TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I know, we used to get ours out of the Alamosa Valley up in CO. Had to be very careful with it, both in feeding and securing. Damn fools would founder themselves if allowed.
Speaking of hay, it's going to be a few days yet.

BTW, in reading back over what i missed, I have no idea why JS thinks us folks in the southern part of the state are strange. He should be sure of it by now. :D
I've done that to a tree with my shotgun, semi auto with 50-round drum attached.

Just because I could,
just because I'm semi-Redneck
not by birth but by neighborly acceptance.

Cool mornings, hot afternoons, a good recipe for siestas...

Mornin' y'all.
I can't hide.
I have dachshunds.
If I stir, they are awake.
If I ignore them, they set about to barking.

A lot of my personal trolls really do resemble dachshunds...
Dachshunds don't do anything individually,
and I still speak to the metaphor, it is always a pack attack.
They all zig-zag in random crazy patterns as a pack, but they see that

;) ;)

as an indication and rebellious display of their individualism, but without the pack,
they know not what they hunt or even enjoy a developed sense of purpose and direction.
Good morning folks. I'm waiting for my first cup and I hear it gurgling in the Kitchen as I type.

Damn good rain last night which means a damn humid day today.

I'm training my neighbors Shepard. All the benefits of a dog without the vet bill, shit shoveling, or feeding. I like the arrangement.
Good morning folks. I'm waiting for my first cup and I hear it gurgling in the Kitchen as I type.

Damn good rain last night which means a damn humid day today.

I'm training my neighbors Shepard. All the benefits of a dog without the vet bill, shit shoveling, or feeding. I like the arrangement.

I’ll drop mine off. Call me when he’s learned to avoid trees and lay on feet on cold mornings.
That's funny, the dachshunds try to train me,
to get my mind right.

So far punishment is a failed attempt.
I guess they have no reward...

;) ;)