Range wars

There were, of course, many B westerns made on the subject of wars between the good, clean cattlemen and them sodbusters and sheep men. Often involved the importation of a hired gun like Jack Palance or Jack Elam to give 'em a good seein' to.
Re: Range wars

MathGirl said:
There were . . .wars between the good, clean cattlemen and them sodbusters and sheep men. Often involved the importation of a hired gun like Jack Palance or Jack Elam to give 'em a good seein' to.

It was this bovine reliance on resorting to firearms and fisticuffs to settle all disputes, which makes any survey of cinematic western history such a sheepish pastime. :(

Only in passing, did you notice the Elam is an anagram of ‘lame” and Palance nearly one for ‘lap dance” :confused:
Re: Re: Range wars

Quasimodem said:
Only in passing, did you notice the Elam is an anagram of ‘lame” and Palance nearly one for ‘lap dance”
Dear Quaz,
No, I didn't realize that, and I'll be forever in your debt for pointing it out. Jack Elam gets my vote for ugliest mofo ever to grace the silver screen. Biggest mouth, certainly.
MathGirl said:
. . . Jack Elam gets my vote for ugliest mofo . . Biggest mouth, certainly.


I have no information about Jack Elam's relationship with his maternal parent.

Joe E. Brown, I believe, actually held the 'Biggest Mouth' record. :eek:

Undoubtedly, it was the matted hair surrounding the mouth in question that made it so intimidating.

Similar reactions have been known to happen with timid gentlemen and unshaven ladies of generous invitation. :rolleyes:

Strange, is it not, how far we have strayed from the world of SCTV, or as you would have it TVSC. :(

And speaking of absent singing cowboys and their sidekicks, there remains the curious case of “Where Do We Go From Here?” a 1945 wartime fantasy in which Fred MacMurray tries to overcome his 4F status by resorting to a Wizard. :eek:

Both Leonard Slye , aka Roy Rogers, and George ‘Gabby’ Hayes took part in that production but both their scenes were ‘delete.’ One cannot help but wonder to what depths Singing Cowboy Transvestite history sank during the making of that film, now mercifully hidden by years of obscurity. ;)
Quasimodem said:
Strange, is it not, how far we have strayed from the world of SCTV, or as you would have it TVSC. :(

Both Leonard Slye , aka Roy Rogers, and George ‘Gabby’ Hayes took part in that production but both their scenes were ‘delete.’ One cannot help but wonder to what depths Singing Cowboy Transvestite history sank during the making of that film, now mercifully hidden by years of obscurity. ;)

Dear Quaz,
So Gabby's real name was George. No wonder he was bushy. Sorry.

That film with Fred Mac sounds like HWood may have reached depths from which it has never completely recovered.
Ps. As for this thread straying, I think the original subject was well covered and that we're best to have wandered therefrom.
Pps. I'm really, really sorry about the George thing.
MathGirl said:
. . . I'm really, really sorry about the George thing.

I believe most sane people are, Math. :(

As for the desirability of straying from the Singing Cowboy Transvestite topic, I feel you underestimate the true size of the phenomenon.

Bad enough that they exhibited these unwholesome proclivities in public, much less on celluloid, but even worse, that these lapses in good taste were intended for the innocent consumption of minors.

I do not mean minors with consumption, I mean minor consumers. :rolleyes:

How many unformed minds were moulded into the belief that music and sudden death were inextricably linked? How many of these scarred youths chose careers as hired assassins, without ever learning of the prohibitive cost of ammunition, and its tendency to run out, just when a rapidly deployed salvo of lead would be most propitious? And how many of these damaged waifs discovered, after serving a stretch for armed robbery, that more than a simple change in their colour of haberdashery was required, before they could successfully go straight? :confused:

You may be satisfied with a cursory glance at the curst Singing Cowboy Transvestites, but I cannot rest. I will forever be haunted by the sight of rustlers rotting on the prairie, Native Americans circling - forever counterclockwise - around overwhelmingly armed prairie schooners, and then, finally, there is the smell of the wiffletree. :(

The wagons must roll! The stage must go through!

This is no time for the timid. The moment has come, as it does for every pregnant horse.

Stand and deliver! :eek:
Head 'em up an' move 'em out!

Quasimodem said:
The wagons must roll! The stage must go through!
Stand and deliver!

Dear Quaz,
My, my, you certainly get worked up, don't you? Of course the subject is one that brings heat to everyone's blood. Thanks be to Ward Bond and Black Bart. We should also be thankful that Marion Morrison was never forced to perpetrate a song on film. At least I hope he never did. Just the thought puts me off my feed. Well, it's time to go put on the old nose bag.
YippieOhhh KiiYayyy,
Ps. I rented "It's a Wonderful Life" last Xmas season. There was good old Ward B, playing a cop. He didn't look right without his ten gallon hat and vest.
Pss. We don' need no stinkin' badgers.
Re: Head 'em up an' move 'em out!

MathGirl said:
. . . We should also be thankful that Marion Morrison was never forced to perpetrate a song on film. At least I hope he never did. Just the thought puts me off my feed. . . .

I hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, but “Duke” Marion “John Wayne” Michael Morrison, Weather-by George Legree . . . sang a song in “Pittsburgh.” :eek:

No! Don’t quote me! That may have been Marlene Dietrich as Josie 'Hunky' Winters. I can’t be certain. They had such similar walks. :rolleyes:

At any event, I do know he sang a snatch of “I Pyted Her” as Rooster Cogburn in either, the movie of the same name, or “True Grit” which is a fair appraisal of his vocal. Even Dietrich sounded feminine in comparison. :confused:

When you look about Wayne for sidekicks, as we already have, we see Randolph Scott, Chill Wills, and Victor McLaglen, pretty Slim Pickens, you betcha! ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
Is muffler someone who does your muff? Coz I'd really like that!:)
It probably means that in the U.K.; they call sweaters jumpers, duh.
Svenskaflicka said:
Is muffler someone who does your muff? Coz I'd really like that!:)

No, Flicka.

A muffler is something you wrap about your face so you cant smell the horses. :(

When someone comes :confused: to do your muff, they are said to be ‘in mufti’ :D
Re: Re: Head 'em up an' move 'em out!

Quasimodem said:
When you look about Wayne for sidekicks, as we already have, we see Randolph Scott, Chill Wills, and Victor McLaglen, pretty Slim Pickens, you betcha! ;)

Dear Quaz,
One of my all time favorite old movies is "One Eyed Jacks." A young, handsome Marlon Brando has two great lines:
He calls Chill Wills a "big tubba guts."
He calls Carl Maulden a "scum suckin' pig."
With that Brando voice, the lines were unforgettable.
Ps. As Warren Oates said to Roy Scheider in the Movie "Blue Thunder: "Irritating little cocksucker, isn't he?"
I know that has nothing to do with anything, but the way Warren O said it out the side of his mouth makes it my all time favorite movie line.
Malcolmtent McDowell

MathGirl said:
Dear Quaz,
As Warren Oates said: "Irritating little cocksucker, isn't he?"
. . . the way Warren O said it out the side of his mouth makes it my all time favorite movie line.
;) "Tsckt! Follow my leader!"
Re: Malcolmtent McDowell

Quasimodem said:
;) "Tsckt! Follow my leader!"

Mal McD. You obviously saw the movie. Shades of "A Clockwork Orange," one of the worse movies ever made from a good book.
Re: Re: Malcolmtent McDowell

MathGirl said:
Mal McD. You obviously saw the movie. Shades of "A Clockwork Orange," one of the worse movies ever made from a good book.

It is an almost technically perfect movie, which should never have been adapted to film. :cool:

But, hey, the music was terrific and Malcolm makes a PERFECT psychopath :rolleyes: Huh? :confused: What did I say? :eek:
Re: Re: Re: Malcolmtent McDowell

Quasimodem said:
It is an almost technically perfect movie, which should never have been adapted to film.

Dear Quaz,
That's a bunch of cal.
Malcolmtent McDowell

MathGirl said:
. . . That's a bunch of cal. . . .

Could you define that, Math? :confused:
It appears you may have headed South, once too often.:eek:
Re: Malcolmtent McDowell

Quasimodem said:
Could you define that, Math? :confused:
It appears you may have headed South, once too often.:eek:

I was just remembering a frequently used word from the book 'A Clockwork Orange.' "Cal" meant doo-doo.
MG, Cinemophile
Re: Malcolmtent McDowell

MathGirl said:
I was just remembering a frequently used word from the book 'A Clockwork Orange.' "Cal" meant doo-doo.
MG, Cinemophile

Ah! that must be the problem. :rolleyes:

I have never actually bothered learning any cobbled together language :( , with the exception of a slight nodding acquaintance with "English, How She Are Spoke!" ;)
Re: Re: Rong again

Quasimodem said:
Ah! You use the East L.A. Edition. :rolleyes:

Dear Quaz,
No, the East LA edition says, "English, How She Am Spoke, Pendejo."
Rong again

MathGirl said:
Dear Quaz,
No, the East LA edition says, "English, How She Am Spoke, Pendejo."

Sorry, Math,

I feel I must consult with an expert.

Anyboy see Perdita about the board?