Tucker Carlson's documentary suggests 1/6 was a false-flag op

Blaming other people without evidence is the Trumpy way
Trump's personal history had nothing in common with the kind of vile accusations Hillary perpetrated on the American people.

Do you even realize how many American lives he ruined due to his incompetence and bankruptcies?
Do you even realize how many American lives he ruined due to his incompetence and bankruptcies?

No, he doesn't. He believes Trump is a smart, successful businessman who earned every penny he ever made. (Okay, the last part isn't exactly wrong - he never earned any money except maybe as an entertainer on The Apprentice, but that's also the only money he ever really made as opposed to inheriting it.)
Bankruptcy is a tool that is strategically used by the wealthy.

That does not negate Rotadom's point in any way. It was ultimately the taxpayers who footed the bill - to the extent that anyone ever did - for Trump's bankruptcies. That doesn't even touch on his many creditors who provided goods or services for him and never got paid.
That does not negate Rotadom's point in any way. It was ultimately the taxpayers who footed the bill - to the extent that anyone ever did - for Trump's bankruptcies. That doesn't even touch on his many creditors who provided goods or services for him and never got paid.

Taxpayers don't foot the bill in bankruptcies. Bankruptcy wipes out or restructures unsecured debt between a private parties. Sometimes you have to go into a chapter 13, which is payment plan. Back taxes and other government death is rarely if ever dischargeable.

You could always secure loans or in the case of performance based contacts , have installment based contracts that pay when certain benchmarks are reached. That way you're not out all that money when you're done.
Bankruptcy is a tool that is strategically used by the wealthy.

Taxpayers don't foot the bill in bankruptcies. Bankruptcy wipes out or restructures unsecured debt between a private parties. Sometimes you have to go into a chapter 13, which is payment plan. Back taxes and other government death is rarely if ever dischargeable.

You could always secure loans or in the case of performance based contacts , have installment based contracts that pay when certain benchmarks are reached. That way you're not out all that money when you're done.

Yes. I do think trump vacuumed money out of his casino and allowed it to go bankrupt knowing he could restructure for pennies on the dollar and keep all the money he previously sucked up. A total fuck y’all greed is good play.

He also simply refused to pay vendors and builders when he decided he’d paid enough forget what the contact amount was.
Why don't you prove him wrong?

Just for the sake of fun, let's assume or pretend that Carlson is right about January 6th being a false flag planted by those conspiring against the right wing. In that situation, I would find it absolutely telling that right wingers are so easy to manipulate. Just have an FBI agent rile them up like Borat, and they respond like Pavlov's dogs.

So, what's the story? These now-arrested right-wingers were suckered into criminal acts by Trump and white nationalists (as many of them are claiming in their pathetic legal defenses) or by FBI agents?

Either way, what a bunch of easily manipulated fools. :eek:

Hell, you could trick them into jumping off a cliff.

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That is was a false flag operation, not planned and conducted by ReEpublicnas. That is a lie.

We don't know that at this stage. We know what the narrative is, but the truth has yet to come out. Nancy Pelosi, who bears primary responsibility for the security of the Capitol, has partisan controls on the entire investigation and the information stream. She is withholding all of her communications on the subject with Capitol Police. Nobody on that commission is asking her any tough questions. She picked two compliant Rinos to serve on the commission, excluding top-notch Republican investigators. Why? We know why.

Why is the DOJ denying habeas corpus and bail to offenders? Why are they being held in solitary confinement, for almost a year, on minor charges of trespassing? We know why. The government wants to illegally punish people much more severely than any court would do if they brought these cases to trial.
It's comical how ReichGuide and other Deplorables love to posture as victims. This time it once again has to with how they are victims of "Deep State" actors.

You know, perhaps one reason why so many Deplorables are so paranoid is that they have carried out so many fools' errands during their lives. Basically, they are just too easily manipulated by others.

As a result, we now have almost the entire Republican Party posturing as perpetual victims of manipulation by "others". What a bunch of whining wimps!

Ya just can't make this shit up.

Unless you're Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson has been a disappointment. :(

I was initially impressed with him. :)

I enjoy investigating different points of view. However, what I demand from a
commentator is honesty. Those who disagree with me can interpret the facts as they
choose. Nevertheless, their factual assertions have got to be accurate. :cathappy: