TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I'm taking Mom.

It'll be like a working vacation.


Winding down.

They want me out at the range tomorrow AM. We have a noob in charge of the 3 gun matches and they want an RSO out there to make sure he didn't set up anything stupidly. We shall see.

Chance of T'Storms this evening. They do cool things down a bit and the rain is always welcome, but the increased humidity not so much. Can't have it all I suppose.
Went out to see the Friday night crowd, now that they'll let us. Passed on supper so's I could come home and get to bed earlier to get up early tomorrow to get to work.

Wat called maintenance, the woman on call, who's Wat's buddy. She'll get us into the leasing office, no sweat.

Petulant fat boys!!!

The cat is acting really silly tonight.

Happy Saturday!!!

It's too damned early, but still. The cat has lots of food. Situation Normal here for this time of day.

Looks like cool-n-wind today at work. Which means, no a/c emergencies. A/c is out? Open those new windows of yours and test those new screens. Allergies? Benadryl.

Coffee is good - before bike-to-work day . . . .



Flonase for allergies, I shit thee not!
Up early, by habit.

On a side note, in these here parts, Miami is pronounced MiamUH...
I shit thee not!

Hell hounds were up late last night.
I opened their gate and only one bothered to change beds.

The coffee is good and hot, there will be a second cup.
I shit thee not!

The dog is running around like a maniac this morning, but at least the coffee is good.

I suspect there’s a chipmunk somewhere.
Slow morning on teh intrawebz. No matter.

The cat is quiet. I reckon he's . . . resting . . . .


Off to hit the showers.
