesting course of fire to boot.

As a side note there was a CCW class going on as well. 40% female attendees, a sign of the times.
Wimmins. Bitches be learnin'.

I tell mine who ask, if you're no prepared to kill someone, don't even be bothered to bother, yanno? Or at least think you're prepared.

Wat isn't prepared to dispose of bodies.

Saw a high-flying hawk this morning pretty much right above where I almost hit the hawk the other day. He was being harassed by crows. Hope it's the same bird . . . .

the cat who moved in a few months back now has decided the porch is the place to be. I suppose it is his summer home. He looks like a Louis to me; Louie, if he's behaving and/or being all cute and stuff. The other cats still either hate him or are indifferent to him. He, in turn, is indifferent to their feelings.
The dogs have no interest in the cats and treat them all with aloof indifference.

Everything else in Bidin's world remains the same.
the cat who moved in a few months back now has decided the porch is the place to be. I suppose it is his summer home. He looks like a Louis to me; Louie, if he's behaving and/or being all cute and stuff. The other cats still either hate him or are indifferent to him. He, in turn, is indifferent to their feelings.
The dogs have no interest in the cats and treat them all with aloof indifference.

Everything else in Bidin's world remains the same.

The same is often a good thing. It's a nice day, here. Bacon and pancakes are digesting. Looking to get out and get a few things done around the homestead.
Wat went to the restaurant (Teh Diner), the one the fat boys like, and got Teh Club Sammidge.

It was too much.

This day's work will take all fucking day. The good thing is, Wat is only supervising.

Wonder what's on Netflix . . . .



Back from the grocery store...the little one 'cause I couldn't see me going to the big one for just a few things.
Also, hoping for a hay delivery today.
Left early this morning for Niagara Falls, took a friend,
the little one and the pups (they are good to keep social
distance from all but little humans).
Left early this morning for Niagara Falls, took a friend,
the little one and the pups (they are good to keep social
distance from all but little humans).

My sis lives across the way from me. I made her Diva dog mad at me today. She was all set to head out on a run unsanctioned by sis. (read here she was sneaking off) I was sitting out on the porch, and when she got to my driveway, I said " Molly, where you headin? you better get back home". She stopped, looked at me a few minutes, and I said again.." get on back home missy, go on now". She went back and stopped in her yard and gave me that I'm so mad at you for messing up my day look with her head all drooped down. But she went home...all 14 kinds of offended.
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