Twenty Somethings

BXGemini20 said:
Nothing to do tonight. In other news, I'll be 21 in 6 days. I don't know how to feel either...
Happy early Birthday BX!!

We'll have to have a drink for each other, I'll be 23 a couple of days after your day.
BXGemini20 said:
Nothing to do tonight. In other news, I'll be 21 in 6 days. I don't know how to feel either...

Ah believe me, you won't feel any different. Maybe older, but that's about it. Hell, I forget I'm even 21. Since I rarely drink, that's why I forget. I should get out more, but the sad part of it is... whenever a good time is to get out and go places, I have to work at that time of the day.

So... here's a chug of Bacardi for an early b-day. Have a good one.
Birthdays all around this month huh??? Happy Birthday Gemini and's some birthday kisses :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: (two each) :)
:D Thanks for the kisses, My. Probaly be the only kisses I get anyway. Need to think about returning the favor...
My Own Way said:
LOL...greedy man huh?? You can have as many as you want Blue...wherever you want them ;)

think I may have to take you up on that My....;)
My Own Way said:
Where is everyone?? I miss you all :(

Is there any better way to spend an afternoon then in a used bookstore?
ok aside from the obvious ;)
blue112 said:
Is there any better way to spend an afternoon then in a used bookstore?
ok aside from the obvious ;)

I love used book stores. I was at this awsome one in Atlanta a few months ago right be Emory University. I could have spent days in there and never been satisfied...
My Own Way said:
Where is everyone?? I miss you all :(
I am back now... from a really cool trip. We walked almost 60 km in three days to get to some villages that are far away from any road, have no electricity, no store, high up in the puna where only potatoes grow... people sleep on the floor on some blankets, the whole family together to keep each other warm, as the nights are really cold... but the landscape is amazing, and people are still very traditional which is very interesting too...
My Own Way said:
Where is everyone?? I miss you all :(

Busy as usual MyOwn, and trying to avoid women I lust for, have an interest in, etc.

My heart and my emotions cause confusion with my thinking, therefore I cannot think clearly.

Until I am able to control my thoughts and emotions so they allow me to think clearly without conflict, I'm going to be semi-away mostly. Not to mention working as well.
Same excuse as always: Work.

My franchise is being bought out this coming week, so hopefully the new owner will somehow allow me to take some time off.

Wow.. a real day off. What I wouldn't give!
almost 12 hours at 21 and I feel no different. What a night! I couldn't sleep it was too hot and idoits shooting fireworks at 2 in the morning. Morons!
BXGemini20 said:
almost 12 hours at 21 and I feel no different. What a night! I couldn't sleep it was too hot and idoits shooting fireworks at 2 in the morning. Morons!

Yep, I done told you that you won't feel no different. Well, I've always felt older and somewhat wiser each passing year, but other than that, nothing different.

Wait until we hit our midlife crisis... lol
More disappearing twentysomethings??? Guess the warm is luring people away for the computer. I need to venture out of my house as well. Hope everyome is having fun
i wish it was warm here at night... daytime is nice... but nights are freezing... *shiver*
I leave for like two minutes....

I tell ya i leave for a while and come back only to see that the thread has dwindled to birthday wishes and frustrated wishes for warmer weather....where has the one woman who holds this thing together gone?
phdbio said:
I tell ya i leave for a while and come back only to see that the thread has dwindled to birthday wishes and frustrated wishes for warmer weather....where has the one woman who holds this thing together gone?

Guess who's back....back again...Bio's back...tell a friend.....LOL. My own rendition of Eminem. Anyway...who are you to talk Mr. I disapper for months on end...?
Never do that again

What am i to say i am have to take me as i am the neophite the lower than low. but i am back i guess that is the only silver lining. take it or leave it